Bill and Tracy Epilogue by Chloe Ann Vixen


Three very pretty bikini-clad young women, two hand in hand, are walking down the beach, as small waves gently lap the sand. It was late afternoon and the end of a perfect beach day. The tanned stomach of one of the girls, the one wearing a hat, had the definite beginnings of a bump .They hadn’t a care in the world.

After rinsing the sand off their feet and legs they retired to the ocean-fronting porch of a beach house. They watched the surf as the sun set behind them, and talked of small things. Time seemed pleasantly suspended. One of the ladies, who wore a thin silver eternity collar around her neck, brought out cool drinks from the kitchen—freshly squeezed lemonade for the pregnant one, and crisp white wine for herself and the other.

They had ended up there after getting away from a collective life that had gotten quite out of hand—so much so that it had come close to fracturing their relationships. They had escaped with little time to spare, so it seemed.

As the girl serving starts to hand a glass of wine to the other, the other girl, smiling, holds up her hand in a stopping motion.

“I think I should probably stick to lemonade too.”

It takes a second for the import of what she said to sink in. The girl serving asks—

“You mean?” (Glancing at the girl in the hat, and then back to the other girl.) “You too?”

“Yes! You’re going to be a daddy! This makes two!”

“That’s absolutely fantastic! God, I love you!”

The girls all hug excitedly. The girl who is serving breaks away.

I’ll be right back!”

She returns with another glass of fresh-squeezed lemonade and a double Old Fashioned glass filled to the brim with bourbon and ice. She definitely needs a drink!

This day was a long time coming.

When Tracy, Bill and Candi-Floss had gotten back to Tracy’s apartment after the matter of Elijah there was a whole lot to talk about. And Bill, who had had enough of lisping, took out his tongue piercing for the conversation.

First, there was the apology to Bill from Tracy.

“It was all my fault. Elijah offered to help because I couldn’t bring myself to hurt you. I thought he was a friend, and instead he betrayed me, and hurt, really hurt, you. And those terrible things he did to you. I’m so, so sorry! I would understand if you left and never came back. I would understand if you never forgave me!”

Bill considers this for a moment.

“You know what he did to me?” (Hoping she doesn’t.)


Hurt shows in his eyes.

“And didn’t ask him to do that?”

“Only to lock the chastity on and oversee your punishment. The rest, what he did with his cock, was all him. And I had no idea.”

“I see. And calling him Master?”

“Again his idea. He wouldn’t give me the keys to your chastity. I had to do something. I was desperate. And he was going to do to me what he did to you, and I was going to let him. I’m so, so sorry!”

“So what happened?”

“Well, you remember Abagail? My friend from lunch the other day?”

“The one with the hypodermic and girl juice?”

“Yes. She found out what Elijah had done and was planning to do and she told me. We just had to rescue you, to rescue us, from this mess.”

“So we developed a plan … .”

Tracy proceeded to tell Bill how the plan all came together and how Candi-Floss had heroically delivered the critical shot.

Bill couldn’t help but smile when Tracy told him that it had been Candi-Floss’s idea to subdue Elijah with a tranquilizer pistol, and how she had gone every day, dressed in an olive-drab military green halter top with matching shorts and cap, wearing tan suede army boots, to the pistol range to practice her shot. Her only complaint had been that the shooting made her feel “horny as hell.” Then again the horniness may have been from all the guys who congregated around her when she was practicing. In any event, when everything settled down she was planning to join the NRA. Tracy did have to talk her out of enlisting in the army, though. The NRA was their compromise.

And Candi-Floss had changed into and worn her “shooting outfit “ when she took down Elijah.

After Tracy was done with the story, Bill smiled and sighed.

“Tracy, darling, how could I not forgive you? I love you, and even if you had done all that I still would love you. And any of those things he did to me I would have gladly endured for you. But I think we both need to be more careful going forward. Maybe all this wasn’t such a good idea after all. And Candi-Floss, you saved us. Both of us! I don’t know how we can ever repay you!”

“Shucks, guys. You would have done the same for me. But for repayment, Tracy, you could start by taking these damn chastity contraptions off of us. We all need something. And I need it badly and your boy, uh, girl, here, has just the thing!”

It was one heckuva night. Halfway through, when Bill was about to give out, they forced one of those “pills” on him—thus fortified, he kept going until sunrise. The exhausted three slept until afternoon.

Bill woke first, and made coffee. The girls gratefully accept their cups. Tracy started the conversation that had to be had—

“So what now? Bill, Candi-Floss and I had decided to close up the studio and move from here, from this area, but that’s about as far as we got. What do you think?”

He is silent for a moment, weighing options.

“Well, back east I have a house at the beach and one in the mountains, both in North Carolina, and I had always planned to retire to them. Why don’t we all three take up residence there until we can make a better plan? Both have more than enough room. The beach house will be rented for a couple of months, but the mountain house is open.”

And so it was decided. Tracy did need to arrange for more time off from work and to be able to work remotely, both of which were fine with her employer. And Candi-Floss was looking forward to a new adventure. They spent the next week packing and making preparations. They decided to take the contents of the playroom and Tracy’s toy collection with them —just for “fun,” and “just in case,” they reasoned.

On the second night Candi-Floss worked her last shift at the Club, and didn’t come home that night or the next. She had kept in touch with Tracy the whole time, so no alarms were triggered. On the morning she returned she was walking tenderly and an absolute mess. There could be no doubt as to what she had been up to. Tracy just rolled her eyes, but did admonish her about being safety conscious, at least as long as she, Tracy and Bill were a “throuple.” Candi-Floss said that she had already thought about that and had taken precautions. This pleased Tracy.

Both girls were impressed with the mountain house. Neither really had thought that beneath Bill’s bra and panties was a man of such substantial means. Tracy had known that Bill was okay financially, but he had always been modest about it and never flexed. And while it was in the mountains, it was in one of the more upscale mountain resort areas.

As far as their three-way relationship was concerned, both Bill and Candi-Floss adored Tracy.
Bill and Candi-Floss also had come to love each other in a brotherly-sisterly kind of way, albeit with benefits. Tracy accepted and even encouraged this, as she loved Candi-Floss as a submissive girlfriend and lover and owed her a tremendous debt of gratitude. Tracy also knew that she, Tracy, would always be Bill’s one and only true love. There was never any jealousy among them. And Tracy had made it clear to Candi-Floss that, unless they were actually “playing,” Candi-Floss and Bill were equals, and that Tracy was still very much the alpha.

Once the beach house came vacant they moved down there for the warmer weather. The house itself and the charming little beach town were idyllic.

As far as their “indoor games,” playing with Tracy’s toys and making Bill do the “maid” thing, were concerned, it continued, but in a more relaxed and playful way. And Bill was given input on the rules. He soon learned that the hornier he and the girls were when the rules were negotiated the harder it ended up being for him. But the rules were absolutely respected and just as absolutely enforced. Candi-Floss and Tracy even invented a game, “Capture the Maid,” which Bill both loved and hated. But as long as he was let go once he had been released from chastity and used for sex, he was happy to play along. And after all, someone still needed to do the laundry and tidy the house.

Just about the time they relocated to the beach Tracy’s company was purchased, netting her a considerable sum through the exercise of her stock options, and allowing her to formally retire. Her net worth was, though, still considerably less than Bill’s.

Candi-Floss found a place in an adjacent beach town at which she could dance, and did occasionally disappear for a night or two, but kept it clean.

Which brings us to Bill. He didn’t want, or at least wasn’t ready, to go back to his guy life, and liked doing the girl thing. He was still excited by the underwear, makeup, shoes and clothes, but it was a more wholesome excitement—a truly girlish kind of excitement. He wanted to try having breasts, which he had done (polite little “C” cups, courtesy of the best clinic in Atlanta) with the girls’ blessings. At the same time, he had work done to his Adam’s apple—he was now more than passable. The girls made it clear, though, that his cock was never to go under the knife, unless he wanted to suffer “severe” consequences. He had gotten so good at taping and tucking that it didn’t even make a difference to his girl life. He was fine with this. Besides, he liked his cock.

As for Elijah, Abagail may have been a little over enthusiastic when she filled that hypodermic. He never really regained his “mojo,” but not to worry as he found a lot of new “friends.” He now resided almost full time in what had been the Maid’s Quarters at the studio, and even sported a tramp stamp, of which he was quite proud, that read “CumDump.” The studio was always immaculate.

With two children, both Bill’s, on the way, there would be a lot to discuss and many decisions to make. While the girls decided behind his back and made clear to Bill that he would be their “nanny,” the three of them had yet to decide who the “mommies” would be, or whether Bill would be “daddy,” and all that. But they had time and each others’ love, and knew it would all work out.

Life was good.

Bill and Tracy Part 33 by Chloe Ann Vixen


Part 33
Candi-Floss had prepared Bill as Elijah,  their “Master,” had directed. Securing him to the spanking horse in the playroom in only his girl’s underwear, without panties, had been easy. He put up no resistance, and was more than docile. She felt bad for him, in a way, but in this world there were clear lines drawn between good behaviors and bad behaviors, and there were several pages in the journal that  spelled out in considerable detail the times he had been bad. And there was no conceivable reason why his behavior shouldn’t be corrected. Of course, maybe she had been a little, well maybe a lot, stricter about writing down his transgressions in the book than was  fair,. But ultimately, the punishments were for his benefit. 
After she made sure he was securely bound to the horse, she kissed his forehead. 
“Good luck, Sweets!”
She waited in the living room for Elijah. Once he arrived, she left for the afternoon shift at the Club. 
“Master. I’ll be back at 5:30, Master.”
“Take your time, slut.”
He had been looking forward to more deeply imposing his will on the sissy for a while. And what better opportunity than the sissy being invitingly bound,  legs spread,  over the spanking horse,  and  three and a half hours to kill? And as submissive as the sissy had become, there was literally no chance that all that happened in that playroom wouldn’t “stay” in that playroom. His cock was uncharacteristically swollen for a correction session— but this was much more than that. 
He changed  into the same black leather chaps, vest and boots he had worn when he ‘welcomed’ Bill to Tracy’s studio. Looking into the mirror, pleased with himself,  he thinks  “Continuity is crucial—he’ll soon realize that there is no escape from his  ‘Master’.”
He goes to  the playroom.
“Hello sissy. I told you that I’d be seeing you soon  when we first met, but you probably didn’t expect to be seeing me quite so often. In case you haven’t figured it out by now, I am a part of this. And because your Mistress doesn’t have the appetite for disciplining you properly, she has granted me that privilege. A privilege I plan to enjoy!”
Bill closes his eyes, hoping this will all go away. But it does not. 
The domme picks up and leafs  through the punishment log. There are 72 numbered entries. 
“It looks like someone has been quite the naughty Maid. We may eventually need to get a bigger book. But for now, it will do.”
“First, we need to remove and check your chastity.  You and it are due for a good cleaning. Now no getting hard when I remove it or your punishments will increase.”
He unlocks and removes the appliance, cleans what needs cleaning, then replaces and relocks it. 
“Good girl!”
“Now here’s what’s going to happen. I am dividing the things  to be corrected in the punishment log into groups. Group 1 transgressions, of which there are many, are insubordinate acts—behaviors unacceptable for one having your submissive or subordinate place. They merit the most severe correction. Group 2 are behavior lapses—for any reason other than insubordination. These include your failures to behave within the limits or bounds that have been established for you. Things that you may have forgotten or lapses. The purpose of Group 2 punishments is to ensure you do not forget or lapse again. Group 3 are verbal or oral lapses—speaking when not spoken to, or saying the wrong thing at the wrong time or in the wrong way. While these are the  most minor of lapses, they are punished with equal severity, but by different methods—most often upon the tongue, though I have found ways of visiting unpleasantness upon the entire mouth or lips which I find quite pleasing and which have an equal or more effective deterrent effect.”
Bill flashes hot with alarm and dread. 
“We have more than enough time to impart the necessary discipline, and I am a man of compassion. So I will allow you to delay, as long as you are able, your punishments. Would you like to know how?”
“Mathter. Yeth Mathter!”
“You do remember my cock from the other night, don’t you?”
“Mathter. Yeth Mathter.”
“Well, for as long as you are able to kiss and worship it,  I will delay your punishment. You need not answer. I will place it before your lips, and by your submission to my cock you will have accepted my offer.”
Bill soon sees Master’s cock and sweaty balls being brought to his mouth and lips, and his face is enveloped in their  scent. The Master touches the tip of his cock to Bill’s lips. 
Bill reaches for it with his lips and kisses it, tentatively. 
“That’s a good sissy. I knew you were weak. But I know you can do better than that!”
Bill’s reluctance slowly melts away, and his mouth is soon filled with and being fucked by Master’s cock. He feels helpless, but he knows that if he stops his punishment will begin. So he continues. After what seems like a very long passage of time, he feels Master’s cock start to jerk and spasm, at which point it is withdrawn from his mouth.  Spurt after spurt of hot semen splatter across Bill’s face, leaving him humiliated and awash in  self-disgust. 
“That’s too bad for you, sissy. I didn’t give you permission to make it cum. I guess we’ll just have to add one more item to be punished for to that list of yours! And let’s start with that—ten cuts with the cane should do. And you are to thank me after each!”
And so it began. For Groups 1 and 2, Master read aloud the transgressions. And the punishments, mostly spankings and strikes with a cane or crop, were measured by the number and scope of the transgressions. By the time Elijah is done, Bill’s bottom is a well-beaten red, with the many welted red cane and crop stripes providing contrast. Then it was time for Group 3. 
“Today’s punishment for your Group 3 mistakes will be elegant and simple. Now stick out your tongue!”
Bill does as directed, and Elijah places first one, and then a second, clothespin on Bill’s tongue. Bill  squeals in pain and protest. The domme just smiles. 
“One minute for each oral transgression, plus 15 minutes for good measure. With 37 oral lapses, that adds up to 52 minutes.”
The domme proceeds to read each entry begetting this punishment from the log. After 10 minutes, there is nothing more to read, and he turns his attention back to his captive.
“You know, sissy, you do have kind of a nice ass, I mean for a sissy. And it looks pretty hot sticking up in the air like that. It makes my dick hard. Real hard! And Candi-Floss isn’t going to be back here for a couple of hours. So just what am I going to do with that tight little ass of yours?”
Part 34
Candi-Floss returns to Tracy’s apartment at 5:30 to find Elijah casually drinking a beer, and looking through his phone, with Bill in his evening maid’s dress standing with his hands folded near a corner of the room.  His hair and makeup are perfect. 
“Maid. Fetch me another beer, and get something for the slut as well!”
Bill curtsies. 
“Mathter. Yeth Mathter.”
“Water for me, Maid.”
 Another curtsy. 
“Mith.Yeth Mith.”
All of us react to trauma in different ways, and Bill’s initial correction session was more than traumatic. He accepted the necessity of being  disciplined—that he had clearly foreseen. But he had in no way expected that he was to become the sexual toy of a dominant male. Sure, he had read in the fiction that the feminized males were occasionally subjected to this fate, but he hadn’t expected it from Tracy. But he had agreed to whatever she wanted, and if this was what she wanted, then he had to accept her will. What he didn’t know was that Tracy had no idea of what the domme had done to Bill in the welcoming session, other than placing the chastity device, nor had she any idea that the domme was going to use  the initial punishment sessions to take sexual advantage of and degrade and humiliate Bill. 
While he stood obediently in his dress and heels, Bill was on overload. He was terrified of earning more entries in the log, and even more terrified of displeasing Master. And he was humiliated beyond words. The  worst of it was that he had been denied sexual release and so deeply immersed in the hyper-sexual environment that was his new life for so long,  and his mind was so fogged by arousal, that all he could think of besides trying to be a perfect maid was the desperate  aching and need between his legs. He was nearing mindlessness. The chastity device was  unquestionably doing its job, though it had started allowing  small  squirts of ejaculate at moments of very heightened arousal. The constant resulting dampness in his panties just added to his humiliation. 
Tracy was suffering the effects of sexual denial as well. Sure, her Maid and Candi-Floss were more than adept at bringing her off with their mouths, but she needed and craved cock. Bill’s cock. And it was locked away! She was  sexually desperate and helpless to do anything about it. She needed to find a way to get those keys!
For tonight’s class, she was going to tie up Bill, and Elijah was going to tie up Candi-Floss. The plan  was for them to look like bound twins—so they were made to wear matching bras and panties, and nothing else. The only observable differences between the two  being his collar and her breasts. After they were bound, they were treated to being allowed to watch Elijah put Tracy through her position training. 
Tracy had been drifting into more and more of the submissive mindset during the trainings, but hadn’t realized it. Tonight. her drifting was made even more pronounced by her extreme need for penetrative sex. She needed to be fucked.  Her submissive demeanor, directed toward the alpha male,  was obvious to everyone in the room except her. 
This was amusing to Candi-Floss,  more than encouraging to Elijah and unsettling to Bill. Most unsettling. Tracy was “his girl.”
During her trainings she became more and more focused on Elijah’s cock. So much so that by the end of the class it was all she could think about. Her need and his cock were driving her crazy. She needed to speak to him about getting those keys. 
When she asked about the keys, Elijah just smiled. 
“I don’t think you’re ready yet,” was all he said. 
“But when?”
“That’s up to me.”
As the days passed. She became more and more desperate. It came to a head at her next class. After  Bill had received his weekly cleaning and punishments, he and Candi-Floss had been  tied up and left to themselves in another room in the studio. Elijah was putting Tracy through her paces. Half way through, she  couldn’t help it  any more, and she reached out and grabbed his dick. 
He had been expecting something like this, and was actually surprised by how long she had been able to hold out. 
“Whoa! What do we have here? Care to explain yourself, Miss?”
“I’m sorry. I just need it.  I need to be fucked. I need cock.  Soo badly.”
“So you want my cock? You want me to fuck you?”
Avoiding eye  contact, she meekly nods her head “yes.”
“Well that changes things. I will consider it, but there will be a price.”
“A price?”
“Yes. A price. I will fuck you if and only if you accept me as your Master. You must submit to me.”
“But I am a Mistress, I cannot submit to you.”
“But yes you can. And if you want my cock, you will.”
“But how, and when?”
“You will have to earn it. For our class next Thursday, you will be naked and collared. And you will demonstrate your obedience. And then, if you have pleased me,  I will take you. Until then, I expect you to acknowledge me as your Master in our commutations and interactions. Simple enough. Understood?”
“I’m sorry?
“Master. Yes Master.”
“Very good.”
Part 35
Things were  odder than usual around Tracy’s apartment and the studio beginning the next day, particularly when Elijah was around. Candi-Floss and Bill were incredulous when they first heard Tracy refer to him as “Master,” and even more so when she started addressing and speaking to  him  as a slave would to her Master—just as they addressed Master Elijah  and  Mistress Tracy themselves. Neither understood. But Mistress’s requirements as to their speech and behavior did not change. If anything, she had become stricter as if to compensate. 
On Sunday  morning Tracy received a call from Abagail, the lady who had helped her with Bill’s breast treatment. She was a long and good friend, and a member of that community. 
“Tracy dear, we need to talk and it’s pretty important. Can we meet for lunch?”
They met at a quiet cafe not too far from Tracy’s apartment. 
After exchanging pleasantries, Abigail got down to the reason for the call. 
“That friend of yours, ‘Elijah,’ has caused quite a stir in the community. Apparently he was bragging the other night about his conquest of you and the fucking of Bill.”
“What? That cannot be true. Elijah and I haven’t even .. . But wait, what did he say about Bill?”
“Basically, that he had made Bill suck his cock and fucked him in the ass, and that he was going to do the same to you—maybe this week. And also, the best part, was that you had agreed to become his slave.”
Tracy saw red. Fifty shades of red. While the part about her had some truth to it and was deeply embarrassing,  that was personal, very  personal, solely between her and Elijah, and not to be published. But the part about Bill was devastating—how could she have done that, or allowed that to be done, to him? Her eyes welled with tears.
“Who knows? How widely has this been spread?”
“Pretty widely, and the whole community is upset about it.”
“I see. Well, I am going to put an end to it. Would you be willing to help?”
“I would be more than happy to.  And I know others will as well.”
Tracy shared nothing with Bill, but enlisted the help of Candi-Floss—her price being the removal of her chastity shield. While the chastity shield had been advertised as “permanent,” in fact the piercings could be removed using a special tool,  and only Tracy had the custom-made tool for that particular device. Besides, Tracy had long suspected that Candi-Floss’s busy little fingers had figured out a way to defeat the device—at least as far as masturbation was concerned. Tracy would do that once the ordeal passed and things settled down. 
She arranged to sell  the studio, just breaking even, to a few male friends in the scene who agreed to help. They were mostly into guy to guy, which was  important to her plan, but no problem for her. They  wanted to use it as a clubhouse of sorts, and Candi-Floss would receive the sale proceeds. 
And Abagail was going to bring her medicine kit. 
Thursday night, the night of Bill’s next punishment and her training and promised submission, finally came. Candi-Floss and  Tracy went to the studio to get Bill ready and make the final preparations   There had been, to Bill’s credit, few notations in the punishment log, so the cleaning and punishment session would be short. When all was ready,  Tracy left the building to meet  her helpers nearby, and after Elijah showed up. Candi-Floss pretended to leave, but hid in the bathroom. 
The domme changed into his chaps, vest and boots and attended to Bill. First the chastity. As he bent over to remove it, Candi-Floss silently crept into the room, holding a pistol. She aims, and squeezes the trigger. With a muted pop, she nails the Master with a tranquilizer dart squarely in the exposed flesh of his buttocks. 
He turns, surprised, and drops like a stone. 
“That’s what I call a ‘crack shot,’ Master!”
Tracy and Abagail enter first. Abagail fills a hypodermic from a clear glass vial, and injects a healthy dose of Depo Provera and transitioning hormones into Elijah’s hip. Abagail is pleased with her work—
“That ought to soften him up and calm him down for quite a while. And he’ll never know what hit him!”
Tracy pockets the keys to Bill’s chastity. 
Tracy’s other friends soon arrive, and take  it from there. He was to be kept locked in the Maid’s Quarters cell for at least a week, allowing Tracy, Bill  and Candi-Floss to pack and close up the apartment. The three are then going to leave the area and the scene and start over elsewhere. Coincidentally, Abagail had calculated that what she had shot Elijah up with would take about a week for full effectiveness. Without all that nasty testosterone ruling his behavior and with the new hormones coursing around in his veins, he would be quite compliant and submissive. The new studio owners would be in for quite a treat!
Tracy promised to tell Bill everything once they got back to the apartment. The three collected Bill’s and their clothes, and Tracy’s most prized toys, from the studio, and left the keys and Elijah to the new owners. As they are leaving, she tells the new owners that if Elijah puts up a fuss, he should be reminded that what he had done to Bill would by itself earn him a very long prison sentence. That he will well  understand. 

