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Austin and Riley Part 20








“Sissy cuck,” Corbin had finished his resting following his arduous screwing of Austen’s wife, Riley, and had sat up in bed, “Go and face the wall.”

Face the wall? Austin hated how passive he had become since his wife had brought home her Bull, only days before.

In his corset, stockings and heels, he rose from the bed, where he had been resting after his ordeal on the dildo, and stepped up to the wall, not daring to look away from the sky-blue paint.

He heard Riley giggle.

“You’re going?”

Austin heard the Bull yawn. “Yeh. Early start. And hey, bitch,” there was a pause, as Austin fixed his gaze on a section of the wall with small paint bubbles. “You’re doing well with the Mistress stuff.”

His wife laughed again, “Thank you kind Sir. Only due to your guidance.”

Austin could hear the Bull dressing, talking at the same time, as if delivering a lecture.

“Just keep an eye on your dumb tramp of a maid. Don’t let her get away with anything. Got it? Fuck all!”

His wife replied with a smile in her tone, “I won’t Sir. I promise.”

“I know these maids. You give them an inch, and then you’re gonna have to spend a whole ocean of time putting them back in their place.”

The clothes continued to be pulled on, “And keep her nose out of my sports bag.”

Another kiss, more slobbery this time. “Yes Sir.”

The bedroom door opened, “Bitch, stay facing the wall until your Mistress gets back.”

Austin rolled his eyes, thankfully hidden from the view of the Bull or his Mistress because his back was to them. “Yes Sir.”

He heard more giggling and snogging as the couple made their clumsy way downstairs.

The cucked maid, obviously remained perfectly in place, fearful of being discovered to have moved even an inch from position.

He felt the sticky sweat from his exertions on the dildo and his bottom was sore and bizarrely vacant following his own exertions on the dildo. It was such an indignity to be standing here facing the wall, like a naughty child, while his wife and her lover chatted downstairs. He could hear their voices but couldn’t make out what they were saying. Mostly Sir spoke, with just the occasional giggle and whispering from Riley.

How he wished he was permitted to just hear what they were saying. In a previous life he’d have been with them, making his own points clear.

He shuffled in his heels, which were making his ankles sore. He had been wearing them for hours, the longest he had ever worn shoes like this.

To the maid it was a lifetime, but in fact the couple only spent ten minutes chatting out of the earshot of the maid.

Eventually, the front door closed, and his Mistress clip clopped up leisurely the stairs in her heels, which matched those of Austin’s.

Once in the main bedroom, she paused. Her entire body was exhausted from the pounding Sir had given her. Her legs still felt shaky, but how rewarding it was to see her sexily clad maid standing obediently in position facing the wall.

God, she wanted her friends to see this. To witness how powerful she was. They wouldn’t be able to believe it. She was certain she could garner new respect from her demonstration of dominance.

An awfully perverted thought wandered into the dark side of her mind like smoke in a tunnel. It was so sick that she wanted to quickly dispel the notion but couldn’t.

As she took in her maid’s stockings, sagging a little at the back, but still sufficiently smart on her husband’s legs beneath his corset before closing her eyes. She knew she was smiling but it was such a dreadful idea.

The dark thoughts blossomed into getting all Austin’s friends and work colleagues to their home … oh my, her breath grew shallow … and have her maid serve everyone in his new hotel pink maid tunic. It looked so good on him and left no one in any doubt as to the wearer’s status.

Of course, she knew that her husband would never recover from such a profound debasement. That everyone would snigger when they saw him or even, and this next thought made her even hotter, even order him to do something. Maybe fetch them a coffee to their desk in work.

Jesus. How powerful and commanding she would then appear in their eyes.

But it could never happen. No. What happens in the bedroom stays in the bedroom. Their private lives are exactly that. Yet, her pussy still dampened from the thought.

The maid’s head gave a slight, nervous turn to see if his Mistress was in the room. She had been quietly lost in her erotic thoughts, and unmoving for a while.

“Oh maid. You are so fucking hot!”

Should he step away from the wall now?

He decided to remain in position, “Thank you Mistress. And so do you.”

She laughed. “Oh my God, between you and Sir I feel truly alive and so turned on.”

Crawling up onto the disorderly bedsheets, she felt her aching muscles remonstrate with her.

“Fetch me a glass of water, maid. Two ice cubes and a slice of lemon.

Turning on his heels, he said, “Yes Mistress,” and set off on his task.

