Part Three
Austin and Riley continuation by Chloe Part Three
Austin dreams. He dreams strange strange dreams. And the dreams have almost a hallucinatory quality–as would accompany a fevered sleep. In his dreams he hears voices. Feminine voices talking about feminine things. Odd feminine things. And the dreams repeat—over and over and over.
After a time, he feels himself starting to regain consciousness. As he fights to awaken, he finds that he cannot move. His arms, legs, won’t respond—almost like they are being held. He struggles, with no success. Eventually he accepts the futility of his efforts, and relaxes.
He notices that there is something covering part of his face. He also becomes aware of a tightness from his chest down to his thighs—squeezing or constricting the areas. And he aches between the legs. He also notices a clear bag half full of liquid being held on a stalk above him—the tube running down from the bag no doubt administering some kind of intravenous substance.
“Good morning sleepyhead!”
He is startled by a smiling nurse Debi. She is wearing her white uniform, form fitting and cut short, and white nylons. Her uniform is accentuated by a pink-striped nurse’s pinafore and white cap, impeccable hair and perfect makeup. Delicately perfumed. A walking dream.
“Where am I?”
As he speaks, he realizes the his voice isn’t a resonant as it usually is.
“And what’s wrong with my voice? I sound like a girl!”
“You are recuperating from some minor surgeries. Nothing to be concerned about—everything is fine and you are healing quite nicely. One of the surgeries affected your voice, that’s all. Again, nothing you should worry about. And you are at The Manor.”
Austin remembers the events leading up to going through some kind of test—but everything after that is blank. Except for those unsettling dreams.
“But why, and why can’t I move?”
“The easy answer first. The medical restraints are to keep you from moving—from popping a stitch from the surgeries, or trying to get away. There’s no use in struggling against them or trying to escape. The Segufix are quite secure.”
“As for the why, that’s more complicated. First, you are here because someone wants you here, and that someone must have a reason. And why here? Because The Manor has ways of changing people in lots of different ways, both physically and psychologically. I was sent here to be changed, as have you.”
“Changed? Into what?”
“That depends on the client’s preference. And you are not the client. The client is the one who pays the bills. I was sent here by my husband, well, ex-husband, to be made more sexually ‘compliant’—basically to be turned into a slut. And so that’s what am. Anything sexual is irresistible to me.”
“But you’re a nurse?”
“Yes, I am a nurse. And a very good nurse. When my Superiors are away, I am sent here and work as a nurse. And they have been away quite a lot. But I am still a nurse. Nurses can be sluts too, you know. Trust me! See—look at my collar.”
Austin looks at her collar—below “Debi” the smaller print reads “Candy Striiper Slut.”
“But what have I been sent here for?”
“Let me look.” (Picking up and looking at his chart—her brow furrows with concern.) She continues, almost sympathetically “Quite a lot, in fact. I’m not permitted to share, but I can tell you that the application states that you are a maid and your Mistress wants you to become more feminine and more obedient, and a far better maid. Apparently the voice is part of it.”
“Is my voice going to be like this forever?”
“Afraid so. But it is quite a pleasant girl’s voice—almost sexy.”
“The ache between my legs, did they … ?”
“You mean …? No, no, no. Everything is still there. Just a few piercings, an implant or two and surgical things to make way for your new chastity.”
“I still have to wear one?
“Afraid so. Anyone who is collared must. It’s part of how the Program controls us. I’m wearing one.”
“That means that you are being controlled?”
“That’s correct. As you are, or soon will be.”
“But you seem okay with it. I don’t understand.”
“It’s not really a matter of me being okay with it. The Program and other conditionings make it impossible not to accept. Resistance isn’t possible.”
Austin puzzles about the last part—of course he would be able to resist and escape this insanity—just as soon as Riley comes back and gets him out of here. Until then, he may have no choice but to go along.
“Now, it’s time to clean you up. This will be the first time I’ve done this while you’ve been awake.”
