Austin and Riley continuation by Chloe Part Three

Austin dreams. He dreams strange strange dreams. And the dreams have almost a hallucinatory quality–as would accompany a  fevered sleep. In his dreams he hears voices. Feminine voices talking about feminine things. Odd feminine things. And the dreams repeat—over and over and over. 
After a time, he feels himself starting to regain consciousness. As he fights to awaken, he finds that he cannot move. His arms, legs, won’t respond—almost like they are being held. He struggles, with no success. Eventually he accepts the futility of his efforts, and relaxes. 
He notices that there is something covering part of his face. He also becomes aware of a tightness from his chest down to his thighs—squeezing or constricting the areas. And he aches between the legs. He also notices a clear bag half full of  liquid being held on a stalk above him—the tube running down from the bag no doubt administering some kind of  intravenous  substance. 
“Good morning sleepyhead!” 
He is startled by a smiling nurse Debi. She is wearing her white uniform, form fitting and cut short, and white nylons. Her uniform is accentuated by a pink-striped nurse’s pinafore and white cap, impeccable hair and perfect makeup. Delicately perfumed. A walking dream. 
“Where am I?”
As he speaks, he realizes the his voice isn’t a resonant as it usually is. 
“And what’s wrong with my voice? I sound like a girl!”
“You are recuperating from some minor surgeries. Nothing to be concerned about—everything is fine and you are healing quite nicely. One of the surgeries affected your voice, that’s all. Again, nothing you should worry about. And you are at The Manor.”
Austin remembers the events  leading up to going through some kind of test—but everything after that is blank. Except for those unsettling dreams. 
“But why, and why can’t I move?”
“The easy answer first. The medical restraints are to keep you from moving—from popping a stitch from the surgeries, or trying to get away. There’s no use in struggling against them or trying  to escape. The Segufix  are quite secure.”
“As for the why, that’s more complicated. First, you are here because someone wants you here, and that someone must have a reason.  And why here? Because The Manor has ways of changing people in lots of different ways, both physically and psychologically. I was sent here to be changed, as have you.”
“Changed? Into what?”
“That depends on the client’s preference. And you are not the client. The client is the one who pays the bills. I was sent here by my husband, well, ex-husband, to be made more sexually ‘compliant’—basically to be turned into a slut. And so that’s what am. Anything  sexual is irresistible to me.”
“But you’re a nurse?”
“Yes, I am a nurse. And a very good nurse. When my Superiors are away, I am sent here and work as a nurse. And they have been away quite a lot. But I am still a nurse. Nurses can be sluts too, you know. Trust me! See—look at my collar.”
Austin looks at her collar—below “Debi” the smaller print reads “Candy Striiper Slut.”
“But what have I been sent here for?”
“Let me look.” (Picking up and looking at his chart—her brow furrows with concern.) She continues, almost sympathetically   “Quite a lot, in fact. I’m not permitted to share, but I can tell you that the application states that you are a maid and your Mistress wants you to become more feminine and more obedient, and a far better maid. Apparently the voice is part of it.”
“Is my voice going to be like this forever?”
“Afraid so. But it is quite a pleasant girl’s voice—almost sexy.”
“The ache between my legs, did they … ?”
“You mean …? No, no, no. Everything is still there. Just a few piercings, an implant or two and surgical things to make way for your new chastity.”
“I still have to wear one? 
“Afraid so.  Anyone who is collared must. It’s part of how the Program controls us. I’m wearing one.”
“That means that you are being controlled?”
“That’s correct. As  you are, or soon will be.”
“But  you seem okay with it. I don’t understand.”
“It’s not really a matter of me being okay with it. The Program and other conditionings make it impossible not to accept. Resistance isn’t possible.”
Austin puzzles about the last part—of course he would be able to resist and escape this insanity—just as soon as Riley comes back and gets him out of here. Until then, he may have no choice but to go along. 
“Now, it’s time to clean you up. This will be the first time I’ve done this while you’ve been awake.”
“First time? How long have I been here?”
“This will be the fourth day.”
“Four days?”
“Yes. Mostly to make it easier for The Manor to manage the process. But the neuro-linguistic programming has already begun.”
“Programming? The voices?”
“That’s right. And you’re being given some special ‘medication’ to enhance its effects and speed along the process (she nods at the clear bag of liquid).  It will make you girlier, too.  Now,  first thing, I have to change you—your pants.”
Debi pulls on a pair of latex gloves,  and unzips something covering Austin’s lower body. As she does he feels the constriction release. She then undoes the Velcro on the sides of his hospital underwear and throws the used item in a bin, and cleans him up using moist serviettes. Austin tries unsuccessfully to peer  over his chest to see what he looks like below. 
Debi’s ministrations  make his cock start to get hard.
“Looks like everything is healing nicely down here, it will only be a day or two now, and I think we can do away with your surgical girdle—maybe just replace it with a waist support.” She slides the girdle off,  freeing his body from the waist down. “Oh and look! That’s one of the cutest little things I’ve ever seen! Is that as big as it gets? Mind if I? I’ll be gentle.”
Austin, thinking she just wants to touch it , answers  “Sure.”
He sees her lower her head, and inhales sharply when he feels her warm mouth on it. 
“What are you …  ? Oh my!  Please don’t stop!”
Debi responds, her mouth still full,  with a garbled “Don’t you worry about that!, “ and expertly brings him to orgasm. The orgasm lasts and lasts, courtesy of his having been denied  for so long, and except for a drip on her cheek and one on her chin, she captures it all, savoring and swallowing.  She looks up at Austin—“That was truly impressive! How on earth can such a small little thing produce so much goo? I’ve never seen so much at one time!”
Austin struggles  to speak—
“Did you just do what I think you did, know you did?”
(Smiling and acting coy, carelessly stroking his deflating nub.) “Yes. I hope it was okay. As I mentioned earlier I’m a slut—unable to resist sexually pleasing people, even sissies like you. It’s just a part of my conditioning.”
“It was fantastic! Your tongue felt awesome!”
“Thank you. A girl should always take pride in her work. And the tongue thing, that was because of the  piercing.” (Debi shows Austin  her tongue, revealing a small one centimeter metal ball in the center.) “Part of the ‘slut’ package, I’m afrsaid.”
She continues—
“If you don’t  mind me asking, may I do that again sometime soon? I mean real soon, before they put on your chastity? After that, I’ll only be able to lick the sissy drool off it. Still good, but not even close to being the same.”
“Um, yeah, well, sure. Of course.  Any time. But Nurse Debi, I’m not really a sissy.”
(Sympathetically, touching his cheek.) “Of course you’re not, dear. But at this point, it doesn’t matter what you once were.”
Debi finishes cleaning Austin up, fits him with and zips up a constricting waist support,  gives his limp little thing a peck, and redresses him in clean pants. 
“Now I have to get on with my rounds (as she picks up  a hypodermic and starts filling it from a vial). I’m  going to give you some ‘medicine’  that may make you have some very lucid dreams—but what you think you are dreaming will really be from the recorded  programming you will be hearing. It’s kind of like an accelerator. “
“No, … please?”
Austin struggles against his bonds  as she injects the substance into the port in his arm. 
“Sweet dreams, Babes. I’ll be back to ‘change’ you  again (winking) in a while.”

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