Austin and Riley continuation by Chloe Part Four

Austin’s dreams are far more vivid, and far more erotic. Oddly erotic. He dreams of being dressed as a maid, feminine item by feminine item, and becoming more aroused with each addition. He sees himself as a maid, and feels deep humiliation. The humiliation arouses him more. 
He dreams that he is being taught to curtsy— he clearly hears  instructions from a female voice—
“A maid must always practice her curtsies. The curtsy is the ultimate gesture of supplication. When you curtsy to a superior, it means many things.  First, it clearly communicates that you are a maid and that by that gesture you submit to your superior, and it overtly demonstrates your submission. It also thanks  your superior  for allowing you to serve, and it invites the  superior  to use you sexually or to debase and abuse you if he or she pleases.  In essence, by curtsying, you offer yourself to the superior.”
“A maid quickly  finds that when she curtsies wearing her service  uniform,  makeup  and perfume the effect of the curtsy on her weak and obedient sissy mind is heightened and amplified, overwhelming her mind with submissiveness. Don’t be surprised as  this happens to you, sissy. And you will be curtsying frequently. Very frequently, sissy.”
“In maid  service, you are always to speak, only when spoken  to, in a lisping, girly voice, and your sentences should always be punctuated by “Master”, “Mistress”, “ ma’am” or “sir”. You must always curtsy when entering or leaving a room and after addressing a superior. You are not to look a superior in the eyes,  but instead your eyes should be downcast—preferably focused on your superior’s genital area, if your superior is male, or feet, if your superior is female … .”
Austin decides in his dream  that he would rather not have to  curtsy. He certainly won’t do that. 
The dreaming continues, though, the words  coming into and going out of focus, again and again.  
He dreams of being the subject of a living makeup tutorial–with each  product being applied, concealer, foundation, blush, bronzer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, lipliner, lipstick, lip gloss, progressively arousing him. He dreams that he sees himself fully made up, and again feels deep humiliation and even more intense arousal. 
He then dreams that he is being sexually stimulated. Is it Riley? Is it someone else? He awakens, finding himself on the verge of orgasm. He looks down, his eyes now open, only to see a nurses’s  cap and the top of Debi’s head bobbing up and down between his legs. 
“Nurse Debi, what are you doing?”
She immediately pauses. 
“Oh, sorry! I was cleaning you up and couldn’t help myself. I didn’t think you’d mind, and you don’t usually wake from that. I’ll stop.”
“No no, I definitely don’t mind, and didn’t mean for you to stop. You just surprised me. By all means, please  … .”
This makes Debi happy. She smiles, flashing  a mouth full of perfect white  teeth.
“The pleasure is mine!”
Another mind blowing orgasm follows. 
Afterwards, Debi straightens herself up, smooths her dress and checks herself in a small mirror. She is a vision of loveliness. Today’s nursing pinafore is pastel green with white trim. She examines herself in the mirror. 
Speaking out loud, but distractedly, to the mirror—
“I think I messed up my makeup that time. I’ll have to fix it when I am done  here.”
She realizes that she has forgotten her ‘patient’.
“Oh, sorry, I forgot myself. Good morning!”
“Um, good morning to you too!”
“So, are you going to let me out of these restraints today?”
“I wish I could, Babes, but I can’t. ‘Doctor’s orders.’
Well, not really, but I like saying that. The truth is that you have to stay like this until your chastity is installed and your collar and chastity are engaged and calibrated. But there is good news, I will be checking the bandages on your chest and we’ll get to see what that looks like.”
“Can you at least tell me what they did there,?”
“I can do even better, I can show you!  And I’ll give you a little bath at well.”
Debi tugs at the top of his chest covering. The zipper releases and Austin feels the constriction ease. She fusses with the covering a little and eases it off. She gasps audibly. 
“Oh my, they’re magnificent! You are going to be so thrilled!”
“What are magnificent?”
“Your breasts, of course! I couldn’t tell with that compression bra you were wearing, but I had my suspicions. They’re huge, and absolutely perfect! They even did your nipples, plump and fat,  and areole, and your nipples are  starting to get hard! They’ll look so delicious pierced!”
Austin is gobsmacked. Breasts? Pierced? He strains to see—“I cannot really see them that well.”
“Hold on—I’ll get the mirror.”
Nurse Debi holds up the mirror so Austin can see.
“Those are, … those are mine?”
“Yes they are.  They’re absolutely gorgeous!”
Without asking, Debi bends over and takes one of his nipples into her mouth.  “Umm.  This is nice!”
Austin feels an almost electric jolt of arousal in his loins, forcing him to squirm aagainst the restraints. His deflated  cock stirs. Debi smiles as she sees this. 
“It looks like someone else likes your boobs!” 
She looks at her watch as if debating something—“Yes, I think there’s time.”
Debi rolls Austin’s other nipple between her thumb and forefinger. Looking down at his hardening cock, obviously  pleased with herself and grinning— 
“Yup. It works every time!”
Austin is soon cumming again. He is finding this all to be too odd for words, but, restrained as he is, he has no choice other than to accept it. He supposes that things could be worse. 
After she finishes, Nurse Debi removes Austin’s waist support, sponges him clean, dries him, and fits him with a new compression bra,  support and dry hospital underwear. 
“Now you are going to need to wear a bra like this for a while to protect your ‘girls’ until they are fully healed. The few stitches there and down below will fully absorb in time.”
“Nurse Debi? You said something yesterday that I’ve been wondering about. Something about not being able to resist. I don’t understand. How is that?”
“Well, your ‘therapy’ will be different than mine, so I can’t say with certainty what it will be like for you. But that test you took established a baseline for the AI Program. Your collar has, and your chastity will have,  sensors that provide information to the Program so that it can ‘learn’ you—how you think, how you react—that kind of thing. It will also see, real time,  what you are experiencing. The Program  has been learning  from your collar the whole time you have been here—through all those dreams and your reactions to my, well, you know, playing with your cute little penis. And the learning is progressive. Basically, over time, the Program comes to know your thoughts. Cutting edge stuff.”
“Once the chastity is engaged and calibrated with your collar the Program will take more and more control over you. Kind of like a full time dominant. Unfeeling, inflexible and unrelenting—only subject to the control of your Superior.  My programming rewards me with sexual stimulation for compliance and obedience, and punishes me with sexual pain for disobedience, even for as small  a thing as merely thinking about resisting or not obeying. That, coupled with the other conditionings, allows the Program to control your will. You learn pretty quickly.  I didn’t even know what was happening. And those other conditionings? They’re more like brainwashing—among other things eroticizing everything The Manor wants you to be helplessly aroused by. And the Program uses that helplessness against you. Wicked stuff.”
Austin’s blood runs cold. 
Things just got a whole lot worse!
“Nurse Debi, you have to help me get out of here! (Austin struggles against his bonds.) Now! Please? I beg you!”
“Sorry, Babes, I wish I could, but there is no way I can. It would be disobedience, and I would be severely punished.”
“Now you need to get some rest. (Again filling a hypodermic from a vial.) Tomorrow is going to be a big day!”
“Nurse Debi, please don’t!”
“Sorry Babes.”
She injects the contents of the hypodermic into the port in his arm. 
“Sweet dreams!”

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