“First time? How long have I been here?”
“This will be the fourth day.”
“Four days?”
“Yes. Mostly to make it easier for The Manor to manage the process. But the neuro-linguistic programming has already begun.”
“Programming? The voices?”
“That’s right. And you’re being given some special ‘medication’ to enhance its effects and speed along the process (she nods at the clear bag of liquid). It will make you girlier, too. Now, first thing, I have to change you—your pants.”
Debi pulls on a pair of latex gloves, and unzips something covering Austin’s lower body. As she does he feels the constriction release. She then undoes the Velcro on the sides of his hospital underwear and throws the used item in a bin, and cleans him up using moist serviettes. Austin tries unsuccessfully to peer over his chest to see what he looks like below.
Debi’s ministrations make his cock start to get hard.
“Looks like everything is healing nicely down here, it will only be a day or two now, and I think we can do away with your surgical girdle—maybe just replace it with a waist support.” She slides the girdle off, freeing his body from the waist down. “Oh and look! That’s one of the cutest little things I’ve ever seen! Is that as big as it gets? Mind if I? I’ll be gentle.”
Austin, thinking she just wants to touch it , answers “Sure.”
He sees her lower her head, and inhales sharply when he feels her warm mouth on it.
“What are you … ? Oh my! Please don’t stop!”
Debi responds, her mouth still full, with a garbled “Don’t you worry about that!, “ and expertly brings him to orgasm. The orgasm lasts and lasts, courtesy of his having been denied for so long, and except for a drip on her cheek and one on her chin, she captures it all, savoring and swallowing. She looks up at Austin—“That was truly impressive! How on earth can such a small little thing produce so much goo? I’ve never seen so much at one time!”
Austin struggles to speak—
“Did you just do what I think you did, know you did?”
(Smiling and acting coy, carelessly stroking his deflating nub.) “Yes. I hope it was okay. As I mentioned earlier I’m a slut—unable to resist sexually pleasing people, even sissies like you. It’s just a part of my conditioning.”
“It was fantastic! Your tongue felt awesome!”
“Thank you. A girl should always take pride in her work. And the tongue thing, that was because of the piercing.” (Debi shows Austin her tongue, revealing a small one centimeter metal ball in the center.) “Part of the ‘slut’ package, I’m afrsaid.”
She continues—
“If you don’t mind me asking, may I do that again sometime soon? I mean real soon, before they put on your chastity? After that, I’ll only be able to lick the sissy drool off it. Still good, but not even close to being the same.”
“Um, yeah, well, sure. Of course. Any time. But Nurse Debi, I’m not really a sissy.”
(Sympathetically, touching his cheek.) “Of course you’re not, dear. But at this point, it doesn’t matter what you once were.”
Debi finishes cleaning Austin up, fits him with and zips up a constricting waist support, gives his limp little thing a peck, and redresses him in clean pants.
“Now I have to get on with my rounds (as she picks up a hypodermic and starts filling it from a vial). I’m going to give you some ‘medicine’ that may make you have some very lucid dreams—but what you think you are dreaming will really be from the recorded programming you will be hearing. It’s kind of like an accelerator. “
“No, … please?”
Austin struggles against his bonds as she injects the substance into the port in his arm.
“Sweet dreams, Babes. I’ll be back to ‘change’ you again (winking) in a while.”
Part 4
Austin and Riley continuation by Chloe Part Four
Austin’s dreams are far more vivid, and far more erotic. Oddly erotic. He dreams of being dressed as a maid, feminine item by feminine item, and becoming more aroused with each addition. He sees himself as a maid, and feels deep humiliation. The humiliation arouses him more.
He dreams that he is being taught to curtsy— he clearly hears instructions from a female voice—
“A maid must always practice her curtsies. The curtsy is the ultimate gesture of supplication. When you curtsy to a superior, it means many things. First, it clearly communicates that you are a maid and that by that gesture you submit to your superior, and it overtly demonstrates your submission. It also thanks your superior for allowing you to serve, and it invites the superior to use you sexually or to debase and abuse you if he or she pleases. In essence, by curtsying, you offer yourself to the superior.”
