Bill and Tracy Part 9 by Chloe-Ann Vixen

Part 9

Being rendered helpless, particularly as completely as it had been done (by her own hand, with a little help from her friend), was a completely new experience for Tracy. She had expected her arousal to lessen once her friend left, but that didn’t happen. In fact, she had now been wearing the chastity belt for several hours, and it was doing its work on her–constantly holding and squeezing her genitals. She was very aware of her arousal and sexual frustration building and building. And there was nothing she could do about it.

Making matters worse were the gag and the weights on her nipples.

She had gagged many a submissive, and had even worn one herself for short periods, but never long enough to experience the psychological effects that being gagged can cause. It started as a feeling of alarm, her mouth being held open—jaws forced apart. She desperately wanted it out—but it was locked on and her hands were useless. And her tongue piercing just made matters worse. The alarm and panic soon melded into a helplessness, and finally an uncomfortable capitulation—she gave in to the unpleasantness of being gagged. Bound as she was, she was at its mercy.

And her nipples were on fire—it felt like her weighted piercings were tearing them from her chest. While the reality was that the weights were doing no damage, the pain and anxiety were very real. With every shift of her weight, they swung. Even when she breathed, they moved. There was no choice but to accept the pain, and to avoid moving as much as possible.

It was then that something interesting started to happen. Something that had never happened to her before. Tracy started helplessly drifting into something akin to subspace. And with this, she found her arousal accelerating.

“Please no, I don’t want this!” She thought. But something inside her did. Wanted it very much, in fact.

She cursed herself for having put herself in this predicament. Her arousal deepened.

She thought about her situation, and caught a glimpse at the gear on display around her. Oh hell! Why hadn’t she have been more careful? She throbbed beneath her belt as she realized that she might have to submit to any or all of the instruments she had put out for Bill.

She had unwittingly crafted the perfect trap for herself.

Part 10

When Bill returned to the apartment he called out for Tracy to let her know he was back. There was no answer. “That’s odd,” he thought. She must have stepped out.

He found the envelope on the table in the foyer, addressed to “Birthday Boy,” opened it and read the note. Parts of the note were cryptic, particularly about the keys, but he understood it well enough to know that she was asking him to put on his black robe and boxers and go to the back room. Easy enough.

“She must have something planned.”

He dressed as directed. When he opens the door to the room to find his “second” present, he is both astonished and surprised. It takes only a few short moments for a huge smile to form on his face.

Before him stands a real live fetish model, a sissy fetish model, restrained for his pleasure. He had never imagined such a thing.

“Tracy, is that you?”

She nods, feeling actual shame, and involuntarily projecting submissiveness.

“I’ve seen that dress before and know where it came from. Wow! How did you know? I mean, I never told you.”

She shrugs an “I don’t know.”

“I need to get a better look.”

He moves in closer and starts inspecting his gift.

She was right! He was into feminization. She knew right then that her darling Bill was, or at least had been, a sissy. So the Plan worked. Yea Tracy! But she was still dressed, bound and gagged. The Plan hadn’t fully taken that into consideration.

Bill seemed to be enjoying his treat. He circled behind her, noting her locked-on shoes, the lovely stockings and cuffs. Her panties and garter straps could be seen—the petticoated skirt high in the back. And he spied through the fabric of her panties the metal chains connecting between her legs, and, wait, a pink-jeweled plug buried in her lovely ass. My oh my!

Bill’s silence makes Tracy ever more nervous with worry. Though putting on a good face, she is dying inside and throbbing down below. She is afraid of what he might do to her, intensely aroused by the thought of it, and wondering how she could be feeling this way.

Bill is intrigued by the chastity chains, and reaches out to touch them. The touch of his hand fills Tracy with erotic shivers. His hand follows the chains to the shield.

“Is this what I think it is?” (Looking to her eyes.)

She nods meekly.

His other hand reaches around her waist and strokes down her front, first finding the waist belt and then the shields. He explores the shields with his fingers, finding that her panties are quite moist, drenched, in fact, his fingers now covered by a slippery wetness.

“Can you feel this? Down there?”

She shakes her head “no.” “Unfortunately,” she thinks.

“Interesting. Very interesting.”

He touches and explores it more.

“Still nothing?”

Again “no.”

He looks at his hand and rubs his thumb against the wetness on his fingers—

“Looks like something down there is excited. Very excited.”

Tracy starts to wish it wasn’t true, but then again, … .

“I wonder what other surprises we have?”