Bill and Tracy part 28 by Chloe Ann Vixen

Part 28

Bill was thrilled to be with Tracy, and Tracy was thrilled to be with her Bill. But there was a lot unsaid. Still, they were glad to be together.

She had bought a few things for the apartment and was excited about showing him around.

“You are going to love what I got for you in the playroom,” leading him in. There, the room had been outfitted as a mini dungeon, with a stirruped bondage chair, a spanking horse, a metal cage and a couple of other things the purposes of which were not immediately apparent to him. It looked more than mildly ominous.

“All thith ith for me?”

“Yes darling. You’re going to love it!”

He swallows hard, not knowing quite what to say and not wanting to hurt her feelings.

“Wow! That’th awethome!”

“And here’s your bedroom–for when you’re not sleeping with me.”

One of the guest bedrooms had been redone in all pink and white with satin and ruffles everywhere. It smelled unmistakably girlie. She showed him his new clothes—absolutely over the top! Bras, panties, corsets and other shapewear, stockings, and nightwear. His cock was straining in its confines.

“And (showing him the closet), these are your uniforms. I had them custom made just for you. And everything else that you’ll need—pinafores, headpieces, shoes—aren’t they perfect!?”

A dozen dresses in various cuts and colors hung neatly in the closet. He ran his hand over a couple of the dresses, examining them.

“Maid’th dretheth?”

“Of course maid’s dresses. But we can talk about that tomorrow. C’mon, let’s get ready for bed. I’ve already picked out a nightie for you, and I’ll help you take off your makeup. I cannot wait to get my hands on you!”

Bill was all for that!

Soon they were under the sheets making out passionately.

“Trathy, you feel tho good! And I really need thith! I heven”t cum in three weekth. If you want to take off thith chathtity then we can make love. Are you ready?”

She answers almost distractedly, still kissing him all over.

“Oh, I cannot do that.”

“You cannot? Why’th that?”

She keeps kissing him.

“Because Elijah has the keys. He’s keeping them for a while.”

“Who’th Elijah?”

“He’s a domme friend of mine. He’ll be helping me with your training. You’ve met him. He was the one who put the chastity cage on you at the studio.”

Bill shivers involuntarily—horrified . The “Master” has the keys to his chastity!

She continues with the kissing.

“But why doeth he have the keyth?”

“He said something about needing to hold on to them until you’re far enough along in your training, or something like that.”

“Then how are we going to have thex ?”

“Well, you’re not, at least not for a while. According to the conventional wisdom it’s very clear that Mistresses should never allow themselves to be penetrated by their sissies. But I’ll make an exception for you. At least when the time is right.”

“No thex for me?”

“That’s correct. I assumed that you’d have expected that. If not, you’ll get over it.”

“But what about you?”

“Silly! That’s what your tongue ball is for!”

Part 29

Tracy was insatiable. It was early morning before they drifted off to sleep.

What Bill hadn’t noticed about his bedroom was that there was no interior knob on the hallway door. It locked from the outside. Nor had he taken the time to examine the bed. Tracy had purchased it from Metalbound just for him. It had been designed to enable the occupant to be held captive indefinitely and had other bespoke “features” Tracy had personally chosen.

And the Maid’s Quarters at Tracy’s studio? It had once been fitted up by Tracy as a prison cell for some of her more perverted patrons. The conversion to a Maid’s Quarters was simple—really no more than putting a bed pad, sheets, a thin blanket and a pillow over the top of the padded bondage bench, and adding a metal desk, bolted to the wall, that could double as a vanity or makeup table. It was still very much a functional jail cell, with its one small window even having thick metal bars, and the stout metal closet doors having high-security locks. Bill maybe could have been able to connect the dots from the prison-surplus metal sink—toilet combination, but it went unnoticed.

Morning came, and Tracy shooed Bill out of her bed to make coffee. He returned with two steaming cups.

“Bill, honey, Candi-Floss is going to come over in a little to help you with your makeup and get you dressed. So we are going to have to go over some rules. There will be more rules as we progress, but we will start with the basics.”

“You remember how to address your Mistress?

“Mithtreth. Yes Mithtreth .”

“Good girl.”

Bill winces at the “good girl.” She continues—

“Now the same rule applies to talking to Elijah or Candi-Floss. Except he is ‘Master’ or ‘Sir,’ and she is always ‘Miss.’ And you must never speak unless spoken to. Is that clear?”

“Mithtreth yes Mithtreth.”

“You do know to curtsy whenever you are entering or leaving a room, and whenever you address a superior?

“Mithtreth. Yes, Mithtreth,”

“Very good. Now about your duties as a maid … .

Bill interrupts—

“Excuthe me Trathy, but you never said anything about being your maid. I don’t know … ..”

“Didn’t you just tell me that you understood the rules about addressing your superiors?”

“Yeth, I do but … .”

“Quiet! Stop this minute!”

Bill notices a flash of anger in Tracy’s eyes. She picks up a small book, opens it and makes a note.

“If I haven’t made this clear by now I will make it crystal clear again. I am doing this for you, on my terms, it’s what you asked for, and what you agreed to. There will be no back talk. And every act of disobedience, every failure to comply, every breach of etiquette, no matter how minor, will be subject to correction, both by me or Candi-Floss, and by Elijah. And each transgression will be noted in this book, your ‘punishment log,’ for Elijah to deal with appropriately during your trainings with him.And also, to be clear, you are to obey Candi-Floss and Elijah, as well as your other superiors, as you obey me.”

“Now, shall we continue?”

A sense of alarm washes over Bill. This was very much unexpected. He swallows hard.

“Mithtreth. Yeth , Mithtreth.”

“Vey good. Now where were we? Yes. Your duties and responsibilities as a maid.”

“I expect impeccable and appropriate dress at all times. Perfect hair and makeup. Uniform clean and ironed. Perfect nails. No runs in your stockings. Perfume. All these things. Any departure from what is expected will be noted in the punishment log. Candi-Floss, who will also have access to the log, will mentor you on these matters as well as with respect to the cleaning and tidying that will need to be taken care of here and at the studio. Is THAT understood?”

“Mithtreth. Yes Mithtreth.”

“ The only place where the rules will be relaxed, and even there not completely, will be in my bed chambers. Once you leave my rooms, you are a maid. My maid. And you will behave accordingly. Again, is THAT clear?”

“Mithtreth. Yes Mithtreth.”

“Good. For your sake I hope you do. When it comes to behavior correction, Elijah can be quite merciless”

“Now, while we are waiting for Candi-Floss, let’s practice your curtsies.”

Part 30

Candi-Floss eventually arrives and she takes Bill to his bedroom to prepare him for his first day as a maid. She explains that he will need to match his dresses to the time of day—pink or light yellow for mornings, light blue or gray for afternoons and black for evenings. Always with color-matched shoes and stockings, and always with a pinafore and headpiece. And all are to be kept clean and ironed.

Candi-Floss explains that Bill will be instructed by her on how to be a ladies maid—-how to serve Mistress Tracy in her bath and toilet—to bathe her, dress her, and tend to her hair and makeup. He will learn by performing these services for Candi-Floss, and won’t be allowed near Mistress Tracy for these purposes, until he has achieved an adequate proficiency. Poor achievement will be noted in the log. Until he achieves the necessary level of proficiency, she will be coming over several mornings of the week while Tracy is at work so that he can practice on her.

All laundry, Tracy’s, hers and, if he should require it, even Master’s, is to be done by him. Ironed, if necessary, and all delicates, bras, panties, and other items, are to be hand washed. And he will be graded on how well the laundry is done, folded and put away. Deficiencies will be noted in the log.

He will be responsible for the cleanliness of the apartment and the studio, including the wiping up of semen and other bodily fluids and sanitizing equipment after sessions. There is a washer and dryer at the studio, and studio laundry can be done there.

And eventually, he will be responsible for household shopping, but only after he has mastered the basics.

“But Cand-Floth, what will I wear thopping?”

She says nothing, but deliberately picks up the punishment log and makes a note.

Bill realizes he has misstepped.

“Care to say that again? And were you spoken to?”

“Mith. Thorry Mith. I wath not, Mith.”

“Better. Much better. And in answer to your question, many domestics can be found shopping at the market.”

It’s quite a lot to take in. After a while, Bill is starting to wither from the weight of what he has gotten himself into. He feels stressed, and his mind is saturated. Candi—Floss decides to save the rest for later.

“Now let’s get you dressed, I’m sure Mistress Tracy cannot wait to see her maid in uniform!”

Bill showers, and towels and dries his hair Candi-Floss teaches him how to use the blow dryer, a flat iron and hairspray to style it as it had been styled the day before.

She tells him that he should always check, and trim, if necessary, his eyebrows. Every morning. Bushy or unkempt eyebrows will always earn a notation in the log.

She allows him to try doing his own makeup. She is surprised at how well he does. “He’s done this before,” she thinks. With little touch up from her he’s done. She applies setting spray.

Candi-Floss decides to bait her mentee-

“I must say you are a natural sissy! It took me several years in my teens to be able to be able to do my makeup so well. No wonder Mistress Tracy chose you. She must have known how effeminate you were all along.”

He blushes furiously.

“But that’th not true! Take it back!”

She twists the knife—

“Yes it is. It’s completely true. Only you couldn’t see it.”

He hates this.

She picks up the log and makes a note. The slut tricked him. He realizes his misstep, yet holds his tongue. He’s starting to learn.

“I see that you do understand. Several marks in the book already—Master is going to have quite the time with you!”

Bill feels his helplessness.

“Now, today’s underwear—let’s see. But first, this!! (She holds up a yellow-jeweled anal plug.)

Bill groans. She efficiently buries the plug in his ass.

By now Candi-Floss’ panties are quite damp. and she is feeling a needy frustration. She decides, out of a sexually frustrated spite, that today’s underwear will not be pleasurable for Bill. What better way is there to inflict discomfort on a girl than heavy foundation garments? The very thought makes her even wetter.

She remembers seeing an open-bottom Rago all- in-one body shaper among Bill’s new underwear. Perfect. Extra firm control and very difficult to wear over a long day. Sweat inducing foam pads to fill out the bosom, bone stockings, white satin panties and a bone-colored nylon full slip. “He’ll sound deliciously swishy when he walks!”, she thinks. All of this amplifies her arousal and frustration.

Once his underclothes are on, she hands him a light yellow gingham dress , with white ruffled trim, from the rack. Then a matching headpiece, ruffled pinafore and locking bone-colored pumps. A spritz of perfume and he is ready for the great reveal. She attaches a leash to the ring on his collar and leads him out.

Bill quickly decides that he does not like wearing the body shaper. Not one bit. But the realization that he is trapped in it for the rest of the day causes his dick to try to swell even more within its confines. “What’s happening to me?”, he wonders.

“Now remember your curtsies!”

“Mith. Yeth Mith.”

Part 31

Tracy is thrilled and elated to see Bill in full working maid livery for the first time. He curtsies and looks at her expectantly hoping for a compliment, but receives none—only a rebuke—

“Maid—eyes down, at my waist or feet. You are not permitted eye contact with your Master or Mistress unless given permission. Candi-Floss, make a note.”

“Mistress. Yes Mistress.”

Candi-Floss opens the log and notes the transgression.

Tracy’s demeanor is wholly different from in her bedroom. She’s no longer the affectionate girlfriend or lover. Instead, she is the Mistress of the house,, all business and in absolute and strict control. And he is now nothing more than a maid.

“Very nice job, Candi-Floss, especially for the first day.”

“Mistress. Thank you Mistress.”

“Candi-Floss, I have al little work to do this morning. In the meantime, I want you to work with her on her voice and walk. I want her speaking softly and breathily, from the front of the mouth, not the chest. You know what I’ll be looking for in the walk. And I have a guest coming for lunch at 1:00. I want her to serve, and she will be graded. Uniform change will be at 2:00, after lunch. Later than usual for today only, as I have something special for her.”

“You are dismissed.”

Bill gets through the rest of the morning more or less unscathed, except for a couple of cuts of the cane administered by Candi-Floss in a fit of rage over his walking. All corrected now—the perfect walk—elbows tightly in, palms facing down, mincing steps and audibly swishy hips. An equal amount of progress had been made on the talk.

