Austin and Riley continuation by Chloe Part Two – sorry posted out of order!!! x

Part two (honest – forgot to post part two, Deborah Ford)


Austin and Riley continuation by Chloe Part Two


Miss Steel and Miss Hall walk Riley to her car.

Riley is overcome by a tremendous sense of relief. She did it! She actually did it! And in a few hours she’ll be getting off a plane in the Madives and shortly thereafter getting her brains fucked out. Life is good. So very very good!

And when she comes back and collects her Maid? Life will be even better!

Miss Steel and Miss Hall watch Riley drive off.

“I don’t know what you’re thinking Abigail, but I sure would like to get our hands on that one.”

“There’s definitely some potential there, Susan.”

“You know, I just might have met that Corbin. I think I’ve seen him at the Club a time or two. But not with her in collar. I’ll make a couple calls.”


Austin finds himself being led down a very clean white-tiled hallway.

“Sir, I do believe there has been some kind of misunderstanding. I should be able to sort this out with Riley, with my wife. I really don’t need to be tended while she’s away. If I could only call her …”

The valet cuts him off, sharply—

“Sissy, I assure you that there has not been a misunderstanding. The Manor never makes a mistake. Your wife, your Mistress, applied for you to be accepted , attended a thorough and extensive interview, has told us exactly what she wants done and is paying a considerable sum for this. Matters couldn’t be clearer.”

“Did you say ‘The Manor?’ “

“Yes. The Manor. That’s where you are and where you will be for the next four weeks.”

Austin turns ashen. He remembers The Manor web site and the services the site claimed they provided. But he had been certain that the whole site wasn’t real, that it was pretend, and just put up for wank bait. He breaks out in a cold sweat. Sir would have known—he must have put Riley up to this!

“By the way, sissy, I like your frock!”

Austin shudders, and pretends not to have heard the man. They keep walking.

“Now sissy, in a minute I am going to be leaving you with a nice lady who is going to clean you up and get you ready for the rest of your day. She will be taking off your handcuffs. Don’t get any ideas though. That collar of yours is staying on and will keep you obedient, and upon her command it will deliver quite a nasty electrical pulse—strong enough to drop you to your knees, maybe even cause you to loose consciousness. My advice is to be good, cooperative and compliant. All this is going to happen whether you fight it or not.”

Austin swallows hard.

The valet leads Austin to a door marked “Reception.” They are greeted by a very pretty blonde woman in a white nursing uniform. A very sexualized nursing uniform—starched white accentuating large full breasts, perfectly nipped at the waist and a very short hemline. Opaque white stockings or tights covering impossibly long legs. Perfect makeup. If not for the real rubber-soled Pimsoll nursing shoes she was wearing Austin would have been certain that she was of some other profession.

The nurse is wearing a collar identical to Austin’s, only her screen shows her name—“Debi,” with some smaller print below.

The handcuffs are released and the valet leaves.

Debi is all business.

“Please remove your clothes.”

Austin hesitates, almost frozen.

“I said remove your clothes—strip!”

He immediately complies.

“Bra and panties too, please.”

“Yes ma’am.”

When he takes down his panties to reveal his chastity, the nurse smiles at how small it is. Austin flushes red.

“That’s, uh, impressive!” (giggling.) She unlocks his chastity.

Austin had read enough sissy fiction to know that this was when his body hair would be removed. He had precious little to begin with, and even less because of Sir.

“Now we are going to permanently remove all of your body hair below the neck—except for a small patch or landing strip down below. This lotion, coupled with a few minutes under this special laser, will take care of that.”

Austin winced. He hadn’t expected to hear the word “permanent,” but then again hadn’t believed that this place existed.

After the treatment, he was showered and dried, and dressed in what appeared to be a hospital gown. He thought this odd. He also thought it was odd that she hadn’t replaced his chastity. In case the nurse hadn’t noticed, his dick certainly had, and it angrily made a tent, albeit a very small tent, in the front of his gown.

He wanted so badly to grab it, rub it and make it cum, but dared not.

The nurse attaches a leash to his collar—


Back through the white-tiled hallway she leads him until they come to a door marked “AI Lab.” They enter.

In the lab there is a hard-backed wooden armchair and table with some electronic components. A large video screen is mounted on the wall.

“Please sit, and place your arms on the arms of the chair. We are going to need you to be still, so I am going to bind your arms and legs to the chair.”

She brings up straps from under the arms of the chair, and buckles them, holding Austin’s wrists to the chair. She repeats this with his ankles, fastening them tight. From a box on the table she retrieves a bundle of wires, each with a contact pad at the end, and what looks like a head cap—also with wires extending out. One by one, she applies gel to each pad and tapes the pads in various places around Austin’s body, finishing with several contacts attached to his cock. She fits the cap on his head, and plugs the leads into a small console.

“Are you giving me a medical test’?”, he asks.

She smiles. “This isn’t medical. It’s how The Manor measures your physiological responses to various stimuli. The responses will be analyzed using artificial intelligence, and the analysis will be used by the program to predict, monitor and manipulate your future responses to stimuli.”

Austin doesn’t quite understand what she says, and shivers fearfully.

The nurse notices his anxiety and concern and gently pats his shoulder.

Don’t worry Babes, you’re going to be okay.

She leaves, turning the lights off as she does. At that, the screen comes to life.

A slide show starts. The time between slides averages about five seconds. Some of the slides are accompanied by audio, some are not. The slides take Austin through a wide range of feelings and emotions, fear, anger, arousal, aggression, submissiveness and others. One series of slides tests how he would react to the possibility of escape, another series tests how he would react to having to do things he would rather not do.

The slide show finally ends, and he is relieved when the lights come on and the nurse returns.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it? Now I’m afraid that we’re going to have to give you a little shot.” She fills a hypodermic from a vial. “It will, well, let you rest.” As she is about to administer the shot another nurse enters the room pushing what looks like a hospital gurney.

“All set Debi?”

“Just giving him the shot, so almost.”

Austin feels the needle slide into his arm, and things get foggier and foggier, until he sleeps.

“All set.”

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