He examines the gag.

“I see this is locked on. Keys in the foyer?”

A nod “yes.”

“I like that.”

She shivers again, still not knowing where this is going.

He caresses her ass, finding and touching the jeweled end of the plug. The plug wiggles in response, and the internal movement unexpectedly causes almost an electric sensation back there. She wonders what signal her plugged ass sends to him.

“Very nice.”

She inhales sharply as he cups her breasts.

“What do I feel here?”

He peeks down the front of her dress and sees the piercings and weights.

“That is amazing! So pretty. But I bet those do hurt!” (Moving the weights ever so slightly from side to side.)

Tracy winces perceptibly.

“So this is my present? You, like this, my present?”

She nods, hoping he is pleased.

“Well I love it! Absolutely love it! You really shouldn’t have!”

Tracy couldn’t agree more with the last part!

All this time Bill was processing the scene. She knew he was submissive when it came to these games, and she had obviously figured out what his fetish had been. And here she was offering to submit to him on that basis. He could just unlock the bindings and let her go as he really wanted to fuck her right then and there. But no, that would be refusing his present, and might hurt her feelings. He could never do that.

So, fine, he would dominate her—she obviously wanted him to. And then he could fuck her!

He looks around—

“My god, look at all the toys!”

He had read and experienced enough in this area that he thought that if he kept it simple he could pull this off. But he needed a few minutes to work out how best to do this. But first, he need to establish control.

“Tracy, you are the most amazing and beautiful creature I have had the pleasure to have known. And I know well what you are asking here. And I will honor your request. But understand that this will be real, and not fantasy or pretend, so prepare yourself. I am now going to blindfold you so that you can think about what is going to happen to you in a few short minutes.”

He picks up a blindfold, and gently stretches it across her eyes. He strokes her hair gently for a few minutes, examines the gear on display for a few more, then steps out of the room.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Thinks Tracy. As she thinks this, though, her vagina involuntary clenches and spasms, tightening the metal grip of the chastity.

Part 11

Though lacking experience on that side of the ropes, Bill does a credible job as a dominant. He maintains control throughout, making Tracy squeal at the intended times. He started by spanking her, demonstrating his control and showing her how vulnerable she was. He introduced her to the cane with a few light strokes, used clover clamps and additional small weights on her already stretched nipples—always taking care and watching her reaction at each step. He wanted her to enjoy this, and judging by her arousal and the moans and other sounds she was making, she did.

One of his personal submissive fantasies centered around being hogtied. In his fantasy, he was on his stomach, cuffed at the wrists and ankles, the cuffs joined behind his back, and wearing an uncomfortable gag. Having been secured like that before, he knew that the pressure the position placed on his crotch would cause his arousal to build, while at the same time the discomfort from the restraints and attendant stiffness would make him struggle against his bonds—in actuality making things worse. In the fantasy, it would be at the point at which things started to get very uncomfortable and the frustrated arousal became intense that the dominant would start systematically tightening the restraints—thus amplifying the arousal and discomfort. And then, at just the right time, the dominant would turn their attention to his ass, using their fingers and toys to penetrate, probe and violate. He decided to try this with Tracy.

He did his best, and it worked exactly as he imagined. And he found it quite exciting—almost cumming himself while playing with her ass as she squirmed, fully restricted.

After this, he suspects that she has probably endured enough, and starts to bring her out of her state.

“In a moment I am going to release you and we are going to take some time together. You will, however, stay dressed until I say otherwise. When your chastity belt gets unlocked will depend completely on your behavior. Nod if you understand.”

Tracy nods.

“This is where the real fun begins,” thinks Bill.

He unlocks her from her bondage, leaving her collar and cuffs, their d rings no longer connected, on. He picks her up and cradles her in his arms.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, darling, I am. More than okay.”

“I hope I didn’t do too much.”

“You were perfect! But I thought you had never done that before?”

“I hadn’t, but I have been on the receiving end of end a few times and have read a little.”

“Well thank you, ‘Sir’. You were magnifithent!”

“The pleasure was all mine. And I love my present!”

They kiss, sweetly, yet passionately. He notices the tongue piercing for the first time.

“Is that what I think it is on your tongue?”


“Wow! You really went all out!”

“Well, it ITH your birthday weekend!”

“About that, you know our little session here isn’t quite over.”

“Yeth Sir. I am yours to do with what you pleathe .”

“That’s a good girl. I know you are, and you are going to have to earn having your chastity unlocked.”