At close to 1:00 the doorbell rang. Bill met Tracy’s guest at the door with a polite greeting and curtsy, and escorted her back—receiving a “so pretty” by way of a compliment.

Linch went reasonably well, thanks in large part to Candi-Floss’s tutoring . Only three demerits were noted in the punishment log.

At 2:00, Candi-Floss asks if they may be excused as the “Maid” needs to change for the afternoon.

“Yes. But before she puts on her afternoon dress, bring her back here, dressed only in her underwear. My friend here needs to examine her.”

This, of course, horrifies Bill, and puzzles Candi-Floss. When they return, Tracy’s friend’s bag is open on the table. The friend speaks—

“Bring her to me, girl.”

Candi-Floss delivers the leashed Bill to the woman.

“Now turn down her top. I want to see her breasts.”

Candi-Floss does as told. Bill dares not move.

The friend proceeds to poke and prod around Bill’s breasts—still tender from the piercings . She dons a pair of surgical gloves, swabs the areas around his nipples with alcohol, and, after filling a syringe from a small vial, administers several injections around his nipples and areolas.

“There. All done. You may get her dressed.”

By the look on his face, Tracy can tell Bill is distressed.

“What is it Maid?”

“Mistreth. Ith that going to give me breatht Mithreth?”

“No Maid. Not Breasts.”

Bill is noticeably relieved

“But something much better, Maid. Your areolas will enlarge, and your nipples will fatten and grow. And soon, a small knot of breast tissue will appear around the nipple—just like a girl starting puberty. That’s all. Breasts? No. At least not for now. I want your chest to be that of an effeminate male, not of a girl. But to those who see it it will have the promise of breasts to come. If I want to play with a pair of girl’s tits I have Pusscakes for that.”

“Now get dressed and finish cleaning up the kitchen and dishes. And there is laundry to do!”

“Mithtreth. Yeth, Mithtreth.”

Part 32

Bill had read enough about the maid thing to know, at this early stage, a lot of what would be expected of him. So, for the first few days he reluctantly went with it, enjoyed some of it even. But he was still learning. As would be expected, there had been many notations in the punishment log. Most by Candi-Floss, who seemed to take great delight in making sure his transgressions wouldn’t go unpunished. He wondered whether she did it out of jealousy, because she wanted to please their Mistress, or for some other reason. Regardless of her motivations, many departures from required behaviors had been noted over a relatively short period of of time.

On his third day as a maid, and just after he had changed into his evening uniform Tracy’s apartment doorbell rang. Bill swished his way to the door, high heels clicking. He opened the door only to find Elijah. Bill froze, paralyzed.

An awkward moment passed. Elijah broke the silence—

“Stupid Maid! Aren’t you supposed to politely greet your Mistress’s guests?”

Bill partially regained his composure and curtsied, his eyes focused down upon, and oddly drawn to, the dominant male’s crotch.

“Thir. Yeth Thir. Right thith way, Thir. I will let Mithtreth Trathy know you are here, Thir.”

Bill curtsies again.

“Now is that anyway to greet your Master? And I am your Master, am I not?”

“Thir. Yeth Thir. You are my Mathter, Thir.

“The act like it! Worship!”

Without even a pause, Bill, having been triggered, drops to his knees and starts kissing and licking Elijah’’s shoes. As the scent of the shoes and feet registers, Bill is triggered again, and his cock immediately swells and painfully pushes against its prison. This unnerves Bill, who cannot even come close to explaining these reactions to himself.

“That’s enough, Maid. ‘Kneel’.”

Bill obediently relaxes to a kneeling position, his eyes again focused on the area between Elijah’s legs. He notices that the bulge is now much larger. He can even see the outlines of an erection. Another trigger. Bill’s cock strains even more.

“Now say it again, and this time mean it! Say ‘You are my Master’.”

“Thir. You are my Mathter, Thir.”

Bill is impossibly aroused by this.

“Good girl. Now fetch your Mistress, Maid. And be quick. And get me a beer while you are at it. Oh, and Maid, today it isn’t ‘Sir’ or ‘Master,’ it is only ‘Master.’ Understood?”

“Mathter. Yeth Mathter.”

Bill escorts “Master” back to the living room, and noisily swishes off to find Mistress Tracy and a beer. Elijah is struck by the change in Bill. He’s even more effeminate than he could have imagined, and after only three days.

Tracy and Elijah end up sitting and talking in the living room. After Bill refills her glass with wine and hands another chilled beer to Elijah, he is dismissed to his room and told to close the door. The door immediately locks. Tracy and Elijah can now speak about him freely.

“Wow, Tracy, I gotta say. You and the slut have made a lot of progress. But has he always been such a swish?”

“Bill? No. Hell no. You would have never known. And hetero to the core.”

“Well, we know how that goes with these sissies. And no longer his choice anyway.”

“No longer his choice? How so?”

“The hypnosis tapes pretty much opened him up to a more ‘enlightened’ view of these things.”

“I see. You could have at least told me. But I guess there’s no .real harm.”

“The files also implanted various post-hypnotic triggers. I’ve written them down for you.” (Handing her a piece of paper.) “ I just tried a couple of them out and they worked perfectly. You may want to incorporate them into your training. You may even be able to associate them with the Gorean training if you take him down that path.”

“Thank you.”

“Would tomorrow work for another of our classes and his first punishment session?”

“I suppose. Though I really don’t want to watch the punishments.”

“I can do that here, while you’re at work. When you get home, you and I can tie him and the slut up and then do our class. Sound good?

“That’ll work. What time?”

“Can I see the log?”

Tracy hands him the book, and he looks through it.

“I think two or three hours should be enough.”

“That long?”

“Yes. There’s a lot written down.”

“Okay. I’ll be home at 6:00. Does 2:00 work for you?”

“Yes. And I’ll send you a few more hypnosis files. You’ll want to keep up with that aspect of his training.”

“More files? I guess. But only if you tell me exactly what they do.”

“I will summarize each. Promise. Now can we play with him a little more? Maybe try out some of those triggers?”

“Why not?”


Bill and Tracy part 25 by Chloe Ann Vixen

Part 25

Bill had been in a few sex shops, and seen, at least in photographs or online, a lot of S&M play spaces, but nothing had prepared him for Tracy’s studio. It was impressive! It had cages, crosses, bondage benches, a rack and every implement of discipline and restraint Bill could imagine, and then some. Alll thoughtfully and tastefully done. There were several rooms. A white-tiled and stainless steel medical suite, two rooms with bondage furniture and toys, and a dark room at the end of the space into which he could not really see. There was even a room, the door of which was closed, marked “Maid’s Quarters.”

Bill swallows hard as he is led in, and is awestruck. This is what he travelled across the country for. And this is all Tracy’s! The reality of his situation starts to sinks in. He starts to have second thoughts.

Candi-Floss senses this, and quickly leads him to the back room.

“You’ll have plenty of of time to look around later.”

She turns on the lights. The only furniture in the back room is a One Bar Prison, bolted to a heavy sheet of metal in the middle of the room. It has cuffs attached both at the top of the bar and at its base.

“We must hurry. Stand, back to the bar, facing the front of the room.”

She cuffs his wrists behind his back. They’re now attached to the top of the bar. She locks the cuffs around his ankles as well. Bill cannot move.

“I’m sorry to leave you like this, Babes, but I have no choice. Mistress Tracy’s orders.”

She kisses his cheek. She walks to the side of the room and flips a switch, and three spotlights illuminate—all shining down on Bill.

“Good luck, sweetie!”

She turns to leave.

“Hey, wait, don’t leave me like thith!”

But she walks out.

An eternity, or what seems like an eternity, passes. He looks around the room. Black velvet drape’s covering the walls, and several full- length mirrors. He can see himself on display from several angles.

“I just hope I’m not too fucked,” he thinks.

He hears footsteps. Heavy footsteps.

Part 26

Back when he was actively practicing in the scene Tracy’s friend had been known to many as a “domme’s domme.” Other Masters iwould bring to him their “boys,” and female dubs as well, for indoctrination and training. He was very very good at it. In truth, that was how the legend of his dominant prowess started. He could return to them a fully-compliant submissive from which the client would receive trouble free pleasure and obedience–with the submissive from then on living in the shadow of the ever-present and terrifying threat of being taken back to the domme for further compliance and obedience training. He made considerable sums through these “educational” activities, but eventually became bored and tired of it, and moved on to other interests.

But he wasn’t bored with the prospect of breaking Bill. He was quite looking forward to it, in fact. This was one of the last steps to be taken—the product of careful planning and manipulation, and the final objective was in sight. If ultimately successful, he would look at this as his crowning achievement. If not successful, then all those months of effort would have been wasted. But today would be successful. Very successful. And one final thing would remain.

The hypnosis recordings he had shared with Tracy were very carefully chosen. The first was to teach Bill how to go into trance, the second to cause amnesia during trance, and the last two implanted post hypnotic behavioral triggers. Because of the trance-induced amnesia, Bill would be consciously unaware of the content of the last two files and would be unable to resist the triggers, or even be aware of having been triggered. The domme knew Tracy wouldn’t have listened to the recordings as she was personally averse to being hypnotized, so she wouldn’t have any idea of the programming to which Bill had been subjected. The domme would share some, but not all, of the triggers with her later.

For Bill’s first “lesson” the domme wore a black leather vest, unfastened in the front, black leather chaps, open to display his ass and, most importantly, his cock and balls, and black leather boots.

Candi-Floss let him know that Bill had been secured per his instructions to the single bar, and was ready.

It was time!

Bill was a bundle of nerves, too nervous to even muster an erection. He knows that by the time he is with Tracy later in the evening he will have recovered and be able to perform. But for now, he is completely limp.

The domme enters the room.

“Well, what kind of a sissy girl do we have here?”

Bill, who had been awaiting Tracy, is confused.

“Who are you? And where’th Trathy?”

“I am a friend of hers, and she asked me to help her sort you out. You may call me ‘Master,’ or ‘Sir.’

Bill notices for the first time the domme’s semi-hard cock hanging down in front of him, and starts trying to struggle against his restraints. There is no escaping the heavy metal of the bar and cuffs.

“There mutht be thome mithunderthtanding. I want a Mithtreth, Mithtreth Traythy, not a Mathter. So ‘Thir’, you are mithtaken. I’m not into guyth! Now let me go!”

“There is no misunderstanding, I am here because Tracy asked me to be here. And if there has been a mistake, sissy, it is you who have made it! And whether you are into girls, guys or something else is now up to me and your Mistress, and no longer up to you.”

Yes, this critical first encounter with Bill had been planned for by the domme over a period of months and he had carefully prepared for, scripted and rehearsed every detail, with the triggers and evoked imagery from the hypnosis files having been designed for that very first moment. Poor Bill never even knew he had been targeted, and was unable to form any thought of resisting or fighting. He never knew what had hit him.

Bill’s new Master relished every moment, and left Bill fully submissive. Tracy hadn’t asked for this, but it was a necessary part of the domme’s larger strategy. The domme had also done what he had told Tracy that he would do—Bill’s cock was now locked away in the chastity device he had ordered from Miss Lori. As he had told Tracy, he would be keeping the keys until he thought she had trained Bill adequately. But in truth, his real purpose was to make sure she didn’t have access to Bill’s cock—thus setting up the final stage of the plan. There would be no competition for Tracy from Bill’s cock—he had just seen to that.

As for Bill, he was forced to submit, involuntarily and absolutely. By the time the domme had finished with him, Bill was as every bit as submissive to him and obedient as any boy he had ever trained, and was terrified of what ‘Master’ might choose to do to him in the future. And, at least to the domme, this was good.

After the breaking was done, and after Bill obediently debased himself by licking the domme’s boots to the domme’s satisfaction, the domme left Bill to Candi-Floss’s care, and departed the studio with the keys to Bill’s chastity.

“I’ll be seeing you soon, real soon, sissy.”

Tracy would be there shortly—she couldn’t wait to see her pretty Bill.

Part 27

Candi-Floss returned to the back room to find Bill a mess—makeup smeared, hair disheveled and clothes askew.

“Oh dear! Look at you! Mistress Tracy is not going to be happy with what you’ve done to yourself.”

“Done to myself? Are you __?”

Candi-Floss cuts him off—

“Quick, let’s get you to your quarters, clean you up.and get you dressed.”

She leads Bill to the room marked “Maid’s Quarters”, punches in a series of numbers on a keypad, and unlocks the door. Inside the room are an odd-looking metal sink and toilet, a metal bed and side table, a metal desk and a double-doored closet. There are several wall-mounted mirrors snd a ceiling-mounted mirror as well. Bill notices that some of his makeup products, a beauty blender and brushes are arranged on the vanity. He doesn’t think anything about this.

Candi-Floss goes into action.

“”First, let’s get you changed.”

She unlocks and opens the metal closet doors revealing an institutional built- in chest of drawers, several neatly hung dresses and a rack holding shoes of various styles. Among the dresses is the pink Pretty Ribbons Uniform he and Tracy had worn on his birthday weekend . Candi-Floss takes the hanger holding the pink dress and petticoat off the bar.

“You will put this on. And (taking a few items from the top drawer of the chest) here are the matching panties, suspender belt and bra to put on first. Now be quick!”

Bill, responding to the urgency in her voice, quickly and obediently does as told. While he is dressing, she grabs the pink stockings and helps him on with them. Bill quickly finds himself fully dressed in that wonderful uniform and all the trimmings. His cock tries to become erect, but the chastity cage perfectly prevents iit.

“And here are your new shoes.”

She produces a pair of mid-heeled pink patent leather and ribboned serving shoes. He slides his stockinged feet into them. She ties the laces and locks them on.

“Good. Now let’s fix your hair and makeup.”

It takes a minute or two, but she expertly puts Bill’s hair and face back together.

“”Now your ribbons.”

She helps Bill fasten the mincing ribbons to his wrists and ankles.

“Now bend over!”

She pulls down his panties and slides the greased pink-jeweled plug into his backside.

“Ooh! That hurt!”

“You’ll just have to deal with it! And now the final touch. Mistress had this luxury lace maid’s cap made especially for you.”

“Maid’th cap?”

“Yes. Every maid must wear one, silly.””

“But I’m … .”

Tracy had said nothing about being a maid

“Shush! We don’t have time for that!”

She places ithe pink cap on his head and fastens it to his hair

“Done! Now, quickly, back to the room.”

Less than a minute later, Bill found himself once again locked to the Une Bar Prison, but this time only by a chain running from the top of the bar to a ring sewn into the back of his dress. His arms are free. The mincing ribbons fly freely when he moves his arms.

Candi-Floss steps back to review her work. She is satisfied—

“Okay, Mistress Tracy will be here shortly.”

She spritzes his neck with a touch of perfume and adjusts the level of the spotlights.

“All good.”

Bill looks at his reflection in the mirrors and moves his arms to test what he sees. He is amazed at the picture he presents. He cannot believe it is he.

Tracy arrives, and almost runs to her Bill. They embrace, and she kisses him hungrily. Her tongue searches for and finds his tongue ball. She loves it!

“Darling, I can’t believe it’s you. You’re so beautiful! The absolutely perfect sissy. My absolutely perfect sissy!”

She kisses him again,, but hurriedly breaks away.

“There’s one more thing!”

“She retrieves from a box a polished stainless Talena collar from Axsmar, with a sliding ring, opens it at the hinge, places it around Bill’s neck and ”click.”

“There! You’re now completely mine!”

Bill had been silent the whole time, finding it hard to form thoughts. Finally he speaks—

“Trathy ! God I’ve mithed you tho much! I cannot tell you how much I’ve mithed you and wanted to be with you. But ithn’t thith a bit fatht ? I mean, I jutht got here.”

Candi-Floss giggles and rolls her eyes.

“Mistress. I don’t think she understands, Mistress.”