When he returned carrying the water glass on the same tray with which he had waited for Sir by the front door, only hours previously, he offered the drink to his sleepy Mistress.

“Good girl,” she sipped the refreshing cold water, imagining it to energise her body. “Put my glass on the cupboard next to the bed and get in.”

She raised the quilt.

“Yes mistress,” Austin complied, feeling the suspenders stretched around his thighs and the corset tighten around his body as he complied.

She snuggled up her maid, relishing his sticky flesh against her own. It felt lewd and illicit. Excitingly so.

With knowing amusement in her voice, she asked, “How did it feel, fucking yourself on Sir’s dildo?”

Where had all this swearing come from? Riley never used to swear until she had become so dominant. As if her new position gave her fresh entitlements.

Using her arm to squeeze her maid’s bare shoulders, she kissed her maid’s hot forehead.

“Go on maid. Girls talk about everything. No need to hold back.”

“Yes, Mistress.” How could he put it? “To be honest it was humiliating having to sit on Sir’s dildo, under his direction. And having to obey him.”

As convincingly as possible, she said, “Aww,” but thought, ‘good’.

“And it was so big. I was scared at first.”

Abruptly, it was as if his wife had woken up, she quickly pulled herself onto her side, staring down at her cute maid. “I know. Isn’t it? I feel exactly that when guys are about to screw me. They look so big. It is scary. Not you obviously.” She smiled and winked. “But I mean real guys. Their cocks are so damned big.”

His jaw dropped in shock. Real men? Not him? He mustn’t cry. One day they would both be beyond this cuckold game, and they could go back to their man and wife love making. Riley wouldn’t complain about his size and performance again.

The nightmare of when Sir had forced Austin to try to make love to Riley flooded back with all the emotions of humiliation and despair he felt at the time.

He winced, recalling how Sir had fucked her quickly to orgasm but he, her own husband, couldn’t get any reaction. How Riley had chatted absent mindedly with the Bull about doorknobs while he was doing his best to make her cum.

But his wife seemed to be oblivious to his torments. Rather, her eyes were wide with excitement.

“Wow. You and I have so much in common. Come on. Come on. What else did you feel?”

“Well, I guess, you know, it was arousing. Like Sir said, when the dildo rubbed against my G Spot.”

Her eyes sparkled in the dimly lit bedroom, “Exactly. Then, with him inside me, fucking me hard, all the fear goes, and you can’t help yourself. You just cum.”

Austin felt his cheeks burn, and wished he could deny his wife’s painful words. But he had cum like a slut while riding the dildo under Sir’s instructions.

She pressed on, with ever greater excitement, “And Sir says, that with your little thingee locked up in chastity you can keep on cumming. Just like a girl.”

He couldn’t look her in the eyes as he compliantly nodded.

My God, watching her husband’s submission through shame was wholly thrilling. The most exciting thing that had ever happened to her.

“Come on. We’re besties. We share stuff. Sir doesn’t have to know. It’s between you and me. What else?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” he thought back, “When it came out, when I stood up, it felt odd. Difficult to put into … I guess, you know. I felt empty.”

She laughed. “I know! It’s like you want it back in there as soon as possible!” She shook her head. “Oh, you and I are so like. Two total cock sluts!”

He wanted to stand up for himself, but how could he? Yes, he did want the dildo back inside him. Surely that didn’t make him a cock slut!

She kissed his nose, “Wait until you are standing in a room with dominant males. You won’t believe how you feel. You’ll know that if they fuck you, then you’d become theirs. Like your body just gives into them. Your legs will be shaky. They have so much power over we cock sluts!” She laughed louder. “And most of them don’t know it. But we girls know it. And we know there’s nothing we can do about it. And even that makes us hotter and wetter.”

He had to put a stop to this. No way was he going to respond to a man in the room sexually, simply because he now knew that a thick cock could make him cum so easily.

Yet even now, he felt that vacant throbbing in his bottom.

He dipped his head down to avoid her eyes.

“Mistress, please may I play with the dildo again?”

She snuggled him up, squeezing him tight. “No, sexy maid. Sir says I must ensure you have been well behaved if you are to get treats. And I don’t mean just obedient. Sir says you must be specially submissive and maid like to deserve rewards.”

“But Mistress …”

Her expression grew instantly dark. The eyes and mouth narrowing in that by now familiar way when she was cross with him.

He instantly knew to shut up and avoid eye contact.

“Do you really think that a maid who argues gets treats?”