“Any thoughts on what you might need to do to earn it?”

Tracy considers the question and smiles—

“Well, do you know what thith tongue ball is really for!”

Part 12

It took a good bit of sucking and swallowing, but Tracy finally earned her release. Bill was one happy guy, and after she successfully mounted him twice, Tracy was one happy girl. It was late afternoon before they finished. As her first free act, Tracy switched out the tongue ball and reinserted the retainer. She had made dinner reservations at an excellent seafood restaurant for 8:00. They showered, dressed and found themselves enjoying a glass of wine before leaving.

Bill is curious—

“So what gave you the idea, and how did you know?”

“It was a guess. I was pretty sure. But I didn’t want to go back to where either of us once were. So I used my imagination. I’ll admit that I really enjoyed it. I can see now how you might’ve enjoyed that kind of thing too. The chastity belt was dreadful, though! It didn’t hurt, but it drove me absolutely nuts!

“Yeah. The chastity thing is powerful stuff. Strong medicine.”

“And is my boyfriend a budding dominant?”

“Only for you, Babe. Only for you. But the next time, if there is a next time, that belt is going to stay on a lot longer!”

“I can hardly wait!”

The dinner and wine were wonderful.

They made tender love one more time before bed.

The next day, Saturday, was spent with Tracy showing Bill around the city, shopping and eating. They stayed close to each other the entire day. Bill’s actual birthday dinner was at an inn about an hour away in the wine country, at which they stayed the night, returning to her apartment late afternoon Sunday. She cooked a light dinner, and they watched television cuddled on the couch like an old married couple.

Monday, and the end of their weekend, arrived too soon. Bill had several calls, on East coast time, early. And Tracy had to go into the office for the morning—she promised to be home by lunch at the latest, and left a little after 8:00.

After his calls wrapped up, Bill was left alone in the apartment and decided to he would get a start on packing. He walked by the open door to the playroom on his way to the bedroom. Something pink, the sissy dress, caught his eye. He went in to examine it more closely.

Tracy had draped the dress over the back of a chair, and had neatly placed the wig and the other parts of the uniform on the seat of the chair.

Bill held up the dress—it still smelled of her perfume.

He was a little larger than she, but the dress had elastic where it gathered and fitted. He thought maybe he could get it on. He had sworn off wearing women’s clothing, and he was very tempted. But he put the dress down. No, he wouldn’t yield to that.

Then he noticed the bra and panties. He picked them up. The panties were obviously in need of laundering—they smelled strongly of her, but they would definitely fit. And the bra, in which her breasts looked so lovely, had some stretch to it. The bra would be too large in the cups, but he could wear it as well. Tempting.

Finally, his resolve weakened His inner sissy reasoned that it wouldn’t hurt to try the things on. Tracy wouldn’t be there, and only he would know. It would be harmless, so why not?

He went to the bedroom and took off his clothes, and returned naked, with a budding erection, to the playroom. First the panties. So very, very sissy, but so very, very hot (in a femmie kind of way).Then the bra—a little disappointing in that it wasn’t as tight as he liked his bras, but still pervy.

Would he try the suspender belt and stockings?

That question had already been answered. He pulled the belt up to his waist, and threaded the garter straps and clips through the waist and leg openings of the panties. He then rolled the stockings up over his hairy legs and attached the clips.

He looked at himself in the mirror.

“Truly naughty stuff! I love it.”

Now for the dress. He pulled it on, marveling at the fullness of the internal petticoat.

“No wonder I could see her panties from behind!”

The shoes? Too small. But he could try the wig.

He placed the wig on his head and, using the mirror, more or less smoothed it out.

“Not bad!”

He looked around. Was there anything else he could try? He thought no to the collar and cuffs. Just then he noticed something else pink. Folded up on a shelf was a pile of matching pink fabric.

Curious, he picked it up and unfolded it.

“Mincing ribbons? My god!”

He had to put them on!

He affixed them to his wrists and ankles, and minced around in front of the mirror.

“This is so over the top!”

Just then—

“Honey, I’m home!”

Crap! It was Tracy! Her meeting must have ended early.

“Don’t come back here, I’m changing.”

“Don’t be silly.I’m … , i’m … .” (She sees him dressed, trying to cover himself.)

“My, my, my. What DO we have here?”

“Tracy! I can explain. It’s not like that. I was only curious. Let me take it off and we can talk about it.”

A big smile comes across her face.

“No. No. No. You will not take it off, young lady. That is most certainly not going to happen!”

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