“A maid quickly finds that when she curtsies wearing her service uniform, makeup and perfume the effect of the curtsy on her weak and obedient sissy mind is heightened and amplified, overwhelming her mind with submissiveness. Don’t be surprised as this happens to you, sissy. And you will be curtsying frequently. Very frequently, sissy.”
“In maid service, you are always to speak, only when spoken to, in a lisping, girly voice, and your sentences should always be punctuated by “Master”, “Mistress”, “ ma’am” or “sir”. You must always curtsy when entering or leaving a room and after addressing a superior. You are not to look a superior in the eyes, but instead your eyes should be downcast—preferably focused on your superior’s genital area, if your superior is male, or feet, if your superior is female … .”
Austin decides in his dream that he would rather not have to curtsy. He certainly won’t do that.
The dreaming continues, though, the words coming into and going out of focus, again and again.
He dreams of being the subject of a living makeup tutorial–with each product being applied, concealer, foundation, blush, bronzer, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, lipliner, lipstick, lip gloss, progressively arousing him. He dreams that he sees himself fully made up, and again feels deep humiliation and even more intense arousal.
He then dreams that he is being sexually stimulated. Is it Riley? Is it someone else? He awakens, finding himself on the verge of orgasm. He looks down, his eyes now open, only to see a nurses’s cap and the top of Debi’s head bobbing up and down between his legs.
“Nurse Debi, what are you doing?”
She immediately pauses.
“Oh, sorry! I was cleaning you up and couldn’t help myself. I didn’t think you’d mind, and you don’t usually wake from that. I’ll stop.”
“No no, I definitely don’t mind, and didn’t mean for you to stop. You just surprised me. By all means, please … .”
This makes Debi happy. She smiles, flashing a mouth full of perfect white teeth.
“The pleasure is mine!”
Another mind blowing orgasm follows.
Afterwards, Debi straightens herself up, smooths her dress and checks herself in a small mirror. She is a vision of loveliness. Today’s nursing pinafore is pastel green with white trim. She examines herself in the mirror.
Speaking out loud, but distractedly, to the mirror—
“I think I messed up my makeup that time. I’ll have to fix it when I am done here.”
She realizes that she has forgotten her ‘patient’.
“Oh, sorry, I forgot myself. Good morning!”
“Um, good morning to you too!”
“So, are you going to let me out of these restraints today?”
“I wish I could, Babes, but I can’t. ‘Doctor’s orders.’
Well, not really, but I like saying that. The truth is that you have to stay like this until your chastity is installed and your collar and chastity are engaged and calibrated. But there is good news, I will be checking the bandages on your chest and we’ll get to see what that looks like.”
“Can you at least tell me what they did there,?”
“I can do even better, I can show you! And I’ll give you a little bath at well.”
Debi tugs at the top of his chest covering. The zipper releases and Austin feels the constriction ease. She fusses with the covering a little and eases it off. She gasps audibly.
“Oh my, they’re magnificent! You are going to be so thrilled!”
“What are magnificent?”
“Your breasts, of course! I couldn’t tell with that compression bra you were wearing, but I had my suspicions. They’re huge, and absolutely perfect! They even did your nipples, plump and fat, and areole, and your nipples are starting to get hard! They’ll look so delicious pierced!”
Austin is gobsmacked. Breasts? Pierced? He strains to see—“I cannot really see them that well.”
“Hold on—I’ll get the mirror.”
Nurse Debi holds up the mirror so Austin can see.
“Those are, … those are mine?”
“Yes they are. They’re absolutely gorgeous!”
Without asking, Debi bends over and takes one of his nipples into her mouth. “Umm. This is nice!”