Feeling totally ashamed, he spoke with barely moving his lips, “No Mistress.”

“No! No indeed. I may have to whip that out of you. I’d hate it, if you started questioning me when given an instruction in front of our acquaintances.”

His eyes blinked huge. “Acquaintances?”

She hadn’t meant to say that. “No, sorry. Well, say, in front of Sir.”

“Oh, I see,” he said, unconvinced, fear making lines appear on his forehead. “Because obviously we cannot involve others in this game.”

She stared at him, that coldness in her features growing harsher.

Why was she staring at him with such anger?

She despised him for thinking it is a game. Her power was as real and solid as any marriage vow, and she was not about to give it up. And how dare he say their friends shouldn’t be involved. It wasn’t for him to make decisions. Just to accept her instructions.

At last, she said, with her face barely moving, and her teeth close together. “Don’t you ever speak to me with out addressing me in an appropriate manner, maid.”

“Sorry Mistress. I forgot. It won’t happen again.”

Releasing him she sat up in bed, her eyes still narrow but remaining disturbingly silent.

Finally, she looked down at his frightened maid and brushed her fingers down his hot cheek.

“Maid. It must not happen again. So here’s what we are going to do to ensure you don’t forget. I will whip your bottom enough times to make you cry. Then I’ll video you telling Sir what has happened and why it has happened. You will then thank Sir, for putting you in your place and thank him for ensuring you get your bum caned when you are naughty.”

He leaned up on his elbows. “But Mistress. No. Please ….”

Raising her eyebrows was all she had to do to quell his protests. He fell back onto the bed. “Mistress, you said this was between you and me. Sir shouldn’t see everything.”

She pushed away his fringe from his sweet pixie hair style. “Silly maid. This is isn’t for Sir. It is for me. And for you. It will be painful for you saying those things for Sir. Having it recorded.” Again, she kissed his cute nose. “But it will ensure that you learn not to answer back.”

With eyes closed, he groaned.

“Silly maid. You’ll thank me for it. Now you need to repair your make up and brush your hair before your punishment and video. And we need to straighten up your corset and stockings. I don’t want Sir thinking I have an unkempt maid.”

How could he argue with his Mistress, when even if it appeared he was protesting could result in further punishment?

Austin and Riley Part 19






There may come a time in every sissy’s life when they realise that they are in the centre of a predicament that they have created but cannot control.

So it is with Austin right now, as he stands uneasily in what had been his and his wife’s master bedroom, but had become his wife and her Bull’s bedroom.

He stood in his heels, with his relentlessly gripping basque with the decorative frills, the black stockings, heels, and tungsten chastity cage. Similarly attired to his wife, and both had been instructed to remove their tiny mesh panties by the Bull, Corbin.

And now, with triumph, the Bull was brandishing a black dildo sitting in a squat base.

Austin’s wife simply stared at the object, having never before seen one quite like that. She had asked Austin to purchase her one to help her achieve orgasms when they were making love. But that was a simple short pole, whilst this was moulded to resemble a cock. A black cock. A firm, hard black cock complete with twisty veins.

“Turn one of those upright wooden chairs around so it fully faces the mirror, maid,” Corbin said in his usual relaxed tone. He knew that after the caning over the same chair, Austin wouldn’t dare disobey him.

Austin pulled the chair slightly to one side and turned to stare at the object, whose base was now being pushed into his face by his wife’s lover. There was a black sucker, just millimetres from his lips.

“Lick it bitch,” Corbin commanded.

Austin did so, his tongue tasting the sour plastic.

“Again, maid,” Corbin said. “Do it properly. I want it as wet as your Mistress’ cunt.”

Austin hated the foul language and knew Riley would be upset by the uncouth Bull, but fearing further punishment, he licked the rubber with great vigour, until his spittle shone under the bedroom light.

Riley squeezed herself tighter under Sir’s arm, relishing being held by this powerful man as her husband was reduced to suffer indignity after indignity. She felt sympathy for her husband’s constant relegation, and it made her feel ashamed, how could her husband let this happen. Yet it also aroused her.

Little did the innocent wife know, that as humiliating as it was for Austin to be dressed in this way, and to obey the man who was screwing his wife, his sissy brain was almost comatose with conflicting pleasure at his humiliations.

Part of him wished it were otherwise, that he could behave like a man and call a halt to the continuous mortifications, but his dick filled his tight, tungsten chastity cage and his sissy brain was awol with pleasure and arousal.

