The new secretarial course

The new secretarial course just opened in London.


This is a crash 1 week course. Do you think you could match the standards set by these two graduates?




Ensure dress is the right length
Ensure dress is the right length
answer the phone
answer the phone
always practise your other arts in down time
always practise your other arts in down time
Taking notes on a chair
Taking notes on a chair
Let the dress ride up if the boss is bored
Let the dress ride up if the boss is bored
make sure panties are sexy incase you are punished
make sure panties are sexy incase you are punished
ensure underwear matches
ensure underwear matches
be careful when reaching for the stapler
be careful when reaching for the stapler
one of the many spanking positions
one of the many spanking positions
pretend to hate it when bound
pretend to hate it when bound

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