Austin feels an almost electric jolt of arousal in his loins, forcing him to squirm aagainst the restraints. His deflated cock stirs. Debi smiles as she sees this.
“It looks like someone else likes your boobs!”
She looks at her watch as if debating something—“Yes, I think there’s time.”
Debi rolls Austin’s other nipple between her thumb and forefinger. Looking down at his hardening cock, obviously pleased with herself and grinning—
“Yup. It works every time!”
Austin is soon cumming again. He is finding this all to be too odd for words, but, restrained as he is, he has no choice other than to accept it. He supposes that things could be worse.
After she finishes, Nurse Debi removes Austin’s waist support, sponges him clean, dries him, and fits him with a new compression bra, support and dry hospital underwear.
“Now you are going to need to wear a bra like this for a while to protect your ‘girls’ until they are fully healed. The few stitches there and down below will fully absorb in time.”
“Nurse Debi? You said something yesterday that I’ve been wondering about. Something about not being able to resist. I don’t understand. How is that?”
“Well, your ‘therapy’ will be different than mine, so I can’t say with certainty what it will be like for you. But that test you took established a baseline for the AI Program. Your collar has, and your chastity will have, sensors that provide information to the Program so that it can ‘learn’ you—how you think, how you react—that kind of thing. It will also see, real time, what you are experiencing. The Program has been learning from your collar the whole time you have been here—through all those dreams and your reactions to my, well, you know, playing with your cute little penis. And the learning is progressive. Basically, over time, the Program comes to know your thoughts. Cutting edge stuff.”
“Once the chastity is engaged and calibrated with your collar the Program will take more and more control over you. Kind of like a full time dominant. Unfeeling, inflexible and unrelenting—only subject to the control of your Superior. My programming rewards me with sexual stimulation for compliance and obedience, and punishes me with sexual pain for disobedience, even for as small a thing as merely thinking about resisting or not obeying. That, coupled with the other conditionings, allows the Program to control your will. You learn pretty quickly. I didn’t even know what was happening. And those other conditionings? They’re more like brainwashing—among other things eroticizing everything The Manor wants you to be helplessly aroused by. And the Program uses that helplessness against you. Wicked stuff.”
Austin’s blood runs cold.
Things just got a whole lot worse!
“Nurse Debi, you have to help me get out of here! (Austin struggles against his bonds.) Now! Please? I beg you!”
“Sorry, Babes, I wish I could, but there is no way I can. It would be disobedience, and I would be severely punished.”
“Now you need to get some rest. (Again filling a hypodermic from a vial.) Tomorrow is going to be a big day!”
“Nurse Debi, please don’t!”
“Sorry Babes.”
She injects the contents of the hypodermic into the port in his arm.
“Sweet dreams!”
Part 5
Austin sleeps, dreams and hears voices. His mental will to resist the words is fading—progressively weakening. His conscious mind retains very little. His subconscious, however, hears and retains every word. In a semi-lucid moment he hears part of what is being said—
“There is being implanted within your mind, sissy, all the thoughts and images needed to turn you into a perfectly effeminate and mindlessly obedient sissy girl. Most of that work is done. The mere passage of time and your compulsions will do the rest. How long will it take, sissy? It doesn’t matter, because it will eventually happen. That is, if it hasn’t happened already. By now you accept that there is no longer a way out of this for you, sissy.”
“No one will ever think of you as male again. The moment they see you, the moment they hear you, the moment they smell you, the moment they observe your movements, they will see you only as a sissy ….”
The voices fade away.