In a single sweep of his arm, the Bull planted the dildo, on the wooden chair surface so that the rubber sucker stuck tightly to it.

Releasing the hot, melting wife, Corbin stepped over to his mysterious dark, sports bag and returned with a long thick white tube. He pulled off the cap and smeared its contents over the tip of the dildo, so that the thick gooey substance clung to the plastic, black phallic representation.

“Okay, maid,” Corbin smirked, making Austin feel sick. “Sit on my toy.”

Taking in the size of the phallic object Austin cowered.

“Sir, please it’s too big.”

Corbin’s response was a simple short, unpleasant laugh.

Seeing that his Mistress was staring in shock at the dildo, Austin said to her, “Please, Mistress. Tell Sir it is too big.”

As ever with Mistresses in this predicament, Riley wanted to protect her maid, but also relished the thought of him sitting down on it and following her lover’s instructions.

Looking up at her grinning Sir, “Perhaps it is a bit big for her, Sir?”

She asked it as a question, as she desperately wanted to see her maid take it inside herself.

“Na,” Corbin, shook his head with amused disdain. “You sluts are always like that. Moaning it’s too big, but desperate to take it inside yourselves. Remember you, on our first time? You saw my dong and telling me you could never take anything that size?”

Why was everything Sir said such an insult to Austin. Sir was unusually big, that was for sure, but it was horribly debasing the way he kept referring to the difference in their sizes.

For her part, Rily’s cheeks grew dull pink, and she giggled, her tongue touching her top lip.

After kissing her lover’s hairy cheek, she said, “But I was so aroused. You make me so wet.”

“Feel your maid,” Corbin said, “give her a rub between her legs.”

Gasping with amused shock, Riley pushed out her fingers and rubbed her hubby’s tiny metal cage.

“Oh my God,” She shrieked. “My maid is so fucking wet!”

With a dismissive shrug of his naked shoulders, Corbin said, “Of course she is. You two have a lot in common.” He needed her to see that her hubby was less of a husband and more of a dumb slut, like her.

That dark mocking grin returned as he said to the nervous maid, “There you go, maid. Now sit on it like the good girl I know you can be.”

The words ‘good girl’ had long lost their ability to excite Austin, though his entrapped dick pulsated and emitted a short stream of pre cum at the words.

The Bull took a small step forward knowing his sheer mass would intimidate the sissy cuck.

“Of course maid, I could always pick you up and impale you on it.”

“No!” Austin’s eyes were fully round with fear, though he dared not look at his tormentor.

How hard could it be to sit down on it?

He stepped to the front of the chair, placed his hands on the seat and gently lowered himself.

In the mirror’s reflection he could see his tormentor grinning so wide that his teeth showed.

His Mistress’ attention was totally fixed on his actions as his bottom touched the cold fluid on the dildo.

Surely Sir would call all this off. Hadn’t Austin demonstrated that he was willing to obey Sir and sit on the object?

Austin made a pitiful face to Sir. “Please Sir, must I?”

“You want it, you slut,” he said. “Now get it in your tight hole.”

Using his shaking arms for support, Austin pressed his rectum on the gooey mess. Thankfully it resisted penetration.

“Sir,” Austin said, with relief, “It is too big. It won’t go in.”

Releasing the engrossed wife, Corbin bent over the alarmed maid, ruffling his pixie haircut.

“Babe. The first time is the same for all you girls. You always claim it’s too big.” He flicked up his eyes to Riley, “Isn’t that right, slut?”

She replied hoarsely as if her voice had been lost. “Oh, yes Sir.”

“So be a big girl, just press down. Do it gently. That’s it. And again.”

As he obeyed his tormentor Austin felt his hole open a little.


Corbin laughed, his voice still encouraging and gentle. “Good girl. Go on press harder, like the slut you really are.”

Oddly, a sudden urge to please this uncouth bully of a man overwhelmed the hapless sissy. He found himself settling further down on the plastic intruder. The cold wetness pushed further up his bottom.

Suddenly …


Austin looked up in shock at the Bull and everyone in the room knew that he had accepted the bulbous end of the invader into himself.

“Push down, slut,” Corbin said, quietly, encouraging the shocked sissy.

“It’s … it’s too … big …”

Of course Austin was receiving the rounded, bulbous head of the dildo which would push him wider, ready to easily accept the next long section. But he and his bum didn’t yet know that the first, large part was the most difficult.

“Sir, I … I can’t … do … it ….”

“Sure you can, maid,” Corbin said with a warm smile. “Just one more big push.”