“Obviously not, but she will. We’ll have plenty of time to sort her out. Let’s get her back to the apartment. “


Bill and Tracy part 21 by Chloe Ann Vixen

Part 21
Tracy’s initial “class” with the domme left her confused, but she couldn’t put her finger on exactly why. She didn’t submit to him. She didn’t think she had, at least, but she felt like she had been controlled by the directions and the positions. “Am I a submissive?,” she wondered.. And she hadn’t given herself to him sexually, but measured by her trashed panties  there was definitely a sexual aspect there. She eventually decided to not worry too much about it. There was  something that she didn’t understand, though, and she needed to find out more. 
Rereading the Gorean Saga, coupled with the domme’s classes, helped her understand more about that discipline  and appreciate its eroticism. She decided that she needed to become more knowledgeable of the subject, and her friend was the perfect person to teach her. As long as he and she stayed dressed for the classes and kept  things professional, even if she found the classes to be more than a little  arousing, she would be safe. 
The domme, on the other hand, planned to take her much farther down that path, to the point at which she would  be enslaved. Sexually enslaved to him. So far, she had no idea. 
Bill had been having a very difficult time since Tracy’s revelation. Whenever he got the slightest bit aroused, which was almost always, all he could think about were things sissy, his dominatrix girlfriend and the possibilities. Heady stuff. It led to many strong masturbatory fantasies and a constantly abraded penis. He also started buying more sissy things, reading more sissy fiction and sleeping in feminine nightwear and panties most nights of the week. His control over the inner sissy had been lost. 
Their weekend meetings became more frequent, in part because of the unsatisfied needs that pent up while they were apart. And their lovemaking became even more passionate and urgent,  almost desperate. 
Neither could objectively see what was happening. Bill was by himself while at home most of the time and couldn’t measure how far he had been drawn into his sexual fantasy world. Tracy couldn’t see how deeply she had drifted into the place the domme was taking her either, but the domme could, and he kept taking her deeper and deeper. Candi-Floss did know that something was up, as Tracy more and more frequently demanded her oral ministrations, particularly on days after classes, but was too occupied by her own needs to give it much thought. 
Matters became even more interesting during a visit by Tracy to Bill at his apartment. Bill had gone out to pick up some takeout for dinner, and Tracy was looking for one of his tee shirts to wear. She looked in one of the drawers of a dresser and found Bill’s sissy stash, or at least part of it. Panties, pantyhose and stockings, nightgowns, makeup and more. 
Her first reaction was surprise—she had no idea it had gone this far and had never actually found a sissy’s stash. But then she realized that she had just gotten much closer to her fantasy. The arousal that followed this realization was almost electric—her breath became shallow—almost panting, and she felt a swelling and tightening down below. She closed the drawer as quickly as she  could and went into the other room to sit down and collect herself. What would she do? What could she do?
She had to talk to the domme. 
Part 22
After she returned from Bill’s, Tracy texted the domme. They met for lunch. 
He smiled knowingly as she told him what she had found. What should she do? She was so conflicted. 
He had anticipated this moment, or a variant of it, for a while, and knew exactly what he wanted to say. 
“It won’t be long until he asks you to play sissy with him. In his mind the sissy play will be over as soon as he returns home,  or  once his mind clears ‘sissy space,’ after which  he’ll want to go on to  other things. That will be very damaging to your side of the relationship. You will feel cheated and  denied. So for both of your sakes you cannot allow that to happen. “
“Instead, if you agree to play the ‘game’ with him but make it clear that you will be doing  it as a real, not a pretend, dominatrix, by your rules, that he will have to accept it wholly on your terms and that it will not be a temporary arrangement, then the damage to your side of the relationship will be avoided.  As for his side of the relationship, you will have been honest and forthcoming, he will have agreed to your conditions  and he will receive everything he has ‘wished for,’ even though there might be a little more to the reality than he imagined. I think that is the only way it can be made to work.”
“And it won’t just be for a day, an overnight or a weekend. Instead, it will be for as long as you want it to be. And he needs to understand that it will be real.”
“Most importantly, he must ask for it, and it must come across as something you are doing for him, not to him.”
This makes good sense to Tracy.
“So, when he asks, how should I play it?”
“I wouldn’t say yes too quickly. Appear hesitant. Maybe say you’ll think about it, or that you’re not sure it’s a good idea. The longer you go before saying yes the more desperately he’ll want it, and the more  malleable he’ll be. At the point at which  he is the weakest you can say ‘Okay, we can try it, but only on my terms’. You will need time to set it up, so give him a starting date. One by which you’ll have made the necessary preparations.”
“From there, make it as simple for him as possible. Don’t give him the chance to reconsider. I would be happy to contribute the chastity device—there is a woman in Oregon whose shop makes the best—but they require a cockhead piercing. So make him get pierced before you start. Throw in a couple of small things  for him to do beforehand as well, but not too many. Maybe tell him not to play with himself until then—that would make him fixate on it more. And don’t give him the opportunity to pester you about it.”
“I think you are going to want to use some hypnosis on him too. I have just the recordings and am happy to share them with instructions. With enough lead time you can probably make him quite susceptible to further hypnosis training by the time you are ready to start ”
“Your in person work with him will take time, so you’ll want him to arrange to be away or out of pocket from work for a while. He may or may not be able to return to work after we. I mean you, are done with  him. He will need time to make arrangements to be away from work. So you will need to factor that in.”
“You may want to take some time off from your day job as well.”
Tracy furrows her brow—
“This might sound odd, particularly coming from me, of all people, but I don’t want Bill to fear me. I don’t want to be constantly punishing him. I love him and may have a hard time hurting him.”
“That’s easy. You can use Candi-Floss. She’s pretty good with a cane, and enjoys using it. . And heck, I am more than happy to help. Tell you what, you and the slut keep a log, a ‘punishment log,’ of the sissy’s transgressions, and I will come around once a week and take care of matters.”
“You’d do that?”
“Yeah, no problem. Maybe we could work it around  our classes.”
“I might just take you up on that. But wow, all that sounds like a lot.”
“Maybe, but you’re most of way there already.”
Part 23
It didn’t take long for the domme’s prediction to come true. It was the Friday night  of a weekend in Telluride. It was not skiing weather, so they were just there to see, dine and shop. Bill hadn’t been completely comfortable broaching the topic, but he couldn’t hold back any longer. 
“Um, Tracy, I’ve been thinking about when you caught me wearing ‘your’ clothes over my birthday weekend. Would there be any chance we could try that again? That might be a fun thing to do one one of these weekends.”
“Bill, honey, I don’t know. That would be mixing my after-hours work with pleasure. And you haven’t had the best past experiences with that stuff. I’m not sure it’s a good idea.”
The disappointment shows on Bill’s face. 
“Maybe think about it? Please?
“Okay. I will. But I’m really not sure.”
And they moved on to other topics. 
He followed up at dinner two weeks later—
“Have you given any more thought to me maybe submitting to you as a, well, you know?”
She smiles to herself as he says this—he’s so sweet and wants this so much. 
“A little. But if we were going to do it, I’d want to do it right, really right, and it would take a good bit of advance planning. I would hate for you to be disappointed. Let me give it some more thought.”
The next time he asks, a couple weeks later. she’s ready to say yes—
“Well okay, but here’s how it will have to be. Even though I do what I do after hours, I have fantasies too. And for this to work for me it will have to be to be what I want. Part of my fantasy. Otherwise, I don’t want us to do it.”
“So my question to you is will you completely accept my rules without question? Understand that I am really and truly a dominatrix, and will be in absolute control of this, not  you. This may  change our relationship dramatically, and once we start, there may be no going back.”
“And by accepting, you will be agreeing to whatever I want.”
“Give it some thought, make sure you are certain. and let me know sometime next week.”
Tracy knew he would agree. She felt a little bad about manipulating him,  but it seemed to be something he really wanted. And she wanted him to be happy. Given where things were, there really wasn’t any other way. 
Bill anguished over his answer. He desperately wanted it, but just as desperately loved Tracy and what they had. And this very thing had ruined his prior marriage. But she did say that whatever they did would be “part her fantasy.” So he reasoned that he could go along with it for her sake as well. 
After a difficult deliberation, he accepted. “For Tracy,” he told himself.
He told her. 
Tracy was delighted, but tried not to let on-/
“Very well. We will start in four weeks or as soon after that as you can arrange for a leave of absence from work. And we will not see each other or, unless I bring it up, speak of this until then. Understood!”
“Yes. Understood.”
Part 24
The next weeks were very long weeks for Tracy and Bill. Both of their days were consumed with excited anticipation. Tracy continued with the domme’s classes, and the domme progressively tightened his control over her. And he continued, during the classes, to “innocently” present her with a face full of his cock and balls at every opportunity. In her constantly aroused state, the classes became increasingly sexual. Even her  interest in the rope bondage  increased, so much so that she asked to be tied up herself in one session. After she had been immobilized and started to feel the effects of the bondage,  Candi-Floss had made the mistake of taunting her with a stupid comment, and paid the price by spending the rest of the class bound at the domme’s feet paying homage to his shoes. Being tied up with a crotch knot and having to watch that spectacle  did nothing to help Tracy’s level of arousal. 
Bill got up extra early on the chosen day, very much looking forward to getting laid once he got to Tracy’s apartment. As for the sissy thing, he had no idea what Tracy  had  planned. Other than being told to have his cock pierced, with a reverse deep shaft Prince Albert piecing (the 6 gauge curved barbell for which was sent in the mail to him by Tracy,  courtesy of the domme), which he had done three weeks before, to listen to the hypnosis recordings, which he had done exactly as directed, to not masturbate after being pierced, which he had not, and to wear the pink satin panties Tracy had sent him on the plane, nothing had been said about it. And he was horny as hell.
His flight arrived at 8:30 in the morning, local time.  He was awash in feelings and emotions—worried, excited, afraid, aroused, and other feelings and  emotions he couldn’t even begin to name.
He had gotten through TSA screening without his piercing having been an issue, his primary concern there being the possibility of his pink panties being discovered in the search process. 
He looks for Tracy as he clears the passenger area. She had said she would meet him. Instead, he finds a very sexy,  provocatively-dressed,  blonde  holding up a sign with his name on it. She waves to him—
“Bill! Honey! Tracy sent me to pick you up!”
He walks over to her—
“You must be Candi-Floss. Tracy has told me a lot about you. Nice to finally meet.”
“That’s me, in the flesh, and the pleasure is mine (looking down at his cock). And Mistress Tracy  was right, you are quite the cutie. I could just eat you all up!”
“Yes, I’ve heard that about you too. And you’re even prettier than Tracy let on.”
“Why thank you, Bill. Mistress Tracy has set up a few appointments to prepare you, and she asked me if I could take you around. Is that your only bag?”
“Yes. Nothing checked.”
“Good. Then let’s get going. We are on a tight schedule.” 
Once they clear the airport campus they drive about 30 minutes and stop at a small retail area. Candi-Floss is a chatter box, talking nervously about this and that. Bill likes her, in spite of what he can only describe as her mindlessness. “Chalk that up to Tracy,” he thinks.  They stop in front of a shop with a sign “Laser Hair Removal.”
“Your appointment is at 10:00, but I’m sure they’ll take you early.”
“Woah!  Hair removal? Tracy didn’t say anything about that. Is it really necessary?”
“I’m sorry, but it is absolutely necessary for a sissy. You do want to be a sissy, don’t you?  Then you should know that. And Mistress Tracy warned me that you might try to resist some of the preparations She told me to tell you that you’ve agreed to whatever she wants, and you can just get back on a plane if you don’t want to go through with this. And don’t even think about calling her. She likely won’t answer, and she told me to tell you that  if you beg or plead, even a little, it’s back east for you.”
“Now, should we go back to the airport?”
Bill takes a deep breath. “Tracy is just making this seem more real, “ he thinks. 
“No. We don’t need to go back. What Tracy wants, Tracy gets.”
“Tell me about it! Shall we go in?”
(Bill sighs.)
“Lead the way.”
They walk in. Candi-Floss is in control. They approach the reception desk. 
“Hi! He’s here for a 10:00 appointment.”
“Great! Full body hair, correct?”
“That’s correct. But the hair on the top of the head, other than the neck, and the eyebrows, stay. But our Mistress does want the work she mentioned done on the eyebrows.”
“Of course. Right this way.”
Bill steels himself, and follows her back. 
The procedures take about 90 minutes. Without body hair, Bill feels oddly naked. And his denuded skin is soft and silky, almost feminine. He had never imagined that his skin could feel that way. They get back into the car. 
“Our next appointment is at 12:00. We should have just enough time.”
“Next appointment?”
“Yes. The salon. So you can be pretty.”
Bill shudders.
“Yes. Mistress Tracy has already given them instructions.”
“I don’t even want to know..”
Bill quickly finds himself wearing only a pink linen  robe and his panties,  awaiting a full body skin treatment intended to help with the minor irritation caused by the laser treatment. From there it was on to his hair. After his hair was washed and dyed, extensions were added and it was prettily cut and styled. His hair was now the same color and  cut in the same style as Candi-Floss’s. 
He smiles at this. “Tracy must be collecting blondes,” he thinks. 
He is next taken to the makeup area, where the technician matches  products to his skin tone and eye color, then makes him over and shows him how to apply and, where necessary, blend, the various products. Concealer, foundation, blush, bronzer, eyeliner, eyeshadow, mascara and several lip products.  His makeup is perfect, and he is given a large bag full of brushes, beauty  blenders and his new products. 
Finally, he is taken to the nail technician for a manicure and pedicure. His nails are extended, and polished a lovely and very feminine light pink. 
When he goes to get dressed, once finally finished, his clothes are gone. In their place are  a short collared white dress, white panties, an AA cup bra, also white, in his band size, a hat accented with a pink ribbon, pink stockings and several other pink items, and a pair of low-heeled Mary Jane’s. It was Candi-Floss’s outfit, except in his size and with pink accessories. rather than her blue. He calls Candi-Floss back.
“I can’t wear this.  I’ll look like a total girl!”
She laughs and giggles. This is quite funny to her. 
“I’m afraid you most certainly can. Your clothes have been securely locked away. You can either wear it to see Mistress Tracy, or wear it to the airport and on the plane. Your choice. And you’re worried about looking like a total girl? Really, sissy? Have you not looked in a mirror?”
This stopped Bill cold. He looks at himself in the mirror. He sees only a girl. A pretty girl at that. His cock stirs. Candi-Floss was right. She isn’t that mindless after all. 
Candi-Floss helps him dress. In the mirror, they look like sisters. Slutty sisters. 
He winces. 
“Doing okay, sissy?”
“I guess.”
He was glad to have that over with, but starts  to worry about what more might be in store. 
They get to the car. Candi-Floss takes a small bottle of perfume from her purse and spritzes on the inside of her wrists. Then rubs her wrists on the sides of her neck.
“Now, some for you.”
She sprays his wrists, and he repeats the ritual. He now smells unmistakably girl. 
“Are we going to Tracy’s apartment?”
“No. Not quite yet.”
“I was afraid of that. Where to now?”
“The piercing studio. Don’t worry, they’re really nice and professional. They did me, in fact.”
“Your ears and nose?”
“Yes. Tongue too. But I’m not wearing  the tongue ball now. And my nipples and belly button.  You’ll love being pierced like that!”
“We’re going to be pierced the same?”
“Yep. Except for our privates. They pierced my clitty and nether lips too, but  I understand that your privates have already been taken care of.”
“What more is she having done.? This is a lot—maybe too much!.”
“Nothing more today. And be glad—she made me get a tramp stamp tattoo. It says ‘Pusscakes.’ So humiliating!”
“I’m glad she’s not giving me one. I take some consolation in that.”
“Yeah. They were booked and couldn’t fit you in. She waited too long to call. Lucky you, I guess!”
“Here we are!”
The piercings don’t take too long. 
Bill is now pierced, from the waist  up, exactly as Tracy pierced herself for him. And exactly as Candi-Floss is pierced. 
“Pleathe tell me we’re done for today.”
“We’re done. Next stop, Tracy’s studio.”
“Yes, her play space. Her dungeon. Nice lisp, by the way!” (Smiling teasingly.)  “Tho thithy.”
“Thtop it!  Will Trathy be there?”
“You mean Mistress Tracy? Yes. In a while.”
Thank God!”

Bill and Tracy part 16 by Chloe Ann Vixen

Part 16

As Tracy re-immersed herself in the scene, her relationship with Bill continued and, at least while they were together, continued to strengthen. But when they were apart, she struggled with several discordant feelings and emotions. She was increasingly troubled by not having told Bill that she had again become a practicing dominatrix. She didn’t know how to broach the topic with him, and worried that her secret would eventually destroy what they had between them. And what they had between them was more precious than anything.

She felt no guilt at all over having slept with Candi-Floss and taken her as her personal submissive. The slut should have known better and deserved what she got. Besides, the perverted little bitch liked it. And Tracy honesty thought that Bill would approve of what she had done. That is, once she confessed that she had returned to her prior life, once he had forgiven her deception, and once he had.accepted it as part of their relationship, of course.

She was also bothered by how much she had thought about having submitted to him. Sexually bothered. The being “sexually bothered” was even present while she was doing a session with a sub, any sub. She found herself increasingly imagining how she would feel if someone had been doing to a submissive her what she was doing to the sub. Even outside of sessions, she found herself having panty-dampening daydreams of submission. She didn’t want that—not at all! Or did she?

What sexually bothered her most, though, was her personal dominatrix fantasy. She wanted her own sissy. Her perfect sissy, seduced, moulded and trained in all the ways she had imagined—reduced to helplessness and obedience. And she wanted that sissy to be Bill! This desire consumed her with an unshakable guilt.

Her struggle with these feelings and emotions started affecting her more and more. She eventually sought advice from a friend of hers in the scene. He was a couple of years older than she, and while he had been a practicing domme, almost legendary, having had every bit of the regard within the scene as Tracy, he now spent most of his energies working out elaborate cuckholding scenarios and executing on his plans. He was a “Bull,” in the parlance of the scene.

He was an amazing physical specimen. His good looks, physique and massive cock (which Tracy had actually seen in person) made him almost irresistible to the poor sluts whose husbands or partners pushed the cuck fantasy on them. He and Tracy had many a drink over stories of his successes. She was impressed by him, and more impressed by his cock. She had even occasionally considered taking a ride on it herself, but something inside her told her that was a path down which she dare not venture.

The domme had made it clear to Tracy that he would be happy to fuck her anytime and anywhere.

They met for a drink at an upscale restaurant near her studio. He complimented Tracy on her return to the scene and welcomed her back.

She explained her dilemma, including her having submitted to Bill, but leaving out having conflicting feelings about being submissive. Whether she unintentionally communicated that interest, or the thought of taking her as a submissive occurred to him independently, he well understood that as a possibility—so much so that his cock swelled distractedly at the thought. Submissive to him, of course.

“A very interesting situation indeed,” he thinks.

For the moment, he attempts to set aside his conflicting interests, and genuinely tries to provide good advice. He reasons that Bill knows she’s a dominatrix, whether practicing or not. He loves her for her, so if that love is true, then, as long as she doesn’t get emotionally involved with another, and she honors that line drawn, he should probably come around to accepting her being active again. Who knows, he may even get off on the whole thing. But an admission and an apology were in order.

Tracy agreed.