Only to return—
“ … Among other responsibilities and duties, a sissy, particularly one who has been brought into domestic service, must worship and clean asses in a particular way. Unless her superior otherwise directs, a sissy girl is to be on her knees when worshiping a superior’s ass. She should start by smelling it—from top to bottom, gently spreading the cheeks. She must know her superior’s scent, sissy. Then, starting at the top, she should gently lick, in small licks, the entire length and depth, all the way to the bottom. She must know her superior’s taste, sissy. Once she has done this a time or two, she should move on to the center of attention—the dark brown part. She should tongue the rim of the opening, using circular motions, reversing every so often, but not penetrate it. Her superior will enjoy this. After lingering there, her tongue should start penetrating her superior, a little at at time, until her tongue is fully extended, and she should fuck her superior with her tongue, slowly at first, revisiting the circular rimming from time to time. She should continue until her superior directs her to stop. When to stop is not her choice … “
The dreaming continues, though, the words coming into and going out of focus, again and again.
Morning comes, and Austin stirs, slowly finding consciousness. The last night’s dreams, or voices, whatever they were, were even more disturbing and unsettling. So much talk of kneeling, kissing and worshiping things with his mouth and lips—women’s feet and backsides, men’s shoes and boots, men’s and women’s genitals. Some of it erotic and enticing, some of it humiliating and terrifying. But all somehow arousing. All while kneeling. In his dreams he couldn’t help but kneel and obey.
The awake Austin decides that he will never kneel and expose himself to those kinds of terrible things. Never.
“Good morning! I hope we slept well last night”
A smiling Nurse Debi startles Austin. He wonders how anyone can have so much energy and enthusiasm so early in the day?
She is again impeccably dressed in her uniform. Today’s pinafore is white with light blue stripes. A perfect match for her eyes. Austin catches the scent of her perfume as she moves about the room. His cock stirs.
Debi continues—
“Today is the big day! Today, the rest of your bandages come off and you’re going to be fitted with your ‘permanent’ chastity. I must say that I’ve gotten quite fond of my ‘little’ friend down there—I’ll really miss it. And it’s always so full! We’ll have to work in one last time!”
“Did you say ‘permanent’?”
“Well, I suppose that ‘technically’ it could be removed. I mean, mine can be removed, at least partially, but that’s for a reason—so I can be used for sex. My clit shield always stays on, so even if I’m getting fucked I cannot orgasm unless the Program allows it. But I cannot imagine a reason why anyone would want to use yours for sex. So why would anyone remove it?” Besides, I believe you are going to be fitted with the Axsmar lockable piercings. The titanium is very difficult to cut.”
“But, but … does Riley know?”
“Of course, silly. She’s the one who ordered it.”
The hangover from the night’s sleep, and all that went with it, coupled with this news, overwhelms Austin’s weakening sissy mind.
Debi continues—
“The wonderful thing about these male chastities is that once they are on the male’s genital area becomes indistinguishable from a chastitied female’s area.”
Austin doesn’t understand—
“How can that be?”
“Well, the female version consists of a clitoral shield, which is attached by several piercings, and an oblong metal retaining ring, somewhat similar to a ‘Fufu Clip’, which captures the mons. A controller, basically several microchips and a power supply, is embedded within the thicker top of the ring. The top part of the ring mates with the clit shield, and the lower part of the ring, which captures and spreads the labia, is attached via several piercings —through the vulval ‘lips’. The female retainer differs from the male retainer in that in the female version the bar that separates the labia can be removed, but not by the wearer, for hygiene and other purposes.”
“For the male, a modified clitoral shield of about the same size is attached to and curled around the glans of the penis, held on by similar piercings, then the whole thing is covered by the ring, and piercings secure the retainer. The doctor who did your breasts is quite capable, and by reducing the skin where your testicles once were and inserting small implants you now have something resembling a female mons and labia to support the piercings.”
“So two clitoral shields, two sets of pierced ‘lips’ and identical controllers. There you have it—two identical ‘pussies’ in chastity! And the pussies tend to be wet most of the time too—but for different reasons. The only ways to tell them apart are by smell, and taste, of course.
“But wait! You said I still have testicles?”
“Right, you do. But they are now above everything— tucked into your inguinal canals, courtesy of the surgeries. Out of sight. Your ball sack is quite empty, and quite a bit smaller.”