The unrelenting dildo grew painfully large, and just as Austin was about to give up, stand, and beg for forgiveness, the rounded end filled him and plopped deeper inside. How his winking rectum gripped at the pole part of the plastic cock, just as a woman’s pussy grabs at the shaft of a genuine penis.

For Riley this felt like a shared experience. She recognised the conflicts in her maid’s face. The fear and the excitement.

She crouched down next to her maid and kissed his forehead, feeling the sticky sweat on her lips.

“Oh my, maid. I am so proud of you.”

Riley felt tears of joy sting his eyes. His Mistress was so genuine with her words.

“Thank you, Mistress.”

“Push down on the shaft, bitch,” Corbin said, anxious that he didn’t lose the initiative to these two dumb sluts. “There’s a surprise for you.”

Riley grinned at her lover, “And what’s that, Sir?”

Corbin felt his dick engorge and float up so it stuck out at right angles. He would love to spurt his juice over both of them right now. Another sign of his ownership.

He said, “’cos sissies have their G spot in their arseholes. So when they get fucked with cocks, they cum like the sluts they really are. They cannot help themselves. It just happens.”

Austin had heard about the male G spot being inconsiderately located in the back passage, but had never before tried to locate it.

“Now maid,” Corbin maintained, his pleasant reassuring tone, “when you feel the dick hit your spot I want you to say, ‘yes’, like the good girl I know you can be.”

Austin nodded, not sure how he’d know when his G spot was touched by the trespasser in his back passage.

Riley put her fingers lightly onto her lips, astonished at the sight of her husband rising and falling on the dildo under the precise instructions of her lover.

The uncomfortable experience for Austin was made worse by having to perform this humbling experience before his wife. He’d always fantasised about dildos, but never wanted to use one in front of his wife.

The shame was mitigated by the fact he was obeying Corbin, like all sissies the instructions of a firm dominant overruled any sense of shame. At least the embarrassment was still felt, but the sissy’s need to comply over rules any hesitation.

Right now though, the dildo was filling him, and the bulbous end made it difficult to slip it out, as if it was trapped inside him.

“Just slowly,” Corbin, said, in that even commanding, somehow comforting tone of his.

Riley pressed herself up against the strong naked Bull, seeking support. The sight of her husband riding the dildo before her was so shocking yet so thrilling, that her legs were growing shaky.

And suddenly, from nowhere, there it was.

A brief spark of electric that Austin felt as the rounded end of the dildo struck a spot.

It was like pushing an internal pleasure button.


His shocked eyes stared at Corbin as if for explanation for the tiny explosion of arousal.

Then …

“Oh!” again.

Corbin said, “Good girl, clever girl. And what do you say?”

This time as he pressed down, Austin knew the point would be pressed by the dildo and. As instructed, said, “Yes.”

“Faster, slut. Be the slut you really want to be,” the Bull said with a dark grin.

By now, the continued impacts on his G spot were fucking away Austin’s senses. He was robotic in his actions. He quickly learned that by arching his back he could increase the exciting effect of the knob end on his sensitive spot.

His eyes closed. “God, yes. Yes. Oh. Oh my God, yes …yes …”

Riley was shaken. “Sir, that is like me, when you are having me.”

Corbin needed to rub this in, she must never see her chastity locked, sissy cuck as a man again.

“You got it, slut, “he smiled at her. “You two have so much in common.” He kissed her hair, and she melted into his hardening embrace. “Look at your maid. Watch her perform on a cock. When ever she denies she is a dumb slut, like you, you remember this sight. Picture her performing exactly like the wanton slut she really is.”

Austin’s head lolled back, eyes closed. “Yes. Oh yes. Yes. My God!”

Suddenly he spurted like a fountain, through the bars his chastity cage.

His motions became faster as his body possessed a motion of its own.

The Bull laughed, saying to Riley, “Run your fingers under the maid’s sissy dicklette. Go on. See how wet it is.”

Like Austin, she had an irresistible compulsion to obey the imposing, dominant male.

Unsure if she had said, “Yes, Sir,” she dragged her fingertips beneath the unforgiving tiny tungsten cage. As minutes earlier, when she performed the same action, she knew it was going to be wet, but was shocked to now find it soaking.

She wiped her fingers clean on her husband’s exposed soft thigh above the stocking tops and stepped back into the arms of her lover wondering who was more wet between the legs, she or her hubby.