He cautioned her on having slept with Candi-Floss, but also thought that the means were likely justified. She did have it coming. And Bill may even come to enjoy having the slut around. The domme made a mental note to visit that gentleman’s club.

The hardest issue to reason through was her personal fantasy, particularly as it related to Bill. If Bill had in fact moved on from that, then she needed to respect his choice. He did ask a few questions about Bill’s behavior during the session, though.

“I dunno, Tracy. Very few men who are sexually drawn to the sissy thing can ever truly give it up. Much like you couldn’t give up being a dominatrix. It drew you back. And from what you told me, I would wager that his inner sissy is very much alive and well. So I think you have to be patient. Watch for signs. And if you see him needing to go in that direction again, you reassess. But until then, you shouldn’t try to take him there.”

Tracy thinks this is good advice, and they continue to talk about other things, catching up. When they part, she thanks him by picking up the tab.

As for her friend, he leaves the meeting quite aroused, thinking that, if he plays his cards right, there may be a real treat for him in all this. He makes his way directly to the closest sissy cuck’s house to blow off some steam and to ram his cock into the cuck’s wife.

Part 17

During this period, Bill found himself struggling as well—with his sissy demons. He had loved every minute of his and Tracy’s session. She was the perfect dominant. His dream dominant. But he loved her. Loved everything about her. Loved being her lover.

He started giving into it slowly. First. He bought a few pairs of panties on the Internet. Then a couple of bras. A lot of new sissy fiction had been added since he had last delved into this—he read as much as he could find, and revisited old favorites. And he found himself shopping for, but not yet buying, outfits, shoes and makeup that he might want to try. While he occasionally weakened and gave in, he was proud of how well he had been able to resist temptation. But as Tracy’s domme friend had concluded, but not fully let on, the urges were still there. And Tracy’s friend also knew that the urges would only get stronger and stronger, particularly once Tracy confessed to having become active again.

Bill was terrified of weakening and giving into it completely, even with her. Tracy had made it clear that there were certain requisites for a sissy under her control. No body hair would be permitted, feminine dress, makeup and perfume would be obligatory, and chastity would be enforced, and there would likely be other intrusions upon his person. And unlike in his pre-Tracy experience, all of it would be real. And there might be no going back.

Other forces were at work as well.

As was his thing, Tracy’s domme friend had developed a strategy for enslaving Tracy and cuckholding Bill, and started laying the foundation, or setting the trap, he would use once Bill found himself enveloped in Tracy’s femme fantasy. When that might happen would be dependent on an unsuspecting Bill, and it may not happen at all. Still, for the domme, it was a fun and thrilling exercise. And he was more than cautiously optimistic.

His first step was to make Tracy more sexually interested in him —using all his charms, and even his cock. He stopped by the gentlemen’s club to check out her “Candi-Floss.” “Nice work, Tracy, “ he thought, after meeting her. After a few minutes with her in the men’s room, he thought “Damn nice work, Tracy.” In the process, he learned from the girl the exact location of the studio and when the girls would next be there.

So, a few days later, he dropped by the studio while they were getting ready for a session. Tracy looked magnificent, and “Pusscakes,” in her assistant’s dress, looked delightful as well.

Tracy welcomed him in. They exchanged polite kisses on the cheek.

“Hope you don’t mind me dropping by unannounced, but I went by the Club the other day and your slut (casting a glance at Candi-Floss) said you might be here this afternoon. I wanted to check it out.”

“Not at all. Glad you came by. Care for a tour? We have about a 45 minutes before our ‘company’ arrives.”


They talk as they walk.

“So Tracy, have there been any developments? Have you told him yet?”

“No, not yet. We’re meeting in Austin for a music festival in two weeks. I’m planning on telling him then.”

This is good news to the domme, he feels his cock starting to get hard.

“Good luck on that. Just let me know if you want to talk about it more. Love the place, by the way. And awesome job with the girl! While I was visiting her at the club she, well, you know, was quite gracious.”

“So I’ve heard.” (Chuckling.) “Gracious to everyone with a dick, it would appear.”

“Again, well done. Say, as long as I’m here (looking over to Candi-Floss) would you mind if she … ?”

“No. Not at all. By all means.”

“Come here Pusscakes. The nice man has something for you!”

“Mistress. Yes Mistress.”

“Tracy, I think you should watch this. She’s really good!”

“If you insist.”

Candi-Floss, knowing what’s expected of her, kneels and unzips his fly, withdrawing his large cock.

The domme wants Tracy to see his cock—basically “baiting” her with it. It has the intended effect.

Tracy watches Pusscake’s submissive act, and finds herself starting to lubricate. “What a nice cock,” she thinks. She imagines being on her knees with thing in her mouth.

The guy watches Tracy’s reaction, and he pulls his cock out of the girl’s mouth just as he climaxes—squirting gobs of cum all over the girls face.

Tracy stifles an aroused gasp. The domme smiles to himself. This was not lost on Tracy. Not in the least.

Part 18

The two weeks passed quickly. Bill and Tracy planned their flights so that they could meet at the Austin–Bergstrom airport and ride together to the hotel. They were naked in bed very soon after checking in.

It had been several weeks since they had been together–longer than the usual separation. And they were glad to be back in each other’s arms. Very very glad.

Tracy had decided to wait until the morning to share her secret.

They decided to find something to eat at the festival. The weather was perfect, and the several bands they saw were great. Post-concerts they found themselves at Antoine’s two-stepping until the early hours of the morning.

They collapsed into to the bed as soon as they got back to the room.

Tracy awakened with Bill’s arm around her and something hard sticking her in the lower back. After wake-up sex and over a pot of room service coffee, it was time for their talk.

“Bill, honey, I need to tell you something. Something I’ve been meaning to to tell you for a while, but just didn’t know how. And I need to apologize too.””

This gets Bill’s attention. He sits up in bed.

She takes his hand.

“You remember your birthday weekend, don’t you?”

“Well, yeah. How could I forget? It was wonderful.”

“You remember that I played Mistress to you after I caught you dressed up in those clothes, right?”

Bill is unsure where this is going.

“Yes. I remember that too.”

“And you remember that I had given up being a dominatrix quite a while back?”


“Well, I kinda sorta fell off the wagon.”

“Fell off the wagon?”

“Yes. I’m doing the domme thing again. Please don’t be mad. And I’m so sorry. That time with you just brought to the surface something that I had tried to bury. And I couldn’t keep it buried. I hope that somehow you can forgive me.”

Bill smiles.

“Is that all?”

“There’s a little more to it, maybe a lot even, but that’s basically it.”

Bill is relieved.

“Thank god it’s only that. There for a minute I thought you were breaking up with me.”

“Breaking up with you? Never! I love you and want to be with you always. But wait, you’re not mad?”

“No. I’m not mad. But you do need to come clean on it all. I need to know everything my ‘bad girl’ girlfriend has been up to.”

“Why aren’t you mad?”

“Early on in our relationship I thought through the ‘what ifs,’ your history and mine. Given how I feel about you, I got comfortable with the possibility that you might relapse. I, of all people, know the strength of the pull that stuff can exert. Just tell me one thing, is there someone else?”

“No. Absolutely not. There’s just such an erotic thrill that goes with it. I’m addicted to the thrill, that’s all.”

“Good. I get it. Now I want to hear everything.”

Part 19

Tracy shared everything—even with respect to the girlfriend, but not about her personal fantasies. She shared how the girlfriend was the one who collared her, put on the nipple clamps and weights and gagged her, as well as the girlfriend’s later betrayal and submission. Bill was most interested in the submission part.

“She’s, like, your slave girl?”

“And a complete slut.”

“Wow. That I gotta see!”

Tracy notices his dick getting hard, but opts not to make an issue of it. He’s been so sweet.

Disaster avoided!

Tracy and Bill shower, dress and head out for the day.

They fly out Sunday to their respective places.

Later in the week, after work, Tracy is at the studio and her domme friend drops by.

“Hope you don’t mind, but I was in the neighborhood.”

This was a total lie. She is suspicious.

“No problem. Just getting ready and cleaning up for something tomorrow.”

“You know, someone like you really should have a maid to do these things.”

“I know. Candi-Floss is a great help with the sessions, but her poor mind is so sex-addled that she isn’t much good at cleaning, and I end up doing most of it myself.”

“So, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?”

(Sheepishly.). “Is, er, Candi-Floss here?”

“What? Yes, she’s in the back. Why do you …?”

“You fucking turd!” (Laughing.) “ Go on back. You’re such a guy!.”

“What can I say? I am what I am. I’ll be right back.”

“You want to watch again?”

“Well, maybe one more time. And don’t get it in her hair. She just got it done and is working tonight.”

“I won’t. Promise.”

The scene from earlier is largely repeated. Tracy is transfixed by his cock. Her arousal is less than subtle—her friend can tell.

“This is going perfectly,” he thinks.

On his way out he casually asks how it went with Bill.

“Amazingly well, in fact. He had actually already imagined that it might happen and basically laughed at me. He did show an interest in Candi-Floss, though. I think I might let him watch her do her thing sometime. But no blow jobs from her for him. His cock is only for me”

“God. You’re both sluts!”

“You’re one to talk!”

“I guess. Thank Candi-Floss for me!”

“Get out of here! Bye.”

“I’ll be back!”

“Shoo shoo!”

“Oh, I almost forgot. A while back you expressed an interest in learning Gorean training and Shibari. You still interested?”

“I might be. But there is no way in hell I’m letting you tie me up.”

“No worries there. We can tie the slut up. But would love to teach both to you.”

“I’ll think about it. Now go!”

He smiles as he leaves.

Part 20

A day or so later Tracy is at her “real” office and starts thinking about the domme’s offer. She viewed both the Gorean training and the Shibari as being things that were primarily visited upon female subs, but thought it would be good to branch out and continue to develop her skills. She was certain that at least some of the knowledge would be useful for male or sissy training as well, and she did have several submissive females among her regulars. So she texted the domme. and they agreed to weekly training classes. Candi-Floss might not like it, but that was too bad for her. The domme gave Tracy a couple of how to Shibari instructional books to study, and suggested that Tracy might want to reacquaint herself with the books of Gor as well.

At the appointed day and time, they, Tracy, the domme and Candi-Floss, met at her studio for the first class. Candi-Floss, the ever-obedient subject, was made to strip, and the domme methodically wrapped and knotted her with a perfect “shrimp” tie.

He explains—

“The tying is just part of the fun. Watching them after they are tied is even better. Some of the ties are pretty easy for the bound person at first, but get progressively difficult as time passes. You’ll see.”

While Candi-Floss is uncomfortably wondering how she got herself into this, he starts talking to Tracy about the Gorean part. He explains that the “kajira” positions, for female slaves, are ritualistic, and an aspect of a mental slavery. They will eventually affect the slave psychologically, making her feel both sexually desirable and vulnerable at the same time. There are many named positions, and for many of them the slave is required to submissively assume and maintain the positions upon hand gestures or command. The best way to learn the positions is to actually practice them as they are taught.

“We’ll go over a few of the basic ones tonight. Is that okay?

That’s fine with Tracy. She is wearing her black yoga pants and top—she makes it clear that she will be staying dressed. He’s fine with that.

The domme is wearing workout clothes—shorts and a tee shirt. He picked the shorts intentionally because of how they fit in the front. They emphasize his cock and balls, making them hard not to notice—particularly for a kneeling person whose head is at crotch level. The prominence in his shorts of his cock and balls doesn’t register with Tracy. At least not at first.

He strarts with a frw basic positions—Nadu, Tower Slave, Leisha. and Obeisance—all performed and practiced at his feet. It doesn’t take long for Tracy to become acutely aware of a shifting of power away from her and to him. She tries to mentally resist at first, but while she is holding the Nadu position he moves to adjust her position slightly—as he does this his crotch comes within inches of her face. And he is noticeably aroused. She wonders if she should be able to smell it. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she thinks! She cannot move—captured by both her mind and the position. By the time he introduces hand gestures to go with the positions she is fully aroused, aching between her legs, and fully obedient. She wants to stop obeying, but cannot.

He had been half worried that Tracy would see through this part of his little plan, or would be suspicious of it, and would pass on his “training” offer. But he had presented it almost casually and she had innocently accepted and gone along with it. And now, for her, it was too late. He has her.



Bill and Tracy Part 13 by Chloe Ann Vixen

Part 13

“Billie, dear. You know there is only one place this can go, at least for today. Now put your hands behind your back.”

Bill hesitates, still wanting to hide and trying to figure a way to escape this.

“I mean now—do it! And I’m not going to tell you again.”

He reluctantly complies.

“But Tracy … .”

The wrist cuffs click. She’s got him!

A thrilling wave of arousal rises up within her. What a rush! “God, I’ve missed this!” she thinks.

To say that this makes Bill feel uneasy is an understatement. Tracy decides to play the part. It may help him think twice before dressing up like a girl again. Though, she does admit that he looks, in that outfit, quite the part. Perfect, in fact. His ass looks delectable in those panties.

This will be fun!

“Um, Tracy, we need to talk, this is some kind of misunderstanding!”

Almost instinctively, she takes control—

“No, Billie, I don’t think we do. Everything is quite clear. And I do believe that you’ve forgotten your etiquette. Sissy girls only speak when spoken to. And, when you do speak, I expect to hear a ‘Mistress’ or ‘ma’am’ before and after your sentences. Understood?”

“Yes ma’am. But ….””

“I’m sorry?”

“Ma’am. Yes, ma’am.”

“Much better. Good girl. Now where were we? Oh yes.”

“I must say this is quite a familiar scene for this room. But the tables do seem to be turned, don’t they?”

“Yes ma’am.”

She returns an expectant piercing stare, raising one eyebrow. He corrects himself—

“I mean, ‘Ma’am. Yes, ma’am’.”

Looking, very intensely, into his eyes and touching his cheek—”I will let that go for now. But know that you will soon learn to show proper respect (looking around the room). I dare say we have many ‘training aids’ at our disposal here.”

Bill swallows hard. Dread sets in.

Tracy steps back to survey the scene.

“Let’s see, what’s missing?”

“Of course, cuffs and collar, and the binding chains.”

It takes all of 30 seconds for Bill to be collared, leg cuffed and chained to the floor as she had been just three mornings before. “Mercilessly quick indeed,” she thinks as she smiles to herself.

Bill is now seriously wondering what he has gotten himself into. But how does he really feel about this? His dick betrays him.

Tracy spies his erection and takes hold of it through the panties. She squeezes it less than gently.

“We do need to do something about your nasty little thing here.” But what? Her male chastity toys were still packed away.. She looks around—and picking up a leather lace—“This will do just fine.”

She pulls his panties down, and binds him tightly down below—separating his balls and crisscrossing his penis, and ties it all up with a neat bow. She pulls the panties back up.

“There. That will do!”

“Most sissies don’t mind this at first, but as time passes the constriction does tend to get painfully difficult. But it’s not like you have a choice in the matter.”

She continues about her work.

“I do remember that you were particularly interested in nipples, weights and clamps, weren’t you? Well, isn’t that a coincidence? So am I!”

“Tracy, no, please?”

She starts to slap his face, but her hand stops just short.

“I’m sorry, young lady, you must not have understood—or you have already forgotten your manners. Either way, we don’t speak to our Mistress like that..”

She looks through her gear.

“I do believe that a gag might just help with your memory.” (Picking up a leather tongue-gag harness.)

“Tracy, no ….”

But it’s too late.

This is her favorite gag. One of her ‘special’ toys. The gag part actually inserts into the mouth more deeply than most, and holds the back of the tongue down very effectively. If a sub fights the gag too much it causes the sub to retch. The subs learn not to fight it very quickly. Such a simple yet devious little thing! She is so glad that “friend” of hers didn’t pick this one to use on her!

Bill is not so lucky.

She tightens the straps. Bill tries to move his tongue, but cannot. He feels like his mouth is being violated—he wants out! But his cock throbs.

“Now there, where was I before being so rudely interrupted?”

She picks up a pair of Japanese clover clamps.

“We’ll start with these.”

She lowers his dress, and places one behind each nipple.

“And I think these were the weights. Yes.” She clips one on each side, and pulls the top of the dress back up. She cups his breasts. He winces.

“That’s a good beginning.”

Bill is now more or less just as restrained as Tracy had been on Friday morning. She decides to twist the knife a little.

“Sissy Billie, should I be offended at your effort here? What kind of sissy doesn’t put on makeup when presenting herself to her mistress? Only a disrespectful one, I think. And those hairy legs and your other body hair? I mean, armpit hair, really? And those panties are soiled. I do smell perfume, though, but is it yours? What am I to think?”

“You do understand that this errant behavior will eventually, through proper training, be corrected.”

“Oh shit!” thinks Bill.

Bill, unable to speak, and completely off balance, has no choice but to nod that he understands. He worries that this may be the way it’s going to be from now on.

“I am going to change into something more ‘appropriate,’ so I am going to leave you for a bit.” She picks up the blindfold from the other day, and slides it over his eyes.

“I’ll be back.”

And smiling—

“Oh, and don’t go anywhere!”

She leaves the room.

Part 14

Bill waits for what seems like an eternity while Tracy changes, the nipple weights swaying with every movement. In the bedroom, Tracy is debating what to wear. Her rubber clothes are in storage—but for that she would know the perfect outfit. “Maybe next time, if there is a next time,” she thinks.

She throbs between the legs.

Tracy settles on full domme leather. This is in essence a free pass back to her prior life, so why not go all out? Leather over-bust corset with suspender straps. Black opaque stockings under black thigh-high lace-up high-heeled boots. Black elbow-length kidskin gloves, and her favorite black leather policeman’s cap. And she knows exactly what makeup to wear—complete with blood red lipstick. She pulls her hair back in a severe bun.