Austin is speechless. Debi continues on—
“We should probably start by cleaning you up!”
The nurse adeptly removes the hospital underwear, and proceeds to wipe Austin clean. This has the expected effect and Austin’s cock quickly finds its way into Debi’s mouth.
She looks up, pausing momentarily—
“This is so my favorite part of being a nurse! Or is it of being a slut? Gosh, I don’t know. Maybe both?”
Austin finds himself desperate to cum as she talks. She notices—
“Oh, sorry! I lost my train of thought! Now where was I? Oh yes, … (again dropping her head)!”
She returns to her task and soon Austin finds himself squirting and squirting into her luscious mouth.
It takes a moment for Austin to recover. Debi continues about her work.
“You are absolutely fantastic at that. How did you get to be so good?”
“Why thank you! I wish I could take credit for that but it’s all The Manor. I absolutely hated it before I was sent here. But don’t worry, you will be just as good at it once you finish your training.”
“Just as good at it?”
“Oh Dear! I shouldn’t have said that. But yes, they are going to train you to be a slut too. Sorry! It says so right there on your chart. And the programming has already started—those voices, you know? You’ll be just like me, but not a nurse slut. You’ll be a maid slut, I guess.(Giggling.) Won’t that be wonderful?”
Things don’t seem to be improving for poor Austin!
“All right, let’s see what you look like under those bandages.”
Debi gently peels away the bandages, and uses a solution to remove the excess adhesive. She steps back—
“Babes, you are absolutely beautiful! Full pillowy lips, perfect cheekbones, cute nose—all I can say is wow! Here. Look!”(Holding up a mirror.) “That doc is amazing!”
Austin looks at himself in the mirror and is stunned. He can kind of recognize himself, but all traces of maleness are gone.
“Nurse Debi, this is scaring me.”
“Oh Babes, it will be okay.”
“But I don’t know how to be a girl!”
“It will be okay, I promise. I will help you Babes. And I know The Manor will ‘help’ as well.”
Just then a physician’s assistant and another nurse come into Austin’s room. Miss Hall is with them.
WOW!!! i a surprised!! miss Debroh Ford the way you explain and use typical word i google many time to understand properly … that tech part of chastity and the medical one. Well now i understand how hard to find appropriate word.
I mean writing on sissy maid theam is really tough… then writing a romance story. What you say Chloe-Anne. I suggest you must ans every comment as a respect for D.Ford after-all she use your name. And that Nurse Debi… just imagine Chloe-Anne and Debi togather….. I am still big j**** and you are Lucky do some work for miss as a respect.
Yes. Chloe’s story is a romance story and I also appreciate Chloe’s work.
Thank you Arvi! I tried to imagine a place in Miss Ford’s sissy universe where artificial intelligence becomes the sissy’s mistress, aided by others who are also controlled. Very scary place indeed.
Miss Ford has been super encouraging, and I have been very fortunate.
And Arvi, I will admit to having a bit of a crush on Nurse Debi as well!
Thank you Arvi! I think we can both agree that Miss Ford’s stories and characters are the best! The real lesson here is beware when your Mistress gets horny for the Bull and has a little too much to drink. You could end up anywhere! At least poor Austin has Nurse Debi to “comfort” him. And he sure isn’t having an easy experience with this artificial intelligence.
And hope you enjoy the rest!
Oops! Blonde moment—had a technical glitch and yesterday’s comments got lost wherever these things go when they get lost. When I posted today, they miraculously reappeared. I’m such a bimbo!
oh yea …. it’s technical glitch … it happen to me also … but i also thanks to glitch .. look any comments fro you thank-you chloe-Anne
oh yea … defiantly “we can both agree that Miss Ford’s stories and characters are the best!” 100% agree.
opps! Blonde moment on my side too… or i am always in. Anyway i mean “oh yea …. it’s technical glitch … it happen to me also … but i also thanks to glitch .. look many comments from you thank-you chloe-Anne”