Corbin whispered into her ear, confident that the dumb sissy cuck was too brain dead to hear. “There’s a strap-on in my bag. Use it on your maid. Give her hell and watch her perform for you.”

And at that moment, Riley lost it. Her body was not hers. She gripped the rough cheeks of her lover and she rose up on her tiptoes to gnaw at his face.

“Fuck me. Please. Please.”

Corbin’s dick thickened into one of those erections that’s so full it hurts.

He lifted her up off her heels and threw on the bed.

Austin became aware of the movement in the room, and sleepily stopped riding the dildo to watch as the Bull took his wife on his former marital bed as if she were a mindless, hungry slut.

Pressing down, slowly Austin ensured that the knob hit his G-Spot. It was an addiction.

“Yes. Yes. Yes.”

He said this at the same time as Riley spoke exactly the same words, in exactly the same brain-dead manner. Both sluts lost in erotic lust. Both out of control and helplessly in need of satisfaction.

Nastily, Corbin took hold of the wife’s chin, “watch your bitch of a maid perform as you perform for me.”

Her hooded, half closed eyes, could barely take in much that made sense, but suddenly she and her maid’s locked together.

“Oh Mistress,” Austin said raspingly. “I’m yours!”

And she smiled at him, before looking up at her triumphant lover saying, “And I’m yours!”


Austin and Riley Part 18









Now, hotwives and sissies never put themselves into the hefty shoes of Bulls. Each taking it for granted that dominant males do what they do effortlessly and with little thought.

However, the Bull’s authoritarian desires that are on constant alert, forever watching for any challenge to their position in the household, remaining only relaxed when the hot wife and dumb cuck know their positions in his life. There must be no tiresome challenges to their authority.

To achieve this, they have their strategies which the more experienced Bulls like Corbyn have polished to perfection.

You will recall that Riley, the hotwife, and Austin, the sissy cuck are dressed in matching black frilly basques, stockings and high heels. In the previous episode, the Bull, had ordered them to remove their sexy tight mesh panties to make a painfully, humbling point to his playthings.

You will also recall that following the threat of being made to lie out of the window and have a caning so harsh that Austin’s screaming would bring the neighbours out to investigate, Austin had knuckled under and obeyed the Bull. This of course wasn’t satisfying for Corbin as he now had an itch to humiliate and control further the sissy cuck.

The Bull had ordered the two ‘girls’ onto the bed, and they both, crawled up the sheets to lay face up, looking at him awaiting their next instruction.

With a grin, Corbin began to disrobe. His thick cock was already painfully erect in his pants, and he knew how both his toys would react to seeing the revealed weapon.

Austin was fully aware how his wife couldn’t keep her eyes from the hunk. In fact, her mouth hung agape, and her eyes barely blinked as each item of clothing was shed with that arrogant shit eating grin of Corbin’s.

As the muscular Corbin finally finished his disrobing by pushing down his boxers, with his eyes fixed on Riley, his huge member, finally freed, leapt up, as if on a spring, flicking silvery precum into the air like a shower.

Austin heard his wife growl with sexual need as the painful memory of his member being compared to Corbin’s hit his mind like a brick. He recalled how his wife had cum as soon as Corbin entered her and seemed to cum endlessly thereafter. Yet, when the bull directed him to make love to his wife, he couldn’t feel her, and she never physically responded to any of his efforts. Rather, she actually just chatted idly to Corbin about nothing in particular as Austin made every derisory effort to make some sort of impact on her.

The bed seemed to sink as Corbin clambered up it towards Riley, whose one stockinged leg, bent at the knee as if ready accommodate the Bull. Her hands rose up to his naked, taut shoulders and her back arched accommodatingly as her lover took his position at her pussy.

Knowing his size can cause discomfort and even turn women off, Corbin pressed in slowly, but as usual, Riley immediately moaned, her eyes closed, and she gripped his body with needy arms.

As he pressed home she came instantly.

Austin gasped almost as loudly as his wife. His own little member filling the steel chastity cage Corbin had bought for him and so cruelly locked on to his penis.

Losing count of the number of times his wife came, Austin was so turned on that he pressed his fingers against his exposed chastity cage and rubbed hard.

When Corbin finally pulled back out of his slut’s cunt, leaving a long golden trail of goo, Riley moaned, bucked and finally lay still, her breasts rising and falling through the basque as she caught her breath.

Corbin’s self satisfied smile froze as he caught sight of the foolish cuck trying to wank.

“What you doing, sissy boy?”

