Agony Aunt for distraught sissys number 04

elizabeth_blackwellThe esteemed Professor Elizabeth Gottman-Finnkel, MD, PhD, Pys.D, D.O, FRCP, MSc, DrSc and DdPH expert in Relationships and sexual studies is our very own Agony Aunt. She has studied this area for over 6 decades, lectured in every major university and won two Nobel prizes.




From Scarlet,

Dear Professor Elizabeth Gottman-Finnkel,

I earnestly beseech you to explain the difference between punishment and entertainment to my wife’s lover! he bought this cage for me as a punishment or when he doesn’t want to be bothered with me, which is fair enough of course. BUT now he puts me away in the cage all the time because he thinks I look cute in the cage! I mean please!

Then he takes endless pictures to show to his friends. I have included a few here for you to see what a selfish brute he can be.

And it is no good asking my wife because she thinks it is incredibly funny. Please professor how can I explain to him the difference between punishment and his own selfish entertainment?


Love and wishes, Scarlet


Blonde Babe - Bound - Gagged & Caged 05 Blonde Babe - Bound - Gagged & Caged 07 Blonde Babe - Bound - Gagged & Caged 06


*Note from The Hotel:

dumb blonde 02Sadly Professor Elizabeth Gottman-Finnkel, MD, PhD, Pys.D, D.O, FRCP, MSc, DrSc and DdPH cannot be with us today so we have asked little Debbie to answer for her.

This is Debbie’s considered advice …




OMG Scarlet! You do look sooooooo cute. He is just sooooo right. Infuriating isn’t it when he always turns out to be right like that. Did he really buy that cage just for you!!!! Oh isnt he soooo sweet. I had to put up with a an old dog cage for years! You are soooo lucky.And where did you get that gorgeous pink gag, it is like sooo delicious. I want one! I have just the shoes to match it.


This cage is like so totally awesome. I am going to put this high up on Christmas Card list. I want to look as cute as that! Totally.  Thank you for sharing.


Oh, oh, oh. Almost forgot. What am I like? Erm difference between punishment and entertainment? Well, punishment is when he or your wife does something because you have been naughty and entertainment is when they do something to you for, erm, well, like, entertainment I guess. Difficult to explain right now. Anyways I am Googling cages so a bit busy.











2 thoughts on “Agony Aunt for distraught sissys number 04

  1. Kandi says: Debbie is right! Scarlet looks sooo cute in the cage! Don’t know what Scarlet is complaining about – there’s room to turn round. If Scarlet were tied up and couldn’t move at all, that would be punishment!

  2. I think you are totally right Kandi. Some sissies just seem to want to complain for complaining sake! And she does look really cute, DF

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