She struggles over the choice of a panty. Should she deny him the view of her ass and sex, or go without? Since they’re lovers, going without might be appropriate. But today, she is a dominatrix, and he is a submissive, and a sissy submissive at that, so her sex should be covered. She decides on a black thong. It can always be pulled down, if needed, and she’ll still be able to use her ass to tempt him. A very good choice.

Bill waits in silence and takes stock of the situation. Tracy is a real dominatrix, not a pretend one. She is doing this by her own volition, not just to play out a perverse fantasy he imagined and forced upon her. She will be good at this. Very good. She will be playing her game, not his. And he is bound and helpless.

The quiet is broken by the clicking of heels on the parquet floor of the hallway. Bill shivers at the sound. The clicking turns to quiet as she reaches the carpeted floor of the playroom. She selects her favorite crop, nicely whippy, from among the gear.

“Still here, I see.””

She takes off Bill’s blindfold.

She looks amazing! The epitome of sex—a dark forbidden type of sex. As his member reacts he starts to feel the longer-term effects of the lace by which it is bound. Only mildly painful now, but the frustrated arousal is increasing in intensity.

She circles him, holding the crop rather menacingly, occasionally striking out at an unprotected piece of flesh.

“Shall we begin?”

Tracy is of two minds here. She would very much like to flex her sexual muscle and make Bill know exactly how powerful she is, as she would have with any sub. This isn’t just any sub, though. It’s Bill. Her Bill. So this is new territory.

She thinks back to her prior experiences. Bill is only at the beginning of the enticement. Not fully immersed by any measure. The makeup is missing. And all that body hair? Nice on a guy, but unacceptable for a sissy. And chastity? Not even close to being managed. Those would be the next steps, but they wouldn’t happen today. Then, there’s her personal fantasy. After the male is fully immersed in the enticement, then, in her fantasy, the enslavement, to her and to femininity, and all that goes with it, would follow. He would be helpless to resist.

But this is Bill, and probably a one-time thing. So, for today, maybe just enough to make him respect and, maybe a little, fear, her power. At the same time she could have a little fun. After all, he did practically serve himself up to her on a platter.

Most importantly, it must come across as real.

Tracy takes Bill through his paces. She tries a few things she had thought about but never tried before, but always wanted to, and likes their effects. And she uses every opportunity to verbally shape their interactions—mind fucking him. Ninety percent of the domination is mental—much more effective than the pain and restraint. But, for the most part, she holds back.

Tracy laughed to herself at having caught him like this—a classic scene right out of transgender fiction, except even better. She probably should have expected that the uniform would be irresistible to him, and his putting it on maybe should have been expected. But she doesn’t let on.

Her favorite part of their “session” was toward the end when she decided to let him experience a proper hogtie. His effort in this regard, his method, which had been visited upon her, actually had some merit to it. He had worked that out all by himself. My, he has a perverted little mind! But she was going to do it better. Much better! She placed his arms in a leather monoglove—held on by straps across his shoulders, and bound him at the ankles. The monoglove was loosely tied, at first.

She made him lie on his stomach, which focused all of his weight on his tied up cock and balls—-the discomfort there having gone well beyond subtle. Using a leather strap, she drew his ankles to the ring at the end of the glove. And she blindfolded him.

She then sat and watched.

His cock and balls, on which most of his weight was focused, hurt desperately. He found himself trying to reposition his arms and legs—trying to ease the stiffness and discomfort, finding only minimal relief. And he felt every movement between his legs.

She picks her time.

She tightens the laces on the glove, fully immobilizing his arms. Next, she loops belts just above his elbows and knees, and cinches them tight. Finally, she tightens the belt connecting the glove to his ankles, taking out all of the slack. Bill’s weight is even more focused on his bound genitals.

She sits again.

She knows that the hogtie will soon begin getting quite severe, so she starts with the final act—

“If you could tell me, and I know you would, if you could, what kind of sissy sticks her fingers up her mistress’s ass without permission? I will tell you—a very very naughty sissy. And who penetrated my ass with her fingers the other day, without permission? I will tell you. You did. So what does that make you? A very very naughty sissy. And what happens to very very naughty sissies? They get punished, of course.”

At this.Bill vigorously shakes his head “No,” as if this isn’t punishment enough.

“Mistress is going to be kind to her sissy, this time. Does sissy remember the ‘Golden Rule’? Well, I am going to do unto you what you did unto me! With one small difference, though. When it comes to punishing a submissive by violating their ass, I know exactly what I am doing. And you WILL know that you have been violated!”

Tracy had already decided to let Bill’s ass off easy, but she had to appear to follow through on her threat. So she stretched and penetrated with her fingers, and used only a small dildo to take his girlhood. Her objective was not to inflict pain, but shame and humiliation. And when he started meeting the thrusts of the dildo in his ass, she knew she had him. And she did. And she let him know it.

But his ass looked so delicious, she just couldn’t resist taking it just a little farther. She released his legs from their bindings, brought him to his feet and clipped a leash to his collar, and led the blindfolded Bill into another room. He quickly found himself bound face down over the back of a chair.

“Don’t move, darling!”

She returns to her gear, and selects her strap-on harness and a dildo. The dildo is her very prized dildo. Not just because of its girth and length, on the penetrating end, but because of what’s on her end. The part that’s inside of the holding ring features a short, textured and graduated plug designed to penetrate the wearer’s vagina,, together with a nubbly grope-suit like pad that encircles and envelopes the wearer’s clitoris and labia. Tracy hadn’t used it in years, but if ever there was a time to return it to service this was it. Because if it’s size, Bill might find it a little unpleasant (well, maybe a lot unpleasant), but it would be worth it!

She finds a bottle of lube, then steps into, and adjusts, the harness.

Just wearing it feels amazing.

She returns to Bill.

Bill’s ass had already been somewhat prepared, but he wasn’t ready for the slippery tip of Tracy’s cock at his partially stretched opening when she started to slide it between his cheeks.

“Umph, nggg, umph, nnnnnn … .”.

“Shush, my sweet, this is for me!”

It is painful upon penetration, and she eases it in, bit by bit. Once it is fully in, she gives him a few moments to relax. Then she starts with the movement—in and out—gently at first. Then building a rhythm. Her first orgasm comes shortly after starting, but because of the design of the implement she only goes down a little from the first peak. The stronger, second orgasm, soon follows. Again, she only goes down a little before rising to the peak of an even stronger orgasm. She loses count of how many times this pattern repeats, and eventually, as she feels Bill orgasming and spasming from the stimulation, she climaxes with the most earth-shattering and mind-blowing orgasm she has ever experienced.

Part 15

After Bill has been released, which cost him many worshipping kisses on Tracy’s boots and ass, and they have recovered from their exertions, they take a long hot shower together, followed by a nap in the bed. They tenderly hold each other until it is time for Bill to get ready to go.

Tracy is driving Bill to the airport, and on their way, they talk about when they are going to next get together and what they are going to do, all as if nothing had changed.

Bill had gotten his fill of the sissy thing, at least for now. As soon as he had climaxed, shame and guilt set in and he had been eager to take off the sissy clothes and scrub all evidence of it from his body. And other than a tenderness in his backside all evidence was gone after the shower.

Tracy welcomed the shower as well. She had never been so completely sexually satisfied in her life. But for her, the last orgasm had awakened an old appetite. She felt the first indication of this as she was driving home from the airport replaying the session, thinking how cute Bill looked in that outfit and how helpless and submissive he had been. She had to change into a dry panty before bed.

Their relationship continued, and grew stronger. Different places, some far off, and new shared experiences. But not back to her city and her apartment. They never talked about what had happened over the birthday weekend—neither had felt the need to. Bill had again sworn off the sissy thing. Tracy had sworn off being dominant to Bill. But the dominatrix in her had been awakened, and was stronger and more present than ever.

She had never fully disassociated herself from the scene, and in her city the scene, almost exclusively underground, flourished. She slowly drifted back to it—even did a session or two.

Word of her coming out of retirement quickly spread and soon she was very much in demand—doing a couple of paying sessions a week in a rented play space. She didn’t need the money, and only took it out of a belief that it in some way humiliated, and contributed towards the degradation of, her subjects. But now, it was different than before. She did to and with them what she pleased, and not what they would have asked for. If they didn’t like it, there were others who would.

Her girlfriend welcomed her return, and together they bounced thoughts about their craft off each other. Tracy hadn’t forgotten or forgiven her for the “finishing touches” she had made when the girl was helping her prepare for Bill’s birthday, but had decided to let it go. At least until … .

Through someone else in the scene Tracy found out that her girlfriend had been bragging to others about what she had done to the always dominant Tracy, and that Tracy had bottomed to Bill. Tracy found this to be a betrayal of their friendship, a violation of some unwritten code, and intolerably disrespectful. Something had to be done.

Tracy decided that she would seduce the girl into a very public, at least within the scene, and humiliating, submission. The girl would learn respect. And the girl would become Tracy’s very personal submissive.

Tracy’s first move was to come on to the girl, to get her into bed, with Tracy the aggressor. After they had slept together several times, Tracy offered to do a session with the girl, with Tracy the dominant. The girl accepted. The girl offered to reciprocate, but Tracy firmly refused. And a second session followed, with Tracy clearly taking the upper hand. And so it went.

It didn’t take Tracy long to fully bring her once domme girlfriend to heel. The girl was easy. Tracy knew she could have her that day when they were unpacking toys in the playroom. The look in her eyes said it all.

“Candi-Floss,” as Tracy had nicknamed her, was now the epitome of the character from the old Albion comics. Extremely big breasted, courtesy of enhancement surgery “suggested” by Tracy, she was required to dress at all times in Tracy’s presence, unless Tracy otherwise directed, in a short white full-collared dress and matching panties, with a light blue or pink bow tie, sash and stockings. And always a wide-brimmed hat, with a matching ribbon, and high heels. For fun, and to further repay the girl for her betrayal, Tracy had a tramp stamp that read “Pusscakes” tattooed in script across the small of the girl’s back.

The girl was of course pierced in Tracy’s preferred fashion. Ears, tongue (Tracy’s favorite tongue ball), septum, nipples, and belly button. The girl’s labia and clitoris had also been pierced to support a permanent chastity shield. Only her ass could be penetrated, but Tracy made it more than clear that the girl’s ass could only be used by Tracy or with Tracy’s permission.

But when it came to the girl, that was not what Tracy was most proud of. From Tracy’s careful and methodical training, prolonged sexual denial and a not insignificant amount of hypnosis therapy, the girl had been turned into a ravenous slut. So much so that Tracy had to find her employment at a nearby gentlemen’s club, as an outlet, at which she administered, between dances, countless handjobs and blowjobs to the very appreciative clientele.

And she was always eager to pleasure Tracy.

The girl, when she wasn’t working at the club, now assisted Tracy when Tracy did sessions—the sessions now being held at the girl’s former play space—now Tracy’s “studio.” For the sessions, Tracy made the girl trade her white dress and panties for black, her stockings and shoes were black, and the ribbons and accents were all red. They looked quite the pair.

Bill was unaware of any of this.


Bill and Tracy Part 9 by Chloe-Ann Vixen

Part 9

Being rendered helpless, particularly as completely as it had been done (by her own hand, with a little help from her friend), was a completely new experience for Tracy. She had expected her arousal to lessen once her friend left, but that didn’t happen. In fact, she had now been wearing the chastity belt for several hours, and it was doing its work on her–constantly holding and squeezing her genitals. She was very aware of her arousal and sexual frustration building and building. And there was nothing she could do about it.

Making matters worse were the gag and the weights on her nipples.

She had gagged many a submissive, and had even worn one herself for short periods, but never long enough to experience the psychological effects that being gagged can cause. It started as a feeling of alarm, her mouth being held open—jaws forced apart. She desperately wanted it out—but it was locked on and her hands were useless. And her tongue piercing just made matters worse. The alarm and panic soon melded into a helplessness, and finally an uncomfortable capitulation—she gave in to the unpleasantness of being gagged. Bound as she was, she was at its mercy.

And her nipples were on fire—it felt like her weighted piercings were tearing them from her chest. While the reality was that the weights were doing no damage, the pain and anxiety were very real. With every shift of her weight, they swung. Even when she breathed, they moved. There was no choice but to accept the pain, and to avoid moving as much as possible.

It was then that something interesting started to happen. Something that had never happened to her before. Tracy started helplessly drifting into something akin to subspace. And with this, she found her arousal accelerating.

“Please no, I don’t want this!” She thought. But something inside her did. Wanted it very much, in fact.

She cursed herself for having put herself in this predicament. Her arousal deepened.

She thought about her situation, and caught a glimpse at the gear on display around her. Oh hell! Why hadn’t she have been more careful? She throbbed beneath her belt as she realized that she might have to submit to any or all of the instruments she had put out for Bill.

She had unwittingly crafted the perfect trap for herself.

Part 10

When Bill returned to the apartment he called out for Tracy to let her know he was back. There was no answer. “That’s odd,” he thought. She must have stepped out.

He found the envelope on the table in the foyer, addressed to “Birthday Boy,” opened it and read the note. Parts of the note were cryptic, particularly about the keys, but he understood it well enough to know that she was asking him to put on his black robe and boxers and go to the back room. Easy enough.

“She must have something planned.”

He dressed as directed. When he opens the door to the room to find his “second” present, he is both astonished and surprised. It takes only a few short moments for a huge smile to form on his face.

Before him stands a real live fetish model, a sissy fetish model, restrained for his pleasure. He had never imagined such a thing.

“Tracy, is that you?”

She nods, feeling actual shame, and involuntarily projecting submissiveness.

“I’ve seen that dress before and know where it came from. Wow! How did you know? I mean, I never told you.”

She shrugs an “I don’t know.”

“I need to get a better look.”

He moves in closer and starts inspecting his gift.

She was right! He was into feminization. She knew right then that her darling Bill was, or at least had been, a sissy. So the Plan worked. Yea Tracy! But she was still dressed, bound and gagged. The Plan hadn’t fully taken that into consideration.

Bill seemed to be enjoying his treat. He circled behind her, noting her locked-on shoes, the lovely stockings and cuffs. Her panties and garter straps could be seen—the petticoated skirt high in the back. And he spied through the fabric of her panties the metal chains connecting between her legs, and, wait, a pink-jeweled plug buried in her lovely ass. My oh my!

Bill’s silence makes Tracy ever more nervous with worry. Though putting on a good face, she is dying inside and throbbing down below. She is afraid of what he might do to her, intensely aroused by the thought of it, and wondering how she could be feeling this way.

Bill is intrigued by the chastity chains, and reaches out to touch them. The touch of his hand fills Tracy with erotic shivers. His hand follows the chains to the shield.

“Is this what I think it is?” (Looking to her eyes.)

She nods meekly.

His other hand reaches around her waist and strokes down her front, first finding the waist belt and then the shields. He explores the shields with his fingers, finding that her panties are quite moist, drenched, in fact, his fingers now covered by a slippery wetness.

“Can you feel this? Down there?”

She shakes her head “no.” “Unfortunately,” she thinks.

“Interesting. Very interesting.”

He touches and explores it more.

“Still nothing?”

Again “no.”

He looks at his hand and rubs his thumb against the wetness on his fingers—

“Looks like something down there is excited. Very excited.”

Tracy starts to wish it wasn’t true, but then again, … .

“I wonder what other surprises we have?”

He examines the gag.

“I see this is locked on. Keys in the foyer?”

A nod “yes.”

“I like that.”

She shivers again, still not knowing where this is going.

He caresses her ass, finding and touching the jeweled end of the plug. The plug wiggles in response, and the internal movement unexpectedly causes almost an electric sensation back there. She wonders what signal her plugged ass sends to him.

“Very nice.”

She inhales sharply as he cups her breasts.

“What do I feel here?”

He peeks down the front of her dress and sees the piercings and weights.

“That is amazing! So pretty. But I bet those do hurt!” (Moving the weights ever so slightly from side to side.)

Tracy winces perceptibly.

“So this is my present? You, like this, my present?”

She nods, hoping he is pleased.

“Well I love it! Absolutely love it! You really shouldn’t have!”

Tracy couldn’t agree more with the last part!

All this time Bill was processing the scene. She knew he was submissive when it came to these games, and she had obviously figured out what his fetish had been. And here she was offering to submit to him on that basis. He could just unlock the bindings and let her go as he really wanted to fuck her right then and there. But no, that would be refusing his present, and might hurt her feelings. He could never do that.

So, fine, he would dominate her—she obviously wanted him to. And then he could fuck her!

He looks around—

“My god, look at all the toys!”

He had read and experienced enough in this area that he thought that if he kept it simple he could pull this off. But he needed a few minutes to work out how best to do this. But first, he need to establish control.

“Tracy, you are the most amazing and beautiful creature I have had the pleasure to have known. And I know well what you are asking here. And I will honor your request. But understand that this will be real, and not fantasy or pretend, so prepare yourself. I am now going to blindfold you so that you can think about what is going to happen to you in a few short minutes.”

He picks up a blindfold, and gently stretches it across her eyes. He strokes her hair gently for a few minutes, examines the gear on display for a few more, then steps out of the room.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Thinks Tracy. As she thinks this, though, her vagina involuntary clenches and spasms, tightening the metal grip of the chastity.