Having been caned not long before, with his bottom still raw, a fearful wide-eyed Austin mumbled, “Nothing. No. Sorry. Sir. I … . I …”

The smile was now gone from the Bull’s features, replaced by a hard intimidating glare.

“Don’t recall you asking permission to play with your boy pussy.”

Austin felt his eyes become hot. He knew tears weren’t far away.

He looked pleadingly at his wife, “Mistress!”

Riley smiled, placed her palm on her hubby’s hot cheek. “Aw.” She looked up at her Bull, “She didn’t mean it, Sir. I’m sure.”

He glanced down at the slut, his eyes unblinking, “You make sure your maid asks you for everything. You don’t want her taking the initiative. Not any time. They become a pain in the arse to control then.”

Riley nodded. “Oh, Sir. No. Of course not!” She turned to look at her terrified maid, looking so hot, cute and helpless, “Apologise to Sir for not asking permission to masturbate.”

Now the tears came. Full on sissy tears of helpless rage. “But Mistress. I cannot play with myself. Sir has me locked up down there and I feel so in need. Please. Please.” His wet eyes rose from his mistress to his Sir. “Please, Sir. I really need to cum. Really.”

A sympathetic Riley said, “Sir, perhaps you can allow it, this once. She does try to be good.”

Corbin was unimpressed. “Tries to be good? You mean like using my Christian name and then pleading with you to lie about her naughtiness? You mean like her trying to play with herself without asking?”

The wife felt hurt, as if her maid’s misbehaviour was somehow her fault. She felt her maid’s actions reflected badly on her, perhaps the way a mother may feel when her child is playing up amongst other children.

“Maid! Tell Sir how sorry you are.”

Austin had learnt over the last week that his once placid wife could turn in a brief moment into this tough dominatrix. Yet, it still shocked him. He recognised the change in her face, the narrowing of the eyes, the hardening of the lips. He easily recognised the chillingly cold tone she used when about to threaten him.

Yet still he felt that foolish sissy urge to rebel. To seek to reassert himself, despite wearing stockings, basque, light make up, heels and his new pixie hair style.

Apologise to Sir! To the man who had changed his relationship with his wife, from husband to maid? The dreadful bully who had locked his member into a tungsten chastity cage and not yet released him? The man who effortlessly made his wife cum. And perhaps worse, the man to whom his adorable wife now looked up to as the dominant male of the household.

“Mistress, please …”

Her look became darker, and Austin closed his wet eyes, fully aware of the inevitability of what now followed.

“Sir, I am so sorry I, erm, well, I didn’t seek your permission before I played with myself.”

The pitiful husband’s gut turned over at the shame of his actions.

Riley dropped her hand onto the sweaty, hard chest of her lover. “There, Sir. The maid’s apologised.”

Again, Sir wasn’t impressed, and Riley felt concern trouble her as Sir sarcastically laughed.

“You think the maid apologised without even looking at me? Yeh? You reckon she can close her eyes and say shit without even thinking about it? I need to see remorse!”

Riley was furious with her maid for making her look bad in her lover’s eyes. She twisted her body so she was facing her shocked maid.

“Maid!” The wife said, barely moving her lips, “Apologise to Sir this instant. And have the good grace to look at him when you are doing it. I want to see you being genuinely remorseful!”

This was too much. Shouldn’t his Mistress support him against this bully of a man?

“Mistress, I …”
She only had to raise her eyebrows for Austin to sigh and nod. Defeat was becoming easier and easier for the sissy to accept as his avenues for rebelling grew ever smaller.

Through his tearful eyes, Sir was a blur, which made it a little easier. Yet, even though he could barely discern Sir’s eyes, Austin was sickened at the humiliation. The man he most hated in the world was expecting an apology and he knew he had to deliver it.

Shame made him shake as he said, “Sir, please. I am so sorry for my naughtiness today.” How it stung to use the word naughtiness, as if he were a mere child in their presence. “Please forgive me.”

Both Riley and her Hubbie held their breaths as they studied Corbin for his reaction.

Finally, as if feeling that was the best he could expect, Corbin said, “All right.”

Riley giggled with relief, feeling that somehow, she was victorious. Her maid had complied to her lover under her instructions.

Her hubby simply let himself be swallowed by the blankets on the bed, shame immobilizing him.

The bull kissed his slut on her forehead, making her grin and said, “Just give your maid six swats with the cane and I’ll consider the matter closed.”

Austin’s eyes flashed open with disbelief. The cane?

Riley relaxed and smiled. “Yes, Sir. You are so good to my maid.”

She pulled up her self up, gripped his strong shoulders and kissed him rapidly around his cheeks and mouth. Her arousal flared up again. She needed him inside her.

Corbin knew what she wanted and understood how denying her would ensure her acquiescence to his whims.

As of course, the dumb sissy cuck’s denial by being locked in chastity enhanced his submission.

His strategy was working effortlessly.

“You need to deal with your maid first,” he announced.

Austin couldn’t believe this was happening. He had already been caned. By both of them!

He desperately wanted to speak up, but he feared the reaction of the dominant Bull. He was learning, as sissies do, sometimes quickly, sometimes punishingly slowly, that a sissy does not mess with real men.

Desperately needing the thick cock inside her, Riley spoke to her maid with a tremor of impatience, “What are you waiting for? You heard Sir. Fetch your cane.”

This was so unfair!

Riley slid from the bed, feeling his basque tighten around his waist as his heels stood on the carpet.

Once he had handed his Mistress the cane he awaited her next instruction.

Wondering whether to beat him over the chair as she had done previously under the tutelage of her Master, she felt a need to impress Corbin. She would demonstrate she had her own initiative.

She knelt up on the bed as her lover released his hold on his slut.

“Maid. Face down on the quilt. Now!”

Seeing his pitiful, helpless frown, she felt empathy for her defeated hubby, but it was more important to impress Sir than to placate her maid. She could always do that later.

This was outrageous, Austin thought as he slid up the bed, feeling his sexy garb slide erotically on the smooth sheets.

Though embarrassing to have his naked buttocks exposed to his wife and her Bull whilst awaiting punishment, like all true sissies, Austin felt the stirring of sexual urges. It was a tickly warm feeling in his tummy that led to his dick filling the small tungsten cage that Sir had locked him in.

Though the six swipes of the cane stung away his stimulation, it quickly returned as his Mistress threw the cane to the floor and twisted to grin at her lover awaiting his praise.

She was perplexed to see Corbin ignore her and pat her maid’s red striped bottom. She noticed the various colours emerging around the welts, blues, pinks and angry purples.

“Maid,” Corbin said.

Fearful of being slow in responding, Austin rolled onto his side looking up at the dominant male. It was as is if the man filled their bedroom with his dark presence.

“Sir?” His eyes were like blue traffic lights as his panic overwhelmed him. Had he done something wrong?

“Maid?” Corbin repeated, all at ease and relaxed, the man in charge. “Do you want permission to cum?”

God, was this some dreadful trap. Of course he wanted to cum! Austin flashed his false eyelashes at his Mistress, in the hope of being helped with the answer.

Riley was furious. “Well, answer Sir. He has asked you a question!”

Curling his stockinged legs beneath himself, Austin knelt up and whispered, “Well, yes Sir.” Fearing he might appear forward, he smartly added, “I mean, if that is okay. I mean okay with you. Oh, no. If it is all right with you and Mistress.”

He gripped the sheets in his little fists as he glanced nervously away from the Bull, desperate to hear what he was about to say.

He heard Corbin words, “What do you think Slut? You think she’s learned her lesson.”

Kissing Sir on his bristled cheeks, she replied excitedly. “Yes, Sir. She’s pretty good most of the time. Shall I unlock her, or will you?”

Austin noticed how effortless it was for his wife to see him as a ‘her’. It gave him pangs of unease, yet at the same time added to his arousal.

The naked, hairy hunk clambered off the bed and made his way to his mysterious large sports bag. The one Austin was not permitted to even look inside.

“Na,” the Bull said casually, “There won’t be any need to unlock her useless little peanut.”

Austin knelt up on the bed, his fingers to his lips. How could he cum if he wasn’t to be released?

Bent over so that Riley could study her lover’s hot, tight arse, Corbin continued, “In fact, once I’ve finished training her, she won’t ever need to be unlocked, save for cleaning.”

Riley giggled. Wow, wouldn’t that be amazing. Keeping her hubby locked away and submissive and in need. She would be so much in control!

The dominant male unzipped the bag and pulled out a device, which made Riley catch her breath and draw her hands up over her mouth.

As the Bull turned around, so the dumb cuck of a maid caught sight of the mysterious object.

He two placed the fingers of both hands over his lips, making the wife and her sissy look sexily alike, like bookends. This amused Corbin.

He laughed. This was going to be mega fun.