Part 11

Though lacking experience on that side of the ropes, Bill does a credible job as a dominant. He maintains control throughout, making Tracy squeal at the intended times. He started by spanking her, demonstrating his control and showing her how vulnerable she was. He introduced her to the cane with a few light strokes, used clover clamps and additional small weights on her already stretched nipples—always taking care and watching her reaction at each step. He wanted her to enjoy this, and judging by her arousal and the moans and other sounds she was making, she did.

One of his personal submissive fantasies centered around being hogtied. In his fantasy, he was on his stomach, cuffed at the wrists and ankles, the cuffs joined behind his back, and wearing an uncomfortable gag. Having been secured like that before, he knew that the pressure the position placed on his crotch would cause his arousal to build, while at the same time the discomfort from the restraints and attendant stiffness would make him struggle against his bonds—in actuality making things worse. In the fantasy, it would be at the point at which things started to get very uncomfortable and the frustrated arousal became intense that the dominant would start systematically tightening the restraints—thus amplifying the arousal and discomfort. And then, at just the right time, the dominant would turn their attention to his ass, using their fingers and toys to penetrate, probe and violate. He decided to try this with Tracy.

He did his best, and it worked exactly as he imagined. And he found it quite exciting—almost cumming himself while playing with her ass as she squirmed, fully restricted.

After this, he suspects that she has probably endured enough, and starts to bring her out of her state.

“In a moment I am going to release you and we are going to take some time together. You will, however, stay dressed until I say otherwise. When your chastity belt gets unlocked will depend completely on your behavior. Nod if you understand.”

Tracy nods.

“This is where the real fun begins,” thinks Bill.

He unlocks her from her bondage, leaving her collar and cuffs, their d rings no longer connected, on. He picks her up and cradles her in his arms.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, darling, I am. More than okay.”

“I hope I didn’t do too much.”

“You were perfect! But I thought you had never done that before?”

“I hadn’t, but I have been on the receiving end of end a few times and have read a little.”

“Well thank you, ‘Sir’. You were magnifithent!”

“The pleasure was all mine. And I love my present!”

They kiss, sweetly, yet passionately. He notices the tongue piercing for the first time.

“Is that what I think it is on your tongue?”


“Wow! You really went all out!”

“Well, it ITH your birthday weekend!”

“About that, you know our little session here isn’t quite over.”

“Yeth Sir. I am yours to do with what you pleathe .”

“That’s a good girl. I know you are, and you are going to have to earn having your chastity unlocked.”

“Any thoughts on what you might need to do to earn it?”

Tracy considers the question and smiles—

“Well, do you know what thith tongue ball is really for!”

Part 12

It took a good bit of sucking and swallowing, but Tracy finally earned her release. Bill was one happy guy, and after she successfully mounted him twice, Tracy was one happy girl. It was late afternoon before they finished. As her first free act, Tracy switched out the tongue ball and reinserted the retainer. She had made dinner reservations at an excellent seafood restaurant for 8:00. They showered, dressed and found themselves enjoying a glass of wine before leaving.

Bill is curious—

“So what gave you the idea, and how did you know?”

“It was a guess. I was pretty sure. But I didn’t want to go back to where either of us once were. So I used my imagination. I’ll admit that I really enjoyed it. I can see now how you might’ve enjoyed that kind of thing too. The chastity belt was dreadful, though! It didn’t hurt, but it drove me absolutely nuts!

“Yeah. The chastity thing is powerful stuff. Strong medicine.”

“And is my boyfriend a budding dominant?”

“Only for you, Babe. Only for you. But the next time, if there is a next time, that belt is going to stay on a lot longer!”

“I can hardly wait!”

The dinner and wine were wonderful.

They made tender love one more time before bed.

The next day, Saturday, was spent with Tracy showing Bill around the city, shopping and eating. They stayed close to each other the entire day. Bill’s actual birthday dinner was at an inn about an hour away in the wine country, at which they stayed the night, returning to her apartment late afternoon Sunday. She cooked a light dinner, and they watched television cuddled on the couch like an old married couple.

Monday, and the end of their weekend, arrived too soon. Bill had several calls, on East coast time, early. And Tracy had to go into the office for the morning—she promised to be home by lunch at the latest, and left a little after 8:00.

After his calls wrapped up, Bill was left alone in the apartment and decided to he would get a start on packing. He walked by the open door to the playroom on his way to the bedroom. Something pink, the sissy dress, caught his eye. He went in to examine it more closely.

Tracy had draped the dress over the back of a chair, and had neatly placed the wig and the other parts of the uniform on the seat of the chair.

Bill held up the dress—it still smelled of her perfume.

He was a little larger than she, but the dress had elastic where it gathered and fitted. He thought maybe he could get it on. He had sworn off wearing women’s clothing, and he was very tempted. But he put the dress down. No, he wouldn’t yield to that.

Then he noticed the bra and panties. He picked them up. The panties were obviously in need of laundering—they smelled strongly of her, but they would definitely fit. And the bra, in which her breasts looked so lovely, had some stretch to it. The bra would be too large in the cups, but he could wear it as well. Tempting.

Finally, his resolve weakened His inner sissy reasoned that it wouldn’t hurt to try the things on. Tracy wouldn’t be there, and only he would know. It would be harmless, so why not?

He went to the bedroom and took off his clothes, and returned naked, with a budding erection, to the playroom. First the panties. So very, very sissy, but so very, very hot (in a femmie kind of way).Then the bra—a little disappointing in that it wasn’t as tight as he liked his bras, but still pervy.

Would he try the suspender belt and stockings?

That question had already been answered. He pulled the belt up to his waist, and threaded the garter straps and clips through the waist and leg openings of the panties. He then rolled the stockings up over his hairy legs and attached the clips.

He looked at himself in the mirror.

“Truly naughty stuff! I love it.”

Now for the dress. He pulled it on, marveling at the fullness of the internal petticoat.

“No wonder I could see her panties from behind!”

The shoes? Too small. But he could try the wig.

He placed the wig on his head and, using the mirror, more or less smoothed it out.

“Not bad!”

He looked around. Was there anything else he could try? He thought no to the collar and cuffs. Just then he noticed something else pink. Folded up on a shelf was a pile of matching pink fabric.

Curious, he picked it up and unfolded it.

“Mincing ribbons? My god!”

He had to put them on!

He affixed them to his wrists and ankles, and minced around in front of the mirror.

“This is so over the top!”

Just then—

“Honey, I’m home!”

Crap! It was Tracy! Her meeting must have ended early.

“Don’t come back here, I’m changing.”

“Don’t be silly.I’m … , i’m … .” (She sees him dressed, trying to cover himself.)

“My, my, my. What DO we have here?”

“Tracy! I can explain. It’s not like that. I was only curious. Let me take it off and we can talk about it.”

A big smile comes across her face.

“No. No. No. You will not take it off, young lady. That is most certainly not going to happen!”

Bill and Tracy continued – by Chloe

Part 5
Bill and Tracy were very much in love. True, deep love. Their love and affection permeated every minute of their time together. But then there was the intrusion of work and the time and other demands that came with it. Their time apart made their time together even more precious. 
Financially, Bill hadn’t needed to work for  a while. A small inheritance and careful investing had given him enough to live comfortably even without his work income. His houses, primarily rental properties, at the beach and in the mountains were debt free and produced some income, but that income was incidental in comparison to what he made from his other holdings. 
Tracy still had a ways to go before retirement would be possible, but not too  far. Her company understood her value and she was generously compensated—including stock options which, depending upon how well the company fared, could be worth enough to get her to retirement.
They continued meeting as often as they could—always seeking out new places to discover and explore. 
And Tracy continued to build out the Plan. 
All of the necessary clothing had been acquired, and a girlfriend  from the scene had been enlisted to help with her hair, makeup and other preparations. Only the piercings remained to be done, and she was going to hold off until closer to the date for those. After some thought, she determined that “letting Bill do with her as he pleased” would involve making  available to him bondage gear to use on her, though she doubted, given that he was submissive, that he would actually use it. So she arranged for her carefully-curated gear collection to be brought out of storage. He might find some of her things to be somewhat shocking in their potential severity, but the mere presence of the gear, even if as only a prop, would add some charge to the scene. 
Since she wanted her gear to be present, she decided that the best place to do this would be her apartment. In addition  to her living area and bedrooms, she had a spare room that could  serve as a playroom—which would be perfect. She continued to agonize over the when. 
Bill had a birthday coming up and they had talked about turning it into a long, maybe 4-day, weekend. When he offered to fly out to stay with her and explore her city for the weekend,  the last wheel definitively clicked and locked into place. And so it would be. 
Part 6
Out of dread she put off having her piercings done until the last minute—Saturday morning of the weekend prior—probably not allowing enough time to fully heal. She was okay with this, reasoning that the piercings would only be “temporary” anyway. She decided against having her nose pierced, though she did admire the attendant’s septum ring. Perfect for a submissive, she thought, but not for her that day—she was having enough done. The actual piercing of her nipples wasn’t as bad as she worried it might be, and she didn’t mind the piercings themselves—the medium gauge steel rings and balls were kinda hot. They did make her nipples tender, though. She absolutely hated every minute of wearing the tongue ball. Besides the pain, which would only last a couple of days, she was always aware of it, it constantly annoyed her, and it gave her a slight lisp. But it was something her fantasy sissy had to have, so she had to have it too. She had no meetings and could work from home the first part of the week, so she could endure and get by. It was all for the cause—the Plan. And after all, it was his birthday!
When she and her girlfriend unpacked the several boxes that held her gear she was surprised at the impact  it had on her. It had been a while, and she had forgotten much about the feelings and emotions that life evoked. A lot of it came vividly rushing back to her as they unpacked. At one point she started to wonder if she really had done all those things. 
There were restraints, both metal and leather, clamps and weights, funnels, dildos, plugs  and harnesses, electrical gear, hoods, gags, whips, canes and other items. All tested and personally chosen by her. She had left the four boxes which held her rubber collection, the really pervy stuff, in storage. She didn’t think it would be needed for the weekend. 
She noticed a change in her girlfriend’s demeanor as things were laid out and tended to. She couldn’t put her finger on it. The girl was a little younger than she, and a dominant—a good dominant from all accounts. But the poor thing had no idea until now of the depths to which Tracy had been immersed in the “craft.” Tracy thought she saw the girl’s eyes becoming clouded by arousal, and the girl started behaving more and more respectfully, almost submissively,  toward her. Tracy told herself “no” when she finally realized the temptation that was being offered. 
“This is for Bill”, she told herself. 
It took a while, but the toys were set out and arranged in a way that they could be seen—-displayed. Bill would be impressed. She made a mental note to make sure the door of the room was locked when Bill got there. 
As the weekend approached Tracy worked out the final details and mentally rehearsed how it would go. He was flying in late afternoon Thursday  and flying out on the Monday night red eye. She would give him his first present, a black silk robe and boxer shorts, for him to wear later, over Friday morning coffee, and she would send him out to pick something up for her while she completed a “work assignment.” She figured that it would safely take at least three hours for him to complete the errand. In the meantime, her friend would come over and help her get ready. She would leave an explanatory note, with the keys to her chastity and her restraints, on the table in the foyer. After that, it would be up to him. 
Part 7
By the middle of the week Tracy was finding it hard to concentrate. She was increasingly aroused,  and had to resort to touching herself to manage. She ached constantly between the legs. And the proximity of her toys was driving her to further distraction. The scent of leather was ever present—even  with the playroom door closed she could smell it. Intoxicating. Would Bill notice? She hoped not, but would have to take that chance. Whatever he did smell he would never suspect. 
And that fucking tongue piercing! God, she hated it. No wonder they were hated by subs.  But dommes love them—the tongue ball is the ultimate enhancement to oral sex. And for a sub whose dominant makes them wear it, it is a constant reminder  of their submissive place. She couldn’t wait to take the damn thing out once this was done. She was definitely not cut out to be a sub!
She made it to Thursday. Yes! His plane would be in at 5:30, so she would see him by 7:00, and be impaled on his  cock by 7:01.
“Just hold it together girl.”
She cursed her nervous sweat—she would need a rinse in the shower before he got there. 
Tracy realized around midday that she hadn’t  considered one thing about her new piercings— Bill would certainly notice them and she would have to explain. Not ideal. She called her friend in a panic. What to do? Her friend had a solution for the tongue and brought by a clear acrylic tongue retainer that would hold open the piercing hole overnight.
She took out the tongue ball, and replaced  it with the tongue retainer. Much better! And no lisp. Her girlfriend  could help her get the ball back in if she had trouble with it. They also decided that she should keep her bra on for the rest of the day and night to conceal the nipple rings. If he asks,  her breasts are just ”a little sore” (her nipples, in fact, were still quite tender). She wished that she had gone to the studio sooner. Knowing Bill, he would be sweet and understanding. 
Finally, he gets  there. She cannot wait, and drags him to the bedroom before he has time to even kiss her. She is astride, on top, feverishly kissing him, and fully in control. She has never wanted it this badly in her life! She orgasms quickly, and then several more times before he finally joins her. Relief has never been so needed or sweet!
After  lingering kisses, completing their act of intimacy, and after they have cooled down, he smiles—
“By that I take it that you missed me?”
“You have no idea!.”
“I need no convincing!”
“Silly  guy! By the way, I hope you don’t mind, but I made dinner reservations at the place around the corner. As long as we make it by 9:00, we’ll be fine. “
“Great, I’m starved.”
She was more herself during dinner (thankfully,  she thought),  and their conversation and playfulness at dinner  was the same as it always had been. He was exhausted from the trip, so they made it to bed,  early for them, around midnight. She told him that she had some early work commitments which she wanted to take care of before noon, so she would probably be up before him, which he well understood. 
She was eventually able to fall asleep, and was up early as promised. She bathed and readied herself. She woke him at 8:00 with coffee and her first present, both of which were appreciated. Then she asked him for a big favor—could he pick a pair of repaired earrings up for her at a jewelry store across town so she could finish her work? She wanted to wear them that night  and he could drive her car. 
He was more than happy to. 
After a shower and shave he was on the way. 
The time had come!
Part 8
Tracy called her friend,  who said she’d be right over. Tracy hopped once more into the shower to rinse away the nervous sweat and the evidence of the morning’s arousal. She realized that the rinsing was basically futile, given what was going to happen, but she did it anyway. 
The note was written—she asked that he put on his first present and then to go to the playroom where he would find his second one. And by all means don’t lose the keys!
She started to dress. 
The chastity belt first. It was much more secure than she remembered.  First the waistband, then the primary crotch shield. The belt forced itself over her mound, compressing and squeezing her labia out through an elongated slit in the center of the shield. The secondary shield covered the labia—allowing no external contact with the labia or her clitoris. With a “click” it was on. She unsuccessfully tried to touch herself—it allowed no stimulation whatsoever. 
“God I would hate wearing this all the time!”
She lubricates and inserts  the plug. She had forgotten how those things can be painful going in. But done. She shakes her head—
“I could never be a submissive.”
Then the bra, panties and suspender belt. . She had ordered the open nipple bra, so her pierced nipples could protrude. And they and their rings very much did. So sexy!
But the panty? All lace, ribbons and bows. She could never wear such a thing again. No self-respecting female could. What’s wrong with these sissies? What are they thinking?
About then her friend showed up. Tracy didn’t know it, but her friend was still processing the feelings and emotions experienced while helping with the other day’s preparations and unpacking, and arrived highly aroused. Her friend helped  her place back the hated tongue ball. 
Tracy  had decided to first put on everything except for the dress, and then to do her hair and makeup. After that, the dress and perfume (she had chosen Chanel 1957,; it was perfect), and she would lastly be secured by a chain from her wrist cuffs to a ring on an iron plate that had been screwed to the subfloor through the carpet. For good measure, her ankles would be hobbled using a short length of chain clipped to her ankle cuffs. She had chosen to hold the mincing ribbons in reserve. 
And that was how Bill would find her. At least according to the Plan. 
But there was a lot to do before then. 
Tracy rolled the pink stockings up her legs, and attached  the garters. She stepped into the shoes—-pink with heels, and attached  and then padlocked the shoe lock straps. Then she clicked the cuffs shut, first on her ankles, then on her wrists. She was ready for hair and makeup. 
But first, she checks the car app on her phone to see where Bill and her car are. Still on the way to the jewelry store, so there is time left. 
Makeup first. Her girlfriend nets Tracy’s hair, and starts with foundation and base. Then the eyes,  several colors of shadow, blended, liner above and on the water line, eyebrow gel and tint, and mascara. Her eyes are done. 
Her girlfriend expertly highlights her face, then uses blush to achieve the desired effect. 
Then the lips—liner, lipstick and gloss. 
And all is set with spray. 
Her friend sets and adjusts Tracy’s wig the brushes and combs it into shape. She lightly sprays it with hairspray. Perfection. 
Now the dress, and  a spritz of perfume. 
Tracy looks at herself in the mirror. She is the model from the website! She is quite proud of herself. 
So now the final cuffing—arms first, behind the back, and then her ankles. With a couple of clicks it is done. She is ready. 
Tracy’s friend  had been waiting for just this moment. 
She approaches Tracy, and places her hand on Tracy’s cheek. She kisses Tracy, full on the lips, her tongue probing Tracy’s unsuspecting mouth. Tracy is resistant at first, but then weakly accepts and submits. 
“I’ve been waiting for this for a long while, and this opportunity may never come again. So forgive me, but you of all people should  know how it is.”
“Please no! Bill, the Plan, all I’ve done!”
“Bill and your Plan will be fine, but I just can’t leave you without a few personal finishing touches, can I?.”
Her friend starts kissing the side of Tracy’s neck. Tracy inhales, and stifles a soft moan.
“Oh god. I’ll get you for this! Please don’t?”
“Then I guess I’ll have to have my way while I can.””
“What do you mean? “
“You’ll see. And you are in no position to object.”
“First, you forgot to collar yourself. That just won’t do.”
Tracy had intentionally left the collar off. It was such a symbol of submission that she just couldn’t bring herself to put it on. 
“No, really, I changed my mind about that, I really don’t need to wear it. But thank you anyway.”
(Picking up and opening the collar.)
“Darling, you know how these things work, so don’t even start.”
She places the collar around Tracy’s neck , the mounted ring pointing forward. 
“Shit. You bitch!”
“Now, now, we’ll have none of that.”
She steps over to where the gags are displayed. 
“I think this one will do just fine!”
“No. I don’t want to be gagged. Not now. Please … mrmph, mph!”
A silicon and leather ball gag is inserted into Tracy’s mouth and then fastened behind her head. And a lock clicks. 
Tracy pleads with her eyes for her to stop. Her friend merely shakes her head, her eyes telling Tracy that that’s not going to happen. 
Her friend takes a few minutes to enjoy her prey, caressing Tracy’s chest, ass and crotch—all the time kissing the front and sides of her neck predatorily. Tracy starts melting from below. 
“Now let’s  see . What else … ,  oh yes, those wonderful nipples and those wonderful rings.”
Tracy shakes her head no, as her friend picks up a couple of one ounce weights. 
“Sorry dear, but this won’t hurt … too much.”
The girl lowers the top of Tracy’s dress  off her shoulder just enough to clip the weights to the rings, and pulls the dress back up. There is enough room in the bodice of the dress for the weights to swing freely. The pain is exquisite. 
Tracy pleads with her eyes for the girl to stop.
“That will do for now.”
Tracy relaxes ever so slightly. 
“Ah, one last thing.”
The girl picks up a wand vibrator, turns it on, and presses it to Tracy’s chastitied crotch. Even though the vibrations are muted by the metal, they take Tracy’s arousal higher and higher—but only so high. This goes on for a while.  Tracy feels the frustration starting to build. 
“I know you can feel this, and I also know that an orgasm for you from this just isn’t possible. But I do want you to be ready for what’s about to happen.”
“Bye for now!”
With that, she turns off and puts back the vibrator, smiles a wicked smile, kisses Tracy on the forehead, and walks out, leaving the keys to the chastity and the restraints on the table in the foyer. She doesn’t tell Tracy, but she will watch to make sure Bill gets there before she returns home. 
And then, for Tracy,  the reality of what she has just done sets in. 
In her zeal to execute the Plan she had lost her sense  of what she was actually doing. And here she was, vulnerable, and completely exposed. Not only that, but by her own doing she was being presented  to Bill, almost sacrificially as on an alter, helpless, irresistible, and surrounded by implements of discipline and torture. All of which were being offered to him. 
Surely he wouldn’t. 
Surely he wouldn’t  … . 
And her nipples hurt more and more with every swing of the weights. 

Bill and Tracy by Chloe-Anne Vixen

Part 1

Bill and Tracy met for the first time in Atlanta—at a hotel bar in Buckhead.

He had just finished two days of meetings and needed a hassle-free place to grab something to eat and a drink. Due to the late hour, the hotel bar was the best bet.

She was sitting at the bar working through the emails of the day on her laptop, and nursing a glass of wine. But for a couple of other patrons, the bar was empty.

He sat down two stools from her. The bartender took his drink order. Bill looked at the menu, and was having trouble deciding among the offerings—nothing jumped out at him. He couldn’t help thinking how much of a pain these out-of-town meetings were—even figuring out what to order to eat at a hotel restaurant bar was a hassle.

Tracy noticed his struggle—

“Excuse me. But if you are looking for something really good, you may want to think about the seared Mahi. It’s amazing!”

“Seared Mahi? I wouldn’t have thought about that. But now that you mention it, it does sound good. Thank you!”

“My name is Bill, by the way.”

“I’m Tracy. Pleased to meet you, Bill.”

Bill hadn’t noticed how attractive, rather beautiful, Tracy was. He immediately took note. At the same time, she was appraising him. The physical attraction was immediate and palpable.

Conversation was easy. Both were very bright, and accomplished in their professions. She was a systems engineer by training, but had quickly risen to a high management position within the multinational company she worked for. He was a highly successful transactional lawyer for a well-regarded boutique law firm—having made partner at a very early age.

They talked into the night—politely learning about each other. She was attending a conference at the hotel, and he shared a few details about what he was doing. There definitely was a glimmer of something there.

Bill had just come out of a bad marriage and a difficult divorce. He had yet to even think about beginning to date—both because of the marital unpleasantness from which he had just escaped and the demands of his job.

It had been a long day for Tracy—having started the day on a red eye from the West Coast. She too was consumed by work, though this trip was not work-related. She was there to catch up with some good friends who were also attending the conference. It had been quite a while since she had actually “dated”—finding a physically attractive and interesting person, given her standards, to spend time with had proven to be just too difficult.

They each considered taking it further—to one of their rooms, but separately reasoned that it would be inadvisable to follow that impulse. Things like that never went anywhere, and they both had early morning obligations—his to get the airport and then to work, and hers to get to the early conference session. While unspoken, they both understood that their night would end when they were done at the bar.

Still, they enjoyed each other’s time. Being a gentleman, he did walk her to her room. And she treated him to a wonderfully affectionate kiss goodnight.

He was up and packed early. As he checked out of the hotel he noticed on a screen in the lobby a meeting schedule for a conference—The Southeastern Leather Collective. From prior experience (and knowledge he had gained via the Internet) he knew of that group—and knew that it existed to educate and support those interested in dominance and submission—sexual power exchange. He thought to himself that there must be another conference being held there—she didn’t seem that type. Out of curiosity, though, he asked the clerk at the desk if there was some other event being held at the hotel. The answer caused him to pause—

“No sir. We are hosting only the one conference.”

He could barely speak. Once he regained his composure, he smiled and chuckled to himself.

“If she only knew!”

Part 2

The second time they met was several months after—again at a hotel restaurant. This time, at breakfast at the Hotel Nomad in New York.

She had just had her coffee served. He was being escorted to his table when he saw her—

“Tracy, is that you?”

“Bill? This is just too weird! I cannot believe it is you. Can you join me?”

“I would be delighted.”

And so they talked. Almost like old friends who had been long separated and could immediately continue their relationship after the separation. They both felt this, and independently recognized it as an omen of sorts, karmic, and that something more would come.

Bill was feeling bold—

“Don’t suppose you’re free for dinner tonight?”

Something swelled within her—

“I am completely free—what are you thinking? “

“Well, do you like sushi?”


“I know just the place. Are you staying here?”

“I am. You?”

“I am too. That will make it easier—getting to dinner, I mean.”

(Smiling. Knowingly.) “Of course. Time?”


“Perfect. Meet you down here?”

“Again perfect.”

“Well, then, see you at 7:30.”

Bill used a connection to get 8:00 reservations at Shion 69 Leonard Street, one of his favorite spots. It had been many years since he had been this excited.

The prospect of their date had awakened something which had long lain dormant within Tracy—evidenced by an anticipatory arousal which interfered with her concentration for most of the day. She chided herself for this, and forced herself to try, with limited success, to ignore the dampness and swelling being visited upon her below. By the middle of the afternoon, she was almost desperate from arousal.

She was relieved when her meetings ended early, giving her time to shop. At the least, she needed to buy a panty or two as she had only packed for a few days, and the one she was wearing would be unwearable by dinner. So on to Madison Avenue.

She first stopped at Agent Provocateur—which had been one of her favorite spots back before she had become so overwhelmed by work. She bought a few items, just for fun, and found the perfect thing—a strappy three-piece black Whitney bra, panty and suspender ensemble, for the night. She bought sheer black nylons to go with the suspender belt, so she needed to find the perfect shoes, and then the right dress. Time was getting short. Luckily for Tracy, she found the ideal little black dress and Louboutin heels, lined in red leather, at a nearby shop.

He made it to the lobby first. When she came down in the elevator she near took his breath away. His reaction made her throb below. So much for the dry underwear.

Dinner was fantastic. Lots of saki, and a very nice Japanese scotch after. Neither one of them wanted to rush, but both felt what was coming.

While waiting for a cab on the street they kissed a long passionate kiss. The foreplay was almost over.

Her room. Anticipation and urgency were in control. He about lost it on the spot when he discovered what she was wearing for underwear. She came, for the first time, upon penetration, and for the second time when he orgasmed not too long after. Their needs and passion were unrelenting—continuing through the not so early hours of the night. They finally rested. Exhausted and, at least for a short time, still coupled together, until the dawn.

Part 3

Morning brought more need, but this time their lovemaking was measured, tender, and more lovingly passionate. Afterward, both were sexually spent, fully satisfied, and felt a tremendous closeness. They just held each other for the longest while. Neither had work commitments until later in the day, so they called for a large room service breakfast and just talked, mostly about small things, and took pleasure in each other’s company.

He was curious about one thing—the conference. But how to ask her about it?

Their conversation paused for a little, so he thought he would give it a try.

“I’ve been meaning to ask. That conference in Atlanta, I know a little about that group. How did you come to be there?”

A look of concern flashed across her face, and he saw her trying to think of how to answer. Finally, she took a deep breath—

He is hoping the spell hasn’t been too completely broken.

“I was going to have to share this with you at some point, and wasn’t quite ready, particularly after last night—which was absolutely amazing! (She takes his hand and squeezes it.) So here goes.”

“I was, several years ago, well, a professional dominatrix. I am retired from that now, and will never go back, but that is how I paid for college and graduate school. I still have friends in the scene, and several were at the conference, so that’s why I was there. I am also well-regarded, reputationally, in those circles, so I sometimes sit in on seminar panels. I was very, very good at it. If I went back to it I could probably make as much or more than I’m making now. But I had to get out. And I never ever had sex with any of my clients—male or female. While I did take pleasure in certain aspects of it, it was all business.”

“I hope this doesn’t ruin things for us.”

Bill takes a few seconds to take in what Tracy just said, and thinks about whether and how her revelation might have changed things. He responds carefully, not wanting to put her off—

“I don’t think that changes anything. It’s actually kind of exciting in a naughty, taboo kind of way. If you don’t mind me asking, why did you retire?”

“A lot of reasons. One, I kind of started liking it a little too much, and found the sessions frustrating. Not because I wanted sex, but because it was really the subs who had control. You would do to them what they asked, not what you wanted—I started feeling that I was the submissive. I would research and study, learning things that could have taken those interactions to the highest and most extreme level, but couldn’t put them into practice. So when I started excelling at work, I gave it up. I quit. Cold turkey.”

“You are the first one I’ve been with since.” I hope that’s okay?”

“Yes that’s okay.” (Kissing her tenderly.)

Tracy sighs, relieved.

“But wait, how did you know about the Collective?”

This takes Bill off balance, and he blushes noticeably.

“Well, I did have an interest in those kinds of things. The interest actually took a great toll on my marriage—it may have even caused the breakup. My fault really. We tried counseling, but it didn’t work. She admitted after the divorce that she had been jealous. That she thought I lusted for that more than I lusted for her, and she couldn’t handle it. This wasn’t true, but she felt it anyway. The breakup was very difficult, and I learned that those kinds of things have little to no place in a relationship.”

“So I too have quit. Never to go back.”

“Out of curiosity, were you the dominant?”

(He blushes again.)

“No. I was the submissive.”

(He looks down.)

“Hope that’s okay.”

“Of course it is. It’s kinda like we’re a pair of recovering alcoholics or adicts or something.” (Laughing and smiling.) It’s more than okay.”

As she say this she reasons that he was probably into the feminization aspect of the scene—his features even had almost a delicate quality to them. But she doesn’t ask. Those tendencies never do fully go away. She feels a twinge between her legs. He continues—

“Well I’m glad we got that out of the way. Last night was evidence that neither one of us needs that kind of thing.”

“Agreed! Completely.”

“Now where were we?”

Part 4

It was quite the whirlwind romance. They were able to see each other frequently, this in spite of the demands of their jobs and living on opposite sides of the country. Paris for a few days, Sonoma and Napa for a few more. New Orleans, Miami, Rome, London, and of course New York, among others, for a weekend.

Their passion for each other deepened and intensified with each visit. Neither wanted things to change. But sometimes, changes result from inadvertent or unintentional actions.

They hadn’t spoken about their respective pasts since that morning in New York. But if they were being completely honest, he would have admitted that having sex with a real life dominatrix, even a retired one, was exciting in and of itself, and she would have admitted that being intimate with someone who was vulnerable and susceptible to the dark arts she had once mastered was equally thrilling. In fact, they each fantasized from time to time about what it would be like if they relapsed together and went back. By the same token, they both feared what might happen to their relationship if they did. All this was unspoken.

That he had been into the feminization aspect of the scene was still merely a suspicion on her part, though she was quite confident in her ability to make those kinds of judgments. But something inside here told her that she had to find out for certain. But how?

She came up with a plan. So what harm would it do if she “sissified” herself and offered her sissified self to him to do with what he pleased? She could buy an outfit from one of those sites that cater to sissies for her to wear, and test his reaction. At worst, he might think it silly, but it would still be sexy. And at best it would confirm her suspicions. And either way it would be fun.

Tracy’s ability to plan and her obsessive thoroughness and attention to detail had been the key characteristics that made her an incredibly talented systems engineer and had enabled her rise up the corporate ladder. These were the same qualities that made her a superior dominatrix—almost fetishistically pursuing the fetish. So if she was going to present herself as a “sissy”, the presentation would have to be perfect in all respects. She well knew about sissies and all the little whistles by which they could be manipulated—playing with them was probably the most erotic thing she had done in that prior life, and her favorite part of that life. So what she had in mind for Bill would be planned and designed to perfection.

She knew from experience that the whole sissy fetish was full of contrary and intersecting ideas and fantasies. It was the existence and management of the conflicts that made it exciting on both ends. For the male, femininity becomes erotic, thrilling and humiliating at the same time. The imagined construct is pure fantasy, yet highly addictive. But once the male ejaculates, the fantasy is over, at least until the next time he gives in to the temptation, and a period of guilt and denial typically follows.

Her interest was deeper. To her, helping the male to indulge in the fantasy was only the first step, the enticement, in a process which she thought, if done correctly, would lead to the male being wholly and completely enslaved by the femininity.

Due to the nature of the male’s fetish and fantasy, this end result wouldn’t be foreseeable, and he could easily be led helplessly down the path.

That was one of her frustrations in her prior life—only being able to help consummate the subs’ fantasy, and unable to realize hers. The end of her imagined path was complete emasculation and enslavement, both in fact and in femininity, something no horny male would expect.

But the purpose of this was not to explore her fantasy, but to figure out his. And as her plan entailed neither domination on her part or submission on his she reasoned that it would be safe for both of them.

So, what to wear? After some time on the computer she settled on a Pretty Ribbons Uniform, in pretty pink, from an online store, complete with matching pinafore, panty, petticoat, bra, suspender belt, stockings and shoes. Just looking at the outfit on the site made her throb down below. And she couldn’t resist the matching mincing ribbons.

She was off to a good start.

Now is where her perversions and imagination took hold. She thought about how she would create the perfect fantasy sissy. His perfect fantasy sissy. She thought about how she would have to prepare herself. The sissy would need to not have body hair—so she would have to attend to her arms, her mons and the other places where she might have even fine body hair. That would be easy.

The sissy would need to be pierced. Multiple in the ears—already covered. Nipples? God she would hate that—but necessary. The same with the tongue—but it would only be temporary and she could take it out. On the fence about the nose, and her belly button had already been done. Which left her nether parts—about which she was also undecided. Usually those piercings were for practical purposes—to support chastity and inhibit masturbation. She would have to think about that.

And then there was chastity management itself. Her sissy would have to be controlled. Self-stimulation made impossible But what about her? Her session preference in the prior life would have been a ball trap device, but she didn’t have balls to trap. And besides, while those devices were effective for sessions, they were nowhere near inescapable. She realized that she hadn’t before thought through what type of chastity her sissy would wear. Maybe something to ponder for the future?

Back to the question at hand, what kind of chastity would she wear? If it was her own female submissive, the answer, a pierced-on permanent shield, was easy. But she wasn’t going to do that to herself. It ultimately came down to two options, both of which would involve a belt Option one would be a male belt with a penis tube. Even if she didn’t have a penis it would still create the illusion of a sissy front. The other option would be a true female belt. She had worn a female belt before, and while it didn’t completely prevent her from achieving orgasm, it did a reasonable job and was incredibly frustrating to wear.

She chose the second option, both because no dominant would allow their sissy to orgasm freely and because she had, stored away with her toys, a vintage Tollyboy female belt, custom fitted for her to wear, that was as effective as they get. It would also allow access to her ass courtesy of the attaching chains. And she would need a jeweled plug for her ass.

Method of chastity decided, she began to work though the last details. This would be the hardest part—where the “devil” dwells.

Makeup and hair? She could have hers done to look like the model on the web site. Surely Bill had been on that site, so that had potential. She would need a wig. And she was sure one of her girlfriends would be more than happy to help her with her hair and makeup.

Perfume? Something feminine and submissive smelling. Maybe something from Chanel? She would shop for that at a department store.

Collar and restraints? Shoe locks, of course. And for the collar and cuffs, 30 mm polished steel with d-rings and click locks. She loved those locks—a sub could be completely restrained in a manner of seconds. Terrifyingly quick, as she thought about it. Merciless and inescapable.

But then when? And how would she